Adrien Michaux

Adrien Michaux


Adrien Michaux


Ceux de la nuit
The French-Italian border at the Montgenèvre pass. Daytime reality: tourism, capital invested to make the mountain profitable. At night: the fragile destiny of more than ten thousand men, women and children who, in four years, risked their lives to cross the border.
Tout le monde a raison
A woman argues that she possesses a sixth sense about the lies of men. Her boyfriend is convinced that she's only known bad liars and sets out to prove her wrong.
The Son of Joseph
Philibert Duchene
A young man who lives with his mother and has never known his father, heads off to look for him. He finds a cynical and Machiavellian man who works as a publisher in Paris. After he attempts to kill him, he finds filial love thanks to his uncle.
Hashima My Love
Off Nagasaki, my boat docks on the shores of Hashima, an abandoned island which once harboured an important mining community until one day, in 1974, its population was summarily evicted. I collect archives on the life that was once lived here, I wander through the ruins as I wander through my memory, looking for a missing image.
A Religiosa Portuguesa
Martin Dautand
Julie de Hauranne, uma jovem actriz francesa que fala a língua da sua mãe, o português, mas que nunca esteve em Lisboa, chega pela primeira vez a esta cidade, onde vai rodar um filme baseado nas Lettres portugaises de Guilleragues. Rapidamente, deixa-se fascinar por uma freira que vai rezar, todas as noites, para a capela da Nossa Senhora do Monte, na colina da Graça. No decurso da sua estadia, a jovem trava uma série de conhecimentos, que, à imagem da sua existência anterior, parecem efémeros e inconsequentes. Mas, após uma noite em que, finalmente, fala com a freira, ela consegue entrever o sentido da vida e do seu destino.
The Bridge of Arts
The film is a love story which tells the impossible tale of two youths who have never before met. The action unrolls in Paris between 1979 and 1980.
The Living World
A funny, charming faux-fairy tale about ogres, knights and maidens.
Toutes les nuits
La Première éducation sentimentale (the first version of L'Éducation sentimentale), re-adapting the themes of first love, the intoxication of desire, and failed ideological revolution (that culminated in the Revolution of 1848) to the May 68 generation through a chronicle of the parallel lives of a pair of childhood friends, the pragmatic Henri and idealistic Jules as they leave their bucolic, rural hometown to separately pursue their baccalaureate - and real world - educations.