Carter Roy

Carter Roy


Carter Roy is an actor and producer.


Carter Roy


American Apocalypse
Chronicles the struggles of a family trying to stay alive in the wake of a deadly and catastrophic virus that has brought America to its knees. In what was once a thriving American suburb that has now devolved into a lawless world of roaming gangs and dwindling resources, the family is discovered and forced to fight back in order to survive.
Hope Ranch
Luke Stark
With the impending foreclose of the family Ranch, Rebecca struggles with her rebellious daughter Grace who is still not over the death of her father Mike.
Stressed To Death
David Garrett
During a robbery at a smart stop an EMT is faced with two victims; a pregnant lady and a man shot but still alive. When having to choose which to save first the injured man tells her take the pregnant lady, and she does. On her way back to get the man he is killed by the robber. Now the man's wife, Victoria, has been planning for ten years to exact revenge on her husband's death.
Found Footage 3D
A group of filmmakers sets out to make the first 3D found footage horror movie, but find themselves IN the first 3D found footage horror movie when the evil entity from their film escapes into their behind-the-scenes footage.
The Grey Matter
After a mysteriously gruesome incident, Simon stumbles through an absurd and macabre version of courtship.
A post-apocalyptic thriller set in the ruins of a collapsed America, Refuge follows a family’s struggle to survive and rebuild a life in the absence of civilization. In the wake of a catastrophic plague, the family lives a lonely existence, struggling to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst a lawless world of roaming gangs and dwindling resources.
Stuck in the Middle
Pat Mulligan
A mail room slacker accidentally kills himself in a bizarre experiment and finds himself sentenced to Purgatory...working in the mail room. There, he falls for his beautiful manager and to win her heart he must stop a greedy real estate mogul from selling Purgatory and sending everyone to Hell.
Novidades no Amor
Após um divórcio agitado, Sandy, uma bela quarentona com dois filhos, resolve recomeçar a vida em Nova York. Entre o novo trabalho, as crianças e a academia, Sandy não tem tempo para nada. Quando contrata Aram, um rapaz de 24 anos para ser "o" babá das crianças, sua vida dá outra reviravolta, pois Aram parece ser tudo o que Sandy precisava, ele traz novidades, a faz se sentir jovem, bonita e valorizada. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, Sandy vive a insegurança desta nova relação. A partir daí começam as maiores confusões quando ela tenta ficar com um cara bem mais novo e cuidar das crianças ao mesmo tempo.
Inheritance tells the tale of sinister old lady Lillian Baker (Marjorie Nelson) & her kind hearted, good natured carer Abigail Nielsen (Jen Taylor). Abigail feels sorry for Lillian & does her best to keep her happy, however one fateful night Lillian passes away in her sleep. Abigail is obviously upset & attends Lillian's funeral to say her goodbyes, it soon comes to light that Lillian has left Abigail her large house & it's entire contents a situation which Lillian's daughter Joan (Kathryn Mesney-Hetter) is unhappy with. The reason for Lillian's generosity becomes clear as her spirit starts to possess Abigail & take complete control of her body...
Pânico em Lovers Lane
A man with a hook for a hand escapes from a mental institution to go after the children of his previous victims.