Ken loves to design and build exotic cars. When the High School shop class project car, a fully tricked out dream Corvette, is stolen, he begins searching for it. His search leads him to Las Vegas, where Vanessa, a teenaged prostitute wannabe, helps him try to track it down.
Paul Williams
A brilliant tort attorney gets rid of her boring husband by faking his kidnapping and keeping the ransom. The FBI may be fooled, but not Columbo.
Second Reporter
A scientist and his team of underwater explorers search for the culprit who has stolen the world's supply of nerve gas and hidden it somewhere in the ocean.
Brig. Gen. Leonard T. Gerow (uncredited)
Retrata de forma realista, quase documental, tanto do ponto de vista japonês como do norte americano, mostrando a preparação, os eventos e os erros que possibilitaram o ataque a Pearl Harbor em 7 de Dezembro de 1941, fato que forçou a entrada dos Estados Unidos da América na Segunda Guerra Mundial. O título do filme é o código utilizado em caso de sucesso do ataque japonês, que traduzido para o português significa 'Tigre! Tigre! Tigre!'. A versão Americana tem 02:25. A versão Japonesa é mais longa, com 02:29.
Uncle Travis
A young boy lets the animals out of their cages at the Zoo, to set them free, but the animals start taking over the town.
Three children are stalked by hired killers after they unknowingly take evidence pointing to the existence of a corrupt international cartel, which has just murdered their father.
Mr. Anderson (uncredited)
O publicitário Sam consegue a conta de um cliente graças a confiança que ele inspirou pela tranquilidade de seu casamento. Mas a chegada de Janet, uma amiga de infância de sua esposa, que precisa dele fazendo o papel de marido e assim conseguir uma herança, vai mergulhar a vida do pobre Sam em uma completa desordem.
Ed, Asst. DA
A policeman is accused of manslaughtering a 14-year-old boy but is acquitted of all charges. Still, he feels a lot of guilt and begins to doubt if he really is innocent after all.
Charles Herbert
Expository internal affairs drama which brings to light the often unprincipled tactics used in negative "smear" campaigning, and its effects within the political arena.
Army photographers on leave in Japan take over a geisha house.
A band of dishonest seamen plans a murderous mutiny aboard the S.S. Berwind.
Alma Duval, a middle-aged housewife, trying to hide how much she suffers from her husband's amorous excursions while trying to help her children solve their problems and doing her best to keep her family together as it's slowly falling apart. Meanwhile, daughter Virginia is dumped by her boyfriend because she cannot help him with his career. Her cheating husband's birthday party is approaching and many lines will be crossed after that event.
Bert, Operative
A mad bomber holds an innocent family hostage.
Consul (uncredited)
O major da Força Aérea Lloyd Gruver (Marlon Brando) é transferido para uma base aérea japonesa e é confrontado com o preconceito racial americano contra o povo japonês. A questão é agravada porque vários soldados se envolvem romanticamente com mulheres japonesas, desafiando a política militar dos EUA. Normalmente um oficial seguidor das regras, Gruver deve tomar uma posição quando um amigo, o soldado Joe Kelly (Red Buttons), se apaixona pela japonesa Katsumi (Miyoshi Umeki) e se casa com ela. Gruver então arrisca sua posição sendo o padrinho na cerimônia de casamento.
Col. John Baker (uncredited)
Sgt. Chuch Brennan always disliked playboy and hotshot, Col. Jim Herlihy. Now Chuck has even more reason to, Jim is dating his daughter, Lois.
Lt. Robert 'Clem' Clemens
Giants Mollusks are released from the earth by an earthquake and start killing people.
Chicago detectives in the 1880s head west to find the killers of their colleague.
Det. Pope
O comportamento de seu novo marido convence Julie Benton que seu ciúme é perigoso, e quando ele admite que matou seu primeiro marido ela percebe que tem que fugir. Um amigo de longa data ajuda tudo o que pode, mas mesmo em uma cidade do tamanho de San Francisco, Benton parece capaz de rastreá-los. A polícia não pode fazer nada, apesar de uma ameaça de morte, de modo que o próximo passo depende de Julie.
