Rob W. King

Nascimento : 1959-06-05, Saginaw, Michigan, USA


Ela e o marido decidem deixar a cidade grande e se mudam para um condomínio tranquilo chamado The Pinnacle, extremamente moderno e seguro. No entanto, Lauren começa a suspeitar que há algo de errado com o local e pede ajuda para Vernon (John Cusack), um jornalista investigativo que tem interesse em assuntos relacionados a conspirações cibernéticas.
Estado de Calamidade
No ano de 2030, quando sérios problemas ambientais aconteceram devido ao aquecimento global, o estado vive em recessão. Na tentativa de controlar a recessão econômica, uma agência governamental chamada The Humanity Bureau exila membros da sociedade considerados improdutivos para uma colônia conhecida como Novo Éden. Um assistente social ambicioso e imparcial, Noah (Nicolas Cage), investiga o caso de uma mãe (Sarah Lind) e seu filho (Jakob Davies). Sabendo do injusto destino do garoto inocente, ele parte para salvar suas vidas e expor a verdade sobre a agência governamental.
Categoria 5
Uma série de coincidências geológicas desastrosas começam a ocorrer, criando o cenário para uma tempestade perfeita e formando o maior furacão da história da humanidade. Enquanto tenta sobreviver à tempestade, uma família é ameaçada por uma série de eventos interligados a esses desastres geológicos. E as coisas ficam ainda mais tensas porque essa mesma família já passou por um tragédia semelhante quando teve de lutar para sobreviver à destruição causada pelo furacão Katrina.
On an expedition into unexplored wolf territory, two zoology students intrude into a secret world. In the midst of unrelenting wilderness and hours from civilization, they encounter a strange young woman. The two men are drawn into her enchanted reality...and their friendship is put to the ultimate test.
Hungry Hills
In 1954 after two years in a home for boys, Snit Mandolin, 15, returns home to his seemingly unhinged and reclusive aunt Matilda. Defeated by a community that still shuns him, confronted by the impossibility of surviving on his aunt's farm, Snit falls in with Johnny Swift, 16, another outcast. Johnny makes moonshine and sells it through a local bootlegger. The boys work together and become fast friends. And Snit finds first love with a free-spirited local girl, Robin, 16. Their adventure is interrupted by the enigmatic and unpredictable Roy Kane, the district's private cop, who took Snit away two years ago and will now use the boys to get to the bootlegger. Dogged by Kane, betrayed by a bootlegger and plagued by the ghosts of the past, the boys' partnership ends - their friendship broken. Alone once more in the community that rejected him, Snit comes to a violent crossroads.
The Cradle Will Fall
The suicide of a pregnant woman begins to look like murder and a county prosecutor is called in to investigate.
Murder Scene
University student Zoey Drayden is woken at night by a telephone call from someone screaming for help but dismisses this as a prank. She then begins to have dreams and flashes. The next day, Zoey realises that she is having clairvoyant premonitions of fellow student Jeanette Collier who has been abducted. Without knowing it, Zoey had bumped into Jeanette in the hall just before the abduction. Zoey is able to successfully trace the images in her mind to a phone box where Jeanette managed to escape and make the call to her before being recaptured by her abductor. However, when Zoey goes to the police with the information, detectives Mike Keegan and Frank Stepnoski have her arrested, believing that only the abductor would have such information. Zoey tries to plead with them to believe her story and save Jeanette before she is killed.
Something More
When Sam and his friend fall for the same woman, their friendship is put at risk.
Without Malice
Paul Venters is a self-centered plastic surgeon who is soon to be married to beautiful Susan, but doesn't get along very well with his fiancée's family, particularly Susan's brother Marty, an ex-con who is trying to stay clean after beating a nasty drug habit. To appease his future wife, Paul tries to mend fences with Marty by inviting him along for a camping trip in the Canadian wilderness.