Bill Yahraus


Internationally known director Carla Garapedian follows the rock band System of a Down as they tour Europe and the US pointing out the horrors of modern genocide that began in Armenia in 1915 up though Darfur today.
Shadow Hours
Michael is a recovering addict. Back on the wagon, he's now responsible for a young, beautiful, and pregnant wife. He's working the graveyard shift at a gas station to support his new family, but the job drives him crazy. Then a wealthy stranger, Stuart, enters Michael's life, taking Michael through a tour of the seediest and slimiest parts of L.A. underbelly. Is Stuart leading Michael to hell, or salvation?
Silent Tongue
Mad with grief after the death of his Kiowa wife, Roe awaits death under a tree with her body beside him. She begins to haunt him because he won't bury her. His father, who bought him the wife, thinks her sister might reason with Roe.
O Último Selvagem
O que acontece quando o último remanescente de uma tribo indígena americana é obrigado a encarar sozinho o século 20? Na linha de Dança Com Lobos, este filme mostra a contrastante relação entre o último selvagem vivo da tribo Yahi e um antropólogo da Califórnia. Emocionantes lições de vida extraídas de um doloroso relato que registra a extinção de toda uma raça.
Uma História Americana
A violência do preconceito racial causa um boicote aos transportes por parte da comunidade negra. Uma aristocrata decide, por conveniência, ajudar sua empregada. Porém seu marido a proíbe. Mas, essa imposição faz com que as duas se unam ainda mais. A resistência pacífica que exercem é um retrato autêntico e comovente das mudanças que sacodem o mundo no fim da década de 50.
The Final Days
The Final Days concerns itself with the final months of the Richard Nixon presidency.
A Casa de Kate é um Caso
Kate volta para casa quando seu pai é internado. Apesar de toda sua sofisticação, ela volta à infância, tentando desesperadamente ganhar a aprovação do pai machista. Para isso, ela jura matar o velho cavalo que causou os ferimentos do pai.
Passe a munição
Um pregador corrupto da televisão e sua congregação são mantidos reféns por uma mulher, seu amante e seus dois primos, na tentativa de vingar o roubo de sua herança. Um olhar peculiar sobre a desonestidade da indústria televangelista.
Passe a munição
Line Producer
Um pregador corrupto da televisão e sua congregação são mantidos reféns por uma mulher, seu amante e seus dois primos, na tentativa de vingar o roubo de sua herança. Um olhar peculiar sobre a desonestidade da indústria televangelista.
Sem Perdão
Gere é Eddie Jillette, um policial durão e descompromissado que ao jurar vingança pela morte do parceiro, acaba mergulhado num tórrido caso com a única testemunha do crime, a namorada do assassino. Basinger é esta, a provocante Michel, que fica no meio de uma guerra entre Gere e Losado, o chefão do crime a quem ela pertence. A vingança de Jillette leva-o das ruas de Chicago para o violento submundo de New Orleans, de onde ele sequestra a garota de Losado. Ao escapar de um pântano traiçoeiro levando a bela Michel, eles são perseguidos sem descanso, mas a tensão cria um clima sensual de forte atração entre os dois. Com o tempo esgotado, Jillette confronta Losado em um clímax explosivo em que lutam "Sem Perdão".
Between Two Women
When shy school teacher Val and Harry, the son of an aged opera singer, get married, Val quickly discovers that Harry's mother, Barbara, is not very happy with their union. In fact, Barbara tries to separate the couple. But, when Barbara suffers a debilitating stroke, Val's compassion and empathy mend the rift between two women, giving Barbara the will to survive. But will Barbara learn to love her daughter-in-law?
Minha terra, minha vida
Gil Ivy e sua mulher Jewell são fazendeiros. O marido já perdeu a esperança de se tornar próspero, mas sua mulher decide lutar pela família.
High-priced call girl Lee Churchill, is examining her life via therapy "sessions". Her double life is unknown to her parents, sister and "straight" man with whom she falls in love.
Celebrated heart surgeon Thomas Vrain supports the research of an offbeat scientist who has invented an artificial heart. Against the advice of the Ethics Committee, Dr. Vrain decides to perform the first artificial heart transplant.
Widowed Elinor Randall and her young daughter Jerrine arrive in a barren stretch of Wyoming in 1910 after Elinor's application for work as a housekeeper is accepted by Clyde Stewart, a rancher. The work is back-breaking and the isolation is brutal, particularly as winter arrives. Elinor begins to think about homesteading her own property near Stewart's ranch, but Stewart tries to dissuade her with explanations about the killing conditions and poor rewards, especially for a woman with no man to help her ranch. Although their temperaments are different and little affection exists, Elinor and Stewart agree to marry and combine homesteads. What lies ahead is the severest test of all.
No Other Love
A young marginally intellectually-disabled girl and boy meet, plan to marry, and convince the world that they are entitled to a life of their own -- despite attempts by the girl's parents to separate them.
Sammy Stops the World
A man who sells coffee for a living gets his boss's daughter pregnant. This changes his life and eventually leads to his becoming a powerful business tycoon with no moral center. (TCM)
Introduction to the Enemy
This film documents the journey of actress Jane Fonda and her husband – future California state senator Tom Hayden – through North and South Viet Nam in 1974. They travel from villages to towns talking with ordinary Vietnamese about their lives and the effects of the war on their lives, families, and communities.
Cuba and Fidel
A Song for Dead Warriors
A Song for Dead Warriors examines the reasons for the Wounded Knee occupation in the spring of 1973 by Oglala Sioux Indians and members of the American Indian Movement (AIM). The film captures the conflict between AIM, the Sioux militants, the government’s Bureau of Indian Affairs and those allied with the US government.
A Song for Dead Warriors
A Song for Dead Warriors examines the reasons for the Wounded Knee occupation in the spring of 1973 by Oglala Sioux Indians and members of the American Indian Movement (AIM). The film captures the conflict between AIM, the Sioux militants, the government’s Bureau of Indian Affairs and those allied with the US government.
This documentary explores the growing American interest in the 1970s in Eastern religions and philosophy. The teachings and lifestyles of ten spiritual teachers and their followers are presented without voice-over narration.
What Is to Be Done?
Mordant, self-aware, freighted with sensitivity toward Chile’s problem, wary of caricature, disposed toward consciousness of human fallibility, it is a deft blend of fiction and documentary set in the tumultuous days leading up to the election of Salvador Allende in 1970.
Robert Wall: Ex-FBI Agent
This television program follows an FBI agent provocateur, Robert Wall. Wall chronicles how he spied on people and institutions. He describes how he surveilled Stokeley Carmichae and tried to incite violence at a peace march.
Robert Wall: Ex-FBI Agent
This television program follows an FBI agent provocateur, Robert Wall. Wall chronicles how he spied on people and institutions. He describes how he surveilled Stokeley Carmichae and tried to incite violence at a peace march.
The Jail
Life inside a San Francisco jail
Zombies in a House of Madness
A short film where jail house poet, Michael Beasley, reads his poetry illustrated by footage taken inside the San Francisco jail, in 1972. Music by Country Joe and His All-Star Band.
Zombies in a House of Madness
A short film where jail house poet, Michael Beasley, reads his poetry illustrated by footage taken inside the San Francisco jail, in 1972. Music by Country Joe and His All-Star Band.