Greg Barker
An FBI Agent takes on the three unrelated cases of a dead agent to track down his killer.
Treasury Agent Brooke
A scientist takes the brain of dead man and revives it via electrodes as it lays suspended in a tank of liquid. Soon, the brain grows to possess enormous psychic powers and inflicts its personality upon the doctor who saved it, creating a "Jekyll and Hyde" paradigm.
Det. Lacey
A Los Angeles police captain (Edward G. Robinson) ties the case of a slain policeman to a bank robbery, all in a day.
Police Official (uncredited)
A Holocaust survivor moves to Israel and experiences difficulty adjusting to life.
Jacob Studebatker
The history of the Studebaker family, their success at making wagons and the company's venture into automobiles.
Maj. Dawson
After assisting the French Underground during WWII, an American Officer is later accused of murder and subversive activities by former colleagues. Based on the actual exploits of Lieutenant Colonel Peter Ortiz.
Police Detective Sgt. Don Warde
Police track a serial killer.
O Major Daniel Kirby (John Wayne) passa a comandar um esquadrão aéreo pouco antes do início da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Encontra pilotos em sua maioria indisciplinados e preguiçosos e ainda tem de enfrentar a resistência do Capitão Carl Griffin (Robert Ryan), melhor aviador do time, sempre pensando primeiro na integridade física dos colegas e despreparado para arcar com os complexos conflitos que um combate gera. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Byron Claymore
A drunken attorney tries to sober up in order to defend a friend in murder case.
George Brewster
A deep-sea diver becomes romantically involved with the daughter of a gold smuggler.
Howard Frazer
A veteran homicide detective who has witnessed his socialite girlfriend kill her husband sees his inexperienced brother assigned to the case.
Lieutenant Commander
A Navy commander experiments with launching missiles from submarines.
A Counterspy in the US military is killed under suspicious circumstances. His friend, Jerry Baldwin, a Navy Commander, is assigned to replace him and stop a saboteur in a torpedo factory.
Police Radio Dispatcher (archive footage) (uncredited)
The film tells the story of a well-planned robbery of an armored car when it stops at a sports stadium. Yet, the heist goes awry, and a tough Los Angeles cop is in hot pursuit.
Dr. Ashton (uncredited)
A single mistake puts a 19-year old girl behind bars, where she experiences the terrors and torments of women in prison.
Reporter (uncredited)
Quando o inteligente criminoso Erwin "Doc" Riedenschneider é libertado da prisão, ele procura um investidor de cinquenta mil dólares na casa de apostas Cobby para recrutar um pequeno grupo de especialistas e realizar um assalto de milhões de dólares de joias de uma joalheria. Doc é apresentado ao advogado Alonzo D. Emmerich, que se oferece para financiar toda a operação e comprar as pedras imediatamente após o roubo. Doc contrata o arrombador Louis Ciavelli, o motorista Gus Minissi e o pistoleiro Dix Handley para o assalto. No início, o plano funciona como um relógio, mas pequenos acidentes se acumulam e cada parceiro mostra ter sua própria fraqueza fatal. No fundo é um perverso e doentio submundo sujo.
Lee Corbett (uncredited)
Mary Scott learns she only has ten months to live before dying of an incurable disease. She manages to keep the news from her husband, Brad and daughter, Polly. She tries to make every moment of her life count, but her effort is weakened by the discovery that Brad is interested in his assistant, Chris Radner. But when she learns that Brad does indeed love her and not Chris, and that Chris is leaving town, she realizes what she must do to ensure the future happiness of Brad and Polly. She persuades Chris to stay, makes a genuine friend of her and watches Polly grow towards Chris.
Joe, Pete's Associate (uncredited)
Marsha Meredith, an attorney-at-law, is nominated for a federal judgeship, but her nomination is opposed by a 'Good-Government' group that thinks her divorce makes her unfit for the job. This evolves into situations, happening in Florida, New England, Washington D.C., and the Adirondacks, such as the misunderstood husband trying to win back his wife, and the misunderstood wife trying to make her husband jealous, and one case of mistaken identity after another, after another.
