Dana Voicu

Dana Voicu


Dana Voicu


Má sorte no sexo ou pornô acidental
Emi, uma professora, vê sua carreira e reputação ameaçadas depois que uma fita de sexo pessoal vazou na Internet. Forçada a encontrar os pais exigindo sua demissão, Emi se recusa a ceder à pressão deles. Radu Jude (Aferim!) Oferece uma mistura incendiária de forma não convencional, humor irreverente e comentários mordazes sobre hipocrisia e preconceito em nossas sociedades.
Adventures Italian Style
A few weeks before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Pago, Rice and Bibi leave the calm city of Cesena looking for adventure: a ten-days-long holiday in Eastern Europe, in those places where the Soviet regime is still alive.
Alone at My Wedding
Pamela, a young Roma, insolent, spontaneous and funny, embarks on a journey into the unknown, breaking away from the traditions that suffocate her. She arrives in Belgium with three words of French and the hope that marriage will change her and her daughter’s destiny.
A Freira
Praying Nun
Presa em um convento na Romênia, uma freira comete suicídio. Para investigar o caso, o Vaticano envia um padre assombrado e uma noviça prestes a se tornar freira. Arriscando suas vidas, a fé e até suas almas, os dois descobrem um segredo profano e se confrontam com uma força do mal que toma a forma de uma freira demoníaca e transforma o convento em um campo de batalha.
The Anniversary
Vica Maligan
At Radu Maligan's 94th anniversary the family members and the former colleagues of the old man come to his birthday party. Everything gets complicated when half of the guests try to convince Radu to confess his sins to a priest, while the others think that no one should be forced to do something beyond their will.
Scarred Hearts
Mrs. Bella B.
During the summer of 1937, Emanuel, a young man in his early twenties, is committed to a sanatorium on the Black Sea coast for treatment of his bone tuberculosis. The treatment consists of painful spine punctures that confine him to a plaster on a stretcher-bed. Little by little, as Emanuel gets accustomed to the sadness of his new life, he discovers that inside the sanatorium there is still a life to be lived to the fullest.
The Pill of Happiness
Revenge. Feels so good. Are you ready to pay the price for it?
Hello! How Are You?
Musician Gabriel and dimpled dry-cleaning proprietress Gabriela live like two strangers who no longer see each other. But in humorous contrast to their staid, passionless lives, characters in a constant state of sexual arousal surround them. Their libidinous teen son, whose hilarious voiceover commentary intermittently provides important narrative information, prides himself on being the high school stud and aspires to a career in porn. Gabriela's sexy employee switches boyfriends the way she changes clothes. And despite being married, Gabriel's colleague is working his way through the female members of their orchestra. Ultimately, the two Gabys find their virtual affairs reconnect them with their own desires, but in a way less movie-fantasy and more satisfyingly real-life. Written by Palm Springs Internation Film Festival
Fii cu ochii pe fericire
A 20 year class reunion, at Snagov, in a villa that belonged to Ceaușescu and now melongs to a media magnate. The reunion is hijacked by a magnatețs son, who makes it into a talk show, in which he humiliates an expat.
I matter
Mama Cami
In a seemingly easy theatre exercise, Rebeca, a young Roma woman, student at an elite acting school, is pushed to confront her biggest fear.