Hosein Mahdavi


False Ceiling
Visual Effects
Meysam and Tina have just married and are renting a new building. One day they start washing the car in the parking lot and a few hours later they find out that it has fallen down. They have doubts whethet to tell the truth or hide it from their neighbors, and conflict between them to find the culprit ensues. Then they discover more serious problems.
Starless Dreams
Sound Designer
Heavy snow falls from the sky as heavily-armed guards patrol the walls of an Iranian centre of correction and rehabilitation. Inside, the girls are waiting at the food counter. Among them are underage mothers and others who are married. All of them ended up here after becoming involved in crime. Drug dealing, assault, murder. Yet instead of cold-blooded criminals we discover friendly, warm young people who laugh, sing and cry together. Their close bonds have been forged by the troubled past they share. We learn of their fears of having to return to the lives they once left behind. The documental camera is intimate but respectful, the resulting portraits are full of dignity.
The Last Days of Winter
Sound Mixer
Supervising Sound Editor
Impedida de exercer sua profissão por participar de campanhas ativistas contra o governo, uma jovem advogada de Teerã tenta conseguir um visto para deixar o país. Seu marido, um jornalista político, foi exilado e enviado para trabalhar no deserto. Grávida e sozinha, ela se cansou do Irã e considera interromper sua gravidez para conseguir sair do país por meio de um plano complexo.
Sound Designer
Impedida de exercer sua profissão por participar de campanhas ativistas contra o governo, uma jovem advogada de Teerã tenta conseguir um visto para deixar o país. Seu marido, um jornalista político, foi exilado e enviado para trabalhar no deserto. Grávida e sozinha, ela se cansou do Irã e considera interromper sua gravidez para conseguir sair do país por meio de um plano complexo.
Qandil Mountains
Sound Effects
Against the violent yet stunning backdrop of the Qandil Mountains, a film that asks the most basic yet painful of questions about war, love, and lost ones.
O Homem Que Chegou Com a Neve
Sound Designer
Após o colapso da União Soviética, em um dos cantos que formavam a antiga união das repúblicas socialistas soviéticas (URSS), um misterioso homem adentra o interior de um bar. Ninguém o conhece e, a princípio, ninguém presta muita atenção nele. No entanto, conforme o tempo passa, sua presença começa a se tornar incômoda para os outros frequentadores do bar, construindo uma atmosfera de tensão qualquer coisa pode acontecer.
E Buda Desabou de Vergonha
Sound Mixer
Baktay tem seis anos e vive com sua família em Bamian, cidade em que tesouros da cultura local, como as estátuas de Buda, foram destruídas pelos talibãs. Instigada por seus vizinhos que já sabem ler, ela faz de tudo para poder estudar em uma escola para meninas que abre do outro lado do rio. Quando segue para a escola, no caminho encontra um grupo de garotos acostumados a brincadeiras de guerra, que resolvem prendê-la como prisioneira.
Nose Iranian Style
Sound mixer
A look at the reasons why every year 70,000 Iranians have a nose job.
Sex & Philosophy
Sound Mixer
In the midst of a mid-life crisis Jan, a 40 year old dancing teacher, decides to instigate a revolution against himself. His first act is to summon each of his four lovers, who are unaware of each other, to join him at the dance studio where we assume he is a tutor. His revelations to the women prompt a discourse about love and the fleeting nature of happiness. But when he comes to the fourth and final woman, he finds that his own philosophy of love is not as easy to apply as he had presumed. He realizes that the more the contemporary world has become sexually oriented the farther it has moved away from love...
Bitter Dream
Sound Designer
For forty years, Esfandiar has been unconcernedly preparing corpses for the journey to their final resting place. One day, whilst preparing a burial service, he's taken ill. Might he too be mortal?
Two Angels
Sound Editor
In a small religious town in Iran, Ali After a fight with his father, escapes to the desert where he hears music for the first time in his life: a shepherd who plays Ney. From that moment his life changes forever.
Sound Designer
Em pleno regime Talibã no Afeganistão uma menina é obrigada a cortar o cabelo e se vestir como se fosse um menino para ajudar sua família, que é composta apenas de mulheres. A farsa é descoberta na escola, quando percebem que ela está sangrando por entre as pernas.
And Along Came a Spider
Sound Mixer
A shocking portrait of the world of a recently captured serial killer, who sees his killing of prostitutes as in accordance with Islamic teaching. Over the space of a year, 16 women were murdered in the Iranian city of Mashad. Because the victims were lured into the killer's traps, the press soon called these the "spider killings." All but one of the victims had previously been arrested for prostitution and drug-related crimes. When a 39-year-old contractor is arrested and confesses to the crimes, he claims divine support for his crimes. His mother, wife, son, and many neighbors agree. AND ALONG CAME A SPIDER visits with the families of the victims, with the perpetrator and his family, and with prostitutes in this holy city. Most chillingly, the killer's son proudly re-enacts a murder, and suggests that he wants to grow up to be like his father. This is a chilling film about cycles of moral vengeance.
This documentary shows us how a Daf elaborated. It's about a family that all their children are blinded and they're running their family business. They're making Dafs which is an Iranian hand percussion musical instrument and nowadays it's mostly played in Kurdish folk songs.
The Twilight
Supervising Sound Editor
Alireza Shalikaran is serving time in prison for theft. He is a troublesome figure, trying as he does to escape from the prison and committing acts of violence. A handful he may be, but he finds a caring figure in the prison warden. The warden puts forward the case that Alireza might settle down when he finds a wife. Yet how is Alireza to find a wife when he is enclosed within the prison walls? The task of finding a marriage partner falls to Alireza's mother, who is also in prison. She comes across a young woman, who, though incarcerated for drug-related offences, is respectable. Will the match work? An interesting look at the limits of prison life.
Our Times
Sound Editor
Documentary by Rakhshan Bani-Etemad, an Iranian female director. This film portrays two aspects of the Iranian presidential election of 2001.
Dandelion Season
Sound Designer
Defiant young director Hanna seems to be forced into an arranged marriage in America. Arranging anything for this talented, head-strong woman was their first mistake.