Patrick Collerton


Jonny Kennedy: The Man Whose Skin Fell Off
Jonny Kennedy is an extraordinary man with a terrible condition - Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) - which means his skin literally fell off at the slightest touch.
A Guerra de Maddison
Um dos maiores mafiosos de Boston misteriosamente desaparece, e o horror se instala nas ruas. Com o mundo do crime sem uma liderança forte, perigosos assassinos e policiais corruptos agem deliberadamente na cidade. Enquanto isso, Madso, líder de uma imponente gangue local, vai lutar contra o tempo para encontrar um tesouro escondido pelo mafioso.
The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off
A year ago, 36-year-old Jonny Kennedy died. He had a terrible genetic condition called Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) - which meant that his skin literally fell off at the slightest touch, leaving his body covered in agonizing sores and leading to a final fight against skin cancer. In his last months Jonny decided to work with filmmaker Patrick Collerton to document his life and death, and the result was a film, first broadcast in March, that was an uplifting, confounding and provocatively humorous story of a singular man. Not shying away from the grim reality of EB, the film was also a celebration of a life lived to the full.