The story of CC2 centers around an investigative journalist named Stanley Mouse, who wants to find out about the legend of an ancient "cat tribe" lost in Africa. He finds them and much more, once again threatening the continued existence of mouse civilization. Special Agent Grabowsky will act to save the day, however. The events are supposed to take place at least 10, possibly 20 years after the first episode, as one of the already leaked cells shows the titular Cat-Catcher mecha rusting away in a shelter.
Billy (voice)
No ano 80 AMM (Após Mickey Mouse) gatos e ratos vivem em harmonia, mas gangues de Gatos Mafiosos que desprezam as convenções de paz entre as duas sociedades, atacam incessantemente os ratos ameaçando-os à aniquilação total. Mas surge uma nova esperança, quando a agência InterMouse envia o seu melhor rato, o agente 770 - Gary Gumshoe (Nick Grabowsky) para a missão de buscar no Extremo Oriente os planos de uma arma secreta para pôr um fim na crise, mas terá em seu caminho quatro desastrados Gângsteres que tentarão impedí-lo a qualquer custo.
Cat City (Macskafogó) é uma animação Húngara, dirigida por Béla Ternovszky, que satiriza vários clássicos do cinema, como Star Wars, Poderoso Chefão, James Bond, e devido ao seu conteúdo mais adulto se tornou um clássico cult em muitos países, sendo até hoje o filme húngaro de maior sucesso Internacional.
Pintér Öcsi
Ifj. Majotossy
The scene of the story taking place in the 18th century is an inn, which is advertised by its owners for sale. The inn was namely the scene for mysterious disappearances and murders, but the result of all these events, the treasury is hidden and guarded by the mother. Everybody want to get it from her during one night: the inn-keeper couple, the fake couple who arrived as buyers, Colonel Majorossy with his son, the secret agent and the servants.
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