Marilyn Ness


Minha História
Essa é a segunda parceria dos Obamas com a Netflix e acompanha os bastidores da turnê de Michelle para seu livro em 34 cidades diferentes. Destacando o poder da união entre a comunidade durante os 8 anos de seu mandato e o de seu marido e o poder da conexão quando ouvimos histórias, o longa conta uma parte da jornada da advogada, escritora e ex-primeira-dama dos Estados Unidos.
As Mortes de Dick Johnson
Em Dick Johnson Is Dead, a diretora Kirsten Johnson busca uma maneira de manter vivo seu pai de 86 anos para sempre. Utilizando a magia do cinema e o humor sombrio de sua família, ela comemora os últimos anos do Dr. Dick Johnson encenando fantasias da morte e além. Juntos, pai e filha enfrentam a grande inevitabilidade que nos espera.
Charm City
During three years of unparalleled violence in Baltimore, Charm City delivers an unexpectedly candid, observational portrait of those left on the frontlines. With grit, fury, and compassion, a group of police, citizens, and government officials grapple with the consequences of violence and try to reclaim their future.
Charm City
During three years of unparalleled violence in Baltimore, Charm City delivers an unexpectedly candid, observational portrait of those left on the frontlines. With grit, fury, and compassion, a group of police, citizens, and government officials grapple with the consequences of violence and try to reclaim their future.
As a visually radical memoir, CAMERAPERSON draws on the remarkable footage that filmmaker Kirsten Johnson has shot and reframes it in ways that illuminate moments and situations that have personally affected her. What emerges is an elegant meditation on the relationship between truth and the camera frame, as Johnson transforms scenes that have been presented on Festival screens as one kind of truth into another kind of story—one about personal journey, craft, and direct human connection.
TRAP (Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers) laws have been passed by conservative state legislatures in the US and clinics have taken their fight to the courts. Follow the struggles of the clinic workers and lawyers who are on the front lines of a battle to keep abortion safe and legal for millions of American women.
The Above
A U.S. military surveillance balloon floats on a tether high above Kabul, Afghanistan. Its capacities are both highly classified and deeply mysterious.
Forty years before WikiLeaks and the NSA scandal, there was Media, Pennsylvania. In 1971, eight activists plotted an intricate break-in to the local FBI offices to leak stolen documents and expose the illegal surveillance of ordinary Americans in an era of anti-war activism. In this riveting heist story, the perpetrators reveal themselves for the first time, reflecting on their actions and raising broader questions surrounding security leaks in activism today.
O filme acompanha a vida e o perigoso trabalho da "Equipe de Emergência" (ou E-Team) da "Human Rights Watch", uma ONG que defende e realiza pesquisas sobre os direitos humanos. Quando atrocidades humanas estão desenfreadas, quando ditadores cruéis mantêm uma nação cativa, são nesses momentos que a E-Team é posta em ação. Do vencedor do Oscar, Ross Kauffman e candidata ao Emmy Award, Katy Chevigny, o mais recente Documentário Original Netflix traz para você atrás das linhas inimigas e nos dentes das zonas de guerra mais perigosas do mundo. Um grupo de idealistas feroz, a E-Team intrepidamente arrisca sua vida para expor a verdade por trás dos crimes de guerra horríveis de Bashar al-Assad e Muammar Gaddafi, entre outros, que dá voz às vítimas indefesas do genocídio global.
Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale
BAD BLOOD chronicles how a "miracle" treatment for hemophilia became an agent of death for 10,000 Americans.
Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale
BAD BLOOD chronicles how a "miracle" treatment for hemophilia became an agent of death for 10,000 Americans.
Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale
BAD BLOOD chronicles how a "miracle" treatment for hemophilia became an agent of death for 10,000 Americans.
Meltdown at Three Mile Island
Associate Producer
In the predawn hours of March 28, 1979, a reactor of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, began to overheat. The lives of half a million people soon hung in the balance, as human error and mechanical failure combined to create the worst nuclear accident in American history.