Wille Yli-Luoma


Neverland is a state of mind, a mountain pushed up from the ground by imagination. Anyone can go but most people have trouble with the simple directions: Follow your dreams. This winter Absinthe dropped down the rabbit hole to explore this elusive place and brought back some mind bending tales and a pocketful of surprises.
Picture This
OK, picture this: Take 16 of the best snowboarders in the world, the hardest working crew of cinematographers in the industry and one of the worst snow years in memory and what do you come up with? Well you tell us.
In a time beyond and close to now... a vision was revealed. A vision of the very first dream of life. The dream of life before there was life. The dream that vapor dreams of becoming solid and falling to meet whatever will catch and hold it. Thus begins "ESCRAMBLE".
From __, With Love
Mack Dawg Productions is proud to present our latest work, “From __, with Love”. This is by far the best film we have ever made. Shot in 16mm film “From __, with Love” brings you into the lives of fifteen of the best snowboarders in the world. Follow the MDP crew as we traverse the globe in search of the most progressive snowboarding to date. From Russia to California, Finland to Alaska, Norway to Austria you will see huge jumps, insane rails, deep powder, and all the fun stuff in between, The DVD contains two completely different cuts. The first is travel based and highlights the adventures that we encountered throughout the season. The second sut is athlete based and only shows each riders highlights. You get the best of both worlds in one package. This is our gift to you- “From MDP, with Love”.
This year, Brad Kremer finds a new home at Mack Dawg Productions, bringing his trademark manic energy, humor, and flawless eye for shooting snowboarding action to Chulksmack. As you’d expect, Mack Dawg once again ‘ups the ante’ with some of this season’s burliest jumps, jibbing, street rails, and awe-inspiring tricks from the world’s top athletes. Chulksmack, a 17mm snowboard film. One millimeter better.
Mack Dawg Productions has been producing videos for the past ten years. From the early skate films Sick Boys and Hokus Pokus, to snowboarding classics such as “The Hard, The Hungry, and the Homeless”, Stomping Grounds, and last year’s release Simple Pleasures. Mack Dawg Productions has always brought you the best in freestyle to your TV.”Decade” celebrates our ten year anniversary in classic MDP style. Before blasting into the orogression of the 1998 season, this film brings you through a brief history of our past 13 releases. Decade is a great mix of huge jumps, crazy jibs, and unususal terrain. Decade is a powerful video that will leave you begging for more. Again rated S for SSSiiiiiiiiicCkkkkkkkk!!!!!