John Hargreaves

John Hargreaves

Nascimento : 1945-11-28, Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia

Morte : 1996-01-08


John Hargreaves


The Lizard King
A woman travels from France to Australia in search of her missing son.
Lust and Revenge
This caustic Australian comedy is meant to burn those commercial interests who sponsor artists for tax breaks. It also a sexually unresponsive wife's revenge against her cheating husband. Heiress Georgina Oliphant, the daughter of pharmaceutical magnate George Oliphant is on a mission to find a sculptor suitable of her father's sponsorship. Normally, George doesn't give a hoot about art, but tax time approaches and he needs a big deduction. Since large bronze statues are 100% deductible, that's what he wants. Georgina comes through with the lesbian sculptor Lily Carmichael who suggests a detailed male nude, sans fig leaf. For her model, lily chooses unemployed hunk Karl-Heinz Applebaum who at first doesn't realize he is to model totally nude. Fortunately, coquettish Georgina is around to convince him to shed those clothes.
Hotel Sorrento
Dick Bennett
Meg, Pippa, and Hillary are sisters who grew up in Sorrento, a small seaside town in Australia. Meg, who has lived in England for 10 years has just written a criticially acclaimed novel which she claims is entirely fictional. The book causes a stir in Sorrento and in her family when it is supected that the book is not as fictional as she claims.
Vida no Campo
Jack Dickens
Adaptation of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" set in rural Australia in the 1920s. Jack Dickens and his niece Sally run the family farm to support brother-in-law Alexander as a (supposedly brilliant) literary critic in London. Action begins when Alexander returns with his beautiful young wife Deborah, revealing himself as an arrogant failure and wanting to sell the farm out from under Jack. Blakemore introduces themes about Australia's separation from England, as well as expanding the pacifist and ecological philosophies espoused by the local Doctor Max Askey.
No Worries
Clive Ryan
A family is forced off their farm due to drought, and move to Sydney.
Detective Maxwell
Young Aboriginal Doug has done his time for petty theft, but quickly drifts back under the bad influence of ‘Pretty Boy’ Floyd. Doug knows where he’s heading – he’s seen it all before, in the hard life of his father. Returning to his traditional country and the love of girlfriend Polly is the way out. But Floyd’s mateship is hard to shake.
Rome Roméo
David, 50 years old, returns to Rome for an appointment made 20 years earlier. The passion that bound him to the Countess Clara Orsini had ended with a flight to the other side of the world. The woman he finds on the day of the appointment is not the one he loved, but another, his double, his own daughter who bears the same name of Clara. Intimate ties are formed between them as they wander through Rome.
Sweet Revenge
Jim Harris
An attorney plays match-maker for her ex-husband, by hiring an actress to seduce him - all in an attempt to try and rid herself of alimony payments.
A Cidade de Esmeralda
Colin Rogers
Colin Rogers é um escritor de roteiros bem sucedido e disposto a escrever qualquer tipo de filme, desde que seja bem pago. Mas um dia decide que só vai escrever roteiros com valores e mensagens de acordo com a cultura australiana. Mas não será fácil manter a decisão, pois os produtores de cinema querem algo que possa ser exportado para os americanos.
Boundaries of the Heart
Andy Ford
A small desert town in western Australia is the scene of several love affairs in this romantic drama. Forty-year-old Stella (Wendy Hughes) works at her father's hotel and bar. She receives annual New Year's marriage proposals from rodeo rider Andy Ford (John Hargreaves), who talks himself into asking her one more time. Stella's father Billy (Norman Kaye) is a former cricket star whose career ended early when he was involved in a sex scandal. She spends the night with vacationing Arthur (Michael Siberry) when his car breaks down. Andy elects not to pop the question to Stella in lieu of her one-night stand with the stranger. When Billy elects to marry June Thompson (Julie Nihill), the local gossipmongers have a field day recalling the woman's promiscuous past.
The Heroes
Ted Carse
Based on a true story, The Heroes follows one of the most extraordinary and heroic exploits of World War II. After months of rigorous training in the north of Australia, a team of 14 men, most barely out of their teens, set sail from Cairns on board a leaky old fishing boat called 'The Krait'. Their mission, code-named Operation Jaywick, became a tense voyage through thousands of kilometres of Japanese held territory to launch a daring attack on Singapore Harbour. The raid is a success but within sight of safety they encounter a Japanese destroyer, and all prepare to die rather than be taken prisoner.
Um Grito de Liberdade
Na África do Sul dos anos 70, Donald Woods, um jornalista branco, faz amizade com Stephen Biko, um corajoso ativista negro contra o apartheid. Biko é executado em 1977 e Donald, exilado, dedica-se a divulgar a luta do amigo pela liberdade.
The Place at the Coast
Neil McAdam
Teenager Ellie is distressed by forces that threaten the special family holidays she shares with her widowed father. These threats are posed by a new coastal development and her father's new relationship with a local woman. Ellie desperately clings to memories and places that preserve the memory of her late mother.
