Guy Maddin flies to Kansas City, Missouri, in a vain attempt to save cinema as it continues to die from contempt and neglect.
Am amazing film created from the largest private collection of "stag" films in the United States.
In 1988, Chris Bryson was found running down a Kansas City street naked, beaten, and bloody wearing nothing but a dog collar and a leash. He told police about Bob Berdella, a local business man and how Berdella had caputed him, held him hostage, raped him, tortured him and photographed him over several days. Police later arrested Berdella and searched his home where they found several hundred polaroid photographs, a detailed torture log, envelopes of human teeth and a human skull. It was soon discovered that Berdella had murdered 6 young men in his home after drugging them and performing his sick acts of sexual torture. Some lived the horrors for only a few days, one for 6 weeks. After death Berdella would cut up the bodies with an electric chain saw and a bone knife, place the body parts in empty dog food bags for trash collection on Monday. Although he denied this, it is believed that Berdella used organs of the victims as in food dishes he would serve at his shop.
Hungarian home movies are examined by the likes of James Ellroy and Stan Brakhage for evidence of family problems.
Stunt Double
Em uma reserva florestal, Hank Mitchell, Jacob Mitchell e Lou encontram 4,4 milhões de dólares dentro de um avião, que sofreu um acidente. Inicialmente, planejam não usar o dinheiro até o avião ser achado e a situação se acalmar, mas Jacob e Lou, por motivos diversos, pressionam Hank, exigindo a parte deles. Logo a amizade que havia entre eles começa a ser gradativamente desfeita e, para piorar a situação, Jacob se assusta com um morador da região e o fere mortalmente. Além disto, um agente do FBI chega à cidade para investigar a possível queda de um avião na região.
Stunt Driver
Os mortos estão retornando a vida e atacando os vivos. Quatro sobreviventes do ataque escondem-se em um shopping abandonado e planejam contra-atacar. No entanto, milhares de mortos-vivos descobrem o esconderijo e iniciam um novo massacre, contaminando alguns sobreviventes que retornam como zumbis e somam-se ao exército de abomináveis criaturas.