Albert Gardner
The new warden of a bad prison finds his biggest problem is his wife.
Um americano retorna a Tóquio e tenta resgatar sua vida anterior à Segunda Guerra Mundial, mas se vê encurralado entre criminosos e autoridades. Joe Barrett retorna a Tóquio após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, onde ele tinha um bar, o Tokyo Joe's, e onde abandonou sua esposa Trina. Eles têm uma filha de sete anos. O barão Kimura obriga Joe a pilotar para criminosos de guerra, chantageando revelar que durante a guerra Trina fez transmissões de propaganda traiçoeira.
Timmy Kissell
After learning the finer points of carrier aviation in the 1920s, career officer Jonathan Scott and his pals spend the next two decades promoting the superiority of naval air power. But military and political "red tape" continually frustrate their efforts, prompting Scott to even consider leaving the Navy for a more lucrative civilian job. Then the world enters a second World War and Scott finally gets the opportunity to prove to Washington the valuable role aircraft carriers could play in winning the conflict. But what will it cost him and his comrades personally?
Publicity Man (uncredited)
A garçonete do refeitório da Warner Brothers Judy Adams (Doris Day) está ansiosa para estourar nas telas. Ela acha que sua grande chance pode ter chegado quando os atores Jack Carson e Dennis Morgan concordam em ajudá-la. Mal sabe ela que os dois só estão tentando tirar um filme do buraco. E além disso o chefão do estúdio Arthur Trent (Bill Goodwin) não está ajudando nem um pouco. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Young Man (uncredited)
Howard Roark é um jovem arquiteto idealista e individualista, que deseja realizar um trabalho inovador e sem interferências, mas encontra resistência por parte do articulista do jornal "The Banner" Elsworth Toohey, que prefere apoiar medíocres e manipuláveis como Peter Keating. Roark fica sem clientes e para não contrariar seus princípios, fecha seu escritório e vai trabalhar como operário em uma pedreira, onde conhece a rica Dominique. (Gerigato)
Treasury Department officials recruit a florist (Raft) to lead them to a wanted criminal (Macready); but once he gets too close, he finds he's the hunted.
Monday Night's Bartender
Michael Landers, a police lieutenant, sets out to investigate an intricate murder case. But, the case is closed after the only witness is found dead. Will Michael be able to fathom the mystery?
Frank Warren is a treasury agent assigned to put an end to the activities of a powerful mob crime boss. Frank works undercover, posing as a criminal to seek information, but is frustrated when all he finds are terrified witnesses and corrupt police officers.
Rev. Morse
Kenneth Seeley, member of the U. S. State Department's Foreign Service Bureau, and Marge Weldon, a morale worker with the bureau, are assigned to an area in Mongolia dominated by an outlaw warlord. The latter captures the village where they reside and when escape is clearly impossible, Seeley blows up the outlaw's headquarters, losing his own life in doing so.
Police Operator 27 (uncredited)
Em Los Angeles, a força policial começa uma grande caçada contra um criminoso que matou um policial e passou a cometer vários crimes na cidade escapando através de rede de esgoto.
Seaman Handling Diving Line
O Capitão Ralls luta contra o magnata holandês Mayrant Sidneye pela mulher que ele ama, Angelique Desaix, e por uma fortuna em ouro a bordo do Red Witch. Durante a década de 1860 no Pacífico Sul, o Capitão Ralls, capitão da Feiticeira Vermelha, tem uma série de aventuras envolvendo barras de ouro afundadas, pérolas, nativos, um dono de navio inescrupuloso e um polvo gigante.
A boy tries to protect his dog, a German shepherd that served with U.S. Army forces after it begins attacking strangers several years after the war.
Ross Atherton
A couple's adopted daughter has an inheritance someone else wants.
Donald Harper
A murderous bank robber on the run from the law hides out in a small town.
First Mate
A WWII military training film in which a Navy officer is being treated for combat fatigue after his ship was torpedoed and sunk. The narrative explores the way his combat fatigue has affected him and proper treatment to help him recover.