Vidas Marcadas
The story of "The Tolpuddle Martyrs". A group of 19th century English farm labourers who formed one of the first trade unions and started a campaign to receive fair wages.
Double Sculls
Sam Larkin
A man tries to rehabilitate his alcoholic friend by entering them both into the Australian national rowing championships.
Frank Baker
Malcolm is a chronically shy mechanical genius, who has just been fired for building his own tram. He gets Frank, who has just been released from jail, to move in to help pay the bills and, with Frank's help, Malcom turns to a life of crime.
Sky Pirates
Air force Lieutenant Harris starts for a flight to Boa Boa, on board Reverend Mitchell with a box containing a part of a top-secret extraterrestrial key. They get lost in a supernatural storm and find themselves after an emergency landing in kind of a Bermuda triangle, 5,000 miles off their course. Home again, no one believes Harris' story, and his crew suspiciously denies it too. Harris is thrown in jail, but manages to escape. Together with Mitchell's daughter he seeks the lost part of the key and its secret.
My First Wife
My First Wife is about the dramatic collapse of the marriage between John and Helen. It is also a film about our children and the future we offer them. Helen has decided to leave, and it is John who lacks the inner resources to cope with the impending tragedy. Slowly he is sucked into a tunnel of despair – fighting his conservative nature and the romantic memories of his married life.
The Great Gold Swindle
Ray Mickelberg
The true story of a half million dollar gold robbery which took place in Perth Western Australia in 1982.
A demissão
Dr. Jim Cairns
The drama surrounding the dismissal of Mr. Gough Whitlam as the Labor Prime Minister of Australia - on 11 November, 1975 - by the then Governor-General of Australia, Sir John Kerr - and the subsequent installation, in Parliament, of the Liberal 'caretaker government' and Mr. Malcolm Fraser as the 'caretaker' Prime Minister.
Careful, He Might Hear You
Abandoned by his father after his mother dies, young PS lives in suburban Sydney with his aunt Lila and her husband George. While they lead a modest existence, PS is happy with them. However, his contentment is derailed when Lila's wealthy sister, Vanessa, returns from England and takes an interest in PS.
Martin Stang
Hoodwink is based on the true story of an Australian con artist who briefly won the hearts of the media (if not the authorities). John Hargreaves stars as a criminal serving time in a New South Wales prison. He's not partial to the physical labor required of the convicts, so he hits upon a labor-saving plan. Hargreaves pretends to be totally blind, thus lightening his work load....and carries off the hoax for years.
The Killing of Angel Street
Jessica Simmonds returns from overseas to find her retired professor father in a bitter public fight to save the historic Sydney waterfront houses on Angel Street. After her father's mysterious death, she joins forces with local residents and a union leader against corrupt forces. Based on the real life mysterious disappearance of Juanita Nielsen.
Beyond Reasonable Doubt
Arthur Allan Thomas
A docu-drama covering one of the most famous cases in New Zealand history, the murder of Harvey and Jeanette Crewe in 1970.
Um Longo Fim de Semana
Numa tentativa de recuperar seu casamento fracassado, Peter e Marcia partem para uma viagem de campismo em um trecho deserto da costa australiana, na esperança de que um longo fim de semana ao sol os ajude a aceitar suas diferenças.
The Odd Angry Shot
A group of Australian SAS regiment soldiers are deployed to Vietnam around 1967/8 and encounter the realities of war, from the numbing boredom of camp life and long range patrols, raids and ambushes where nothing happens, to the the terror of enduring mortar barrages from an unseen enemy. Men die and are crippled in combat by firefights and booby traps, soldiers kill and capture the enemy, gather intelligence and retake ground only to cede it again whilst battling against the bureaucracy and obstinacy of the conventional military hierarchy. In the end they return to civilization, forever changed by their experiences but glad to return to the life they once knew.
Little Boy Lost
Jacko Walls
The True story of Stephen Walls, a young Australian farm boy, whose disappearance galvanized a continent into action. Taught to be wary of strangers, the boy cannot know that the boisterous hordes of volunteers are his saviors and not his enemies. After four tense days, hopes wanes. At last, a group of searchers spot the young Stephen, and its members are able to convice him that they want to help him reach home and family. - Written by
Steve Hall
Two best friends, Vietnam War veterans-turned-stuntmen, are sent as spies to the Philippines on a top secret mission for the Australian government.
Don's Party
Don Henderson
On the night of the 1969 federal election, Don Henderson invites a group of friends to celebrate a predicted Labor Party victory, much to the dismay of his wife, Kath. The Hendersons and their nine guests drink, joke, make love, and fight, all while coming to terms with their individual struggles in life.
Marcado Para Morrer
The true story of Irish outlaw Daniel Morgan, who is wanted, dead or alive, in Australia during the 1850s.
The Removalists
An adaptation of David Williamson's play; John Hargreaves and Peter Cummins star as a good and bad cop who assist a battered wife as she tries to escape her belligerent husband.