Amy Rice


Broadway Rising
There is no New York without Broadway. It’s both a landmark and a community, an industry and a people, making magic in a dark theater, eight times a week. During the pandemic, over 96,000 people lost their jobs and an entire ecosystem of small businesses were brought to a standstill. Broadway Rising tells the story of the broadway community and its harrowing journey back to the stage following the COVID-19 shutdown. This feature documentary brings everyone into the spotlight - from the costume makers to the ushers to the producers to the stars.
Broadway Rising
Director of Photography
There is no New York without Broadway. It’s both a landmark and a community, an industry and a people, making magic in a dark theater, eight times a week. During the pandemic, over 96,000 people lost their jobs and an entire ecosystem of small businesses were brought to a standstill. Broadway Rising tells the story of the broadway community and its harrowing journey back to the stage following the COVID-19 shutdown. This feature documentary brings everyone into the spotlight - from the costume makers to the ushers to the producers to the stars.
Broadway Rising
There is no New York without Broadway. It’s both a landmark and a community, an industry and a people, making magic in a dark theater, eight times a week. During the pandemic, over 96,000 people lost their jobs and an entire ecosystem of small businesses were brought to a standstill. Broadway Rising tells the story of the broadway community and its harrowing journey back to the stage following the COVID-19 shutdown. This feature documentary brings everyone into the spotlight - from the costume makers to the ushers to the producers to the stars.
The Independent
São as últimas semanas da eleição presidencial mais conseqüente da história. Os Estados Unidos estão prestes a eleger sua primeira presidente mulher ou sua primeira candidata independente viável. Relatando a história como ela é feita, uma jovem jornalista idealista se une ao seu ídolo, o lendário jornalista Nick Booker, para descobrir uma conspiração que coloca o destino da eleição e do país em suas mãos.
Snervous Tyler Oakley
After eight years of sharing snippets of his life online, see the intimate truth of Tyler Oakley's relationship with family, followers and fame on his sold out international tour.
Hurricane of Fun: The Making of Wet Hot
Director of Photography
Exclusive behind-the-scenes footage offers a glimpse into the comic minds behind a "Wet Hot" summer-camp cult hit featuring many future stars.
Hurricane of Fun: The Making of Wet Hot
Exclusive behind-the-scenes footage offers a glimpse into the comic minds behind a "Wet Hot" summer-camp cult hit featuring many future stars.
By the People: The Election of Barack Obama
By the People: The Election of Barack Obama is a documentary film produced by Edward Norton broadcast in November 2009 on HBO, which follows Barack Obama and various members of his campaign team, including David Axelrod, through the two years leading up to the United States presidential election on November 4th, 2008.