Joe Massingill

Joe Massingill

Nascimento : , Georgia, USA


Joseph Davis Massingill is a stage and screen actor, and aspiring playwright. He earned his BFA in Theatre Arts, from Valdosta State University. His show, a night of theatre including two original plays (Passing Proper, Passion and Precision) received an award from, for Outstanding Ensemble (Intimate Theatre).


Joe Massingill
Joe Massingill


Far More
Teenage Tim Hollister
Sean McAllister is a successful fashion designer who hasn't seen his family in years. He returns to his hometown for a painstaking family reunion that will take him back to his past only to rebuild his future.
A Christmas Tree Love Story
Two friends who haven't talked in a while travel to a Christmas Tree Farm in search of the perfect tree for the holidays. During their trip, they reminisce about their past and contemplate their future. This story is told in three chapters. In each chapter, Emma and Jack embody different circumstances. And regardless of the circumstances, we discover their undeniable connection to each other.
Big Fork
Friends reuniting to attend a wedding think the couple might not be destined for happily ever after lives.
The Passing Parade
A famous playwright's life is turned upside down when she is forced to look at the choices she has made.
Car Dogs
Green Pea
Malcolm is a brilliant, callous businessman who is a vicious, overbearing father. Mark is the sales manager at Chamberlain Auto, the dealership that promises to do "Whatever It Takes" to put you in a new car. But on a scorching hot Saturday in the middle of the Phoenix summer, Mark has a chance to get his own dealership - and out from under the thumb of his father. Mark has to sell thirty-five cars by the end of the day. The question: Will Mark do whatever it takes - including betraying his sales team and himself - to get what he wants?
Em Meus Sonhos
Joe Yablonski
Natalie e Nick estão frustrados com a sua sorte no romance. Depois de lançar as moedas em uma fonte, os dois, em seguida, começam a sonhar um com o outro. Mas, de acordo com a mitologia da fonte, eles só têm uma semana para transformar esses sonhos em realidade.
O Jogo De Uma Vida
A tragetória lendária e recordista de Bob Ladouceur (Jim Caviezel), treinador de futebol americano que assumiu o desconhecido time De La Salle High School Spartans e conduziu os rapazes da obscuridade à incrível marca de 151 jogos de invencibilidade.
Reino Escondido
Stickman Jockey (voice)
A adolescente Mary Katherine (Amanda Seyfried) é magicamente transportada para um universo secreto e vai precisar contar com a ajuda dos seres fantásticos que o habitam para conseguir salvar o mundo dos humanos e este novo reino descoberto de uma força maligna, que ameaça destruir a Terra.
Curvas da Vida
Bo Gentry
Um veterano olheiro de beisebol começa a ter problemas de visão no final de seu contrato. Sua filha, que é advogada, decide ajudá-lo a avaliar o potencial de um jogador em uma viagem de descoberta tanto para ela quanto para o pai.