Florence Vercheval


Art Direction
On the night of the strangest wedding in cinema history, a grotesque gang boss hires a stonecold killer to bring him the finger of a fading, drug-addicted jazz legend.
A Solidão do Poder
Pierre Vasseur es Presidente de la República. Tiene una agenda ocupada: debe resolver las crisis políticas, contener la ira popular, soportar la ironía de la prensa y los ataques de la oposición. En lo que respecta a su vida privada, debe manejar principalmente las relaciones tensas que mantiene con su hija.
The Pack
Production Design
In the middle of a snowy no man's land, Charlotte picks up Max, a hitchhiker; they stop in a truck-stop restaurant, and when Max doesn't come back from the bathroom, Charlotte starts looking for him in vain. She decides to return during the night but gets kidnapped by the bartender, La Spack, who turns out to be Max's mother and needs to feed her kids, 'The pack', a bunch of blood lusting ghouls. Charlotte now faces a terrifying reality: these ghouls are already dead... and hungry. Alone and in the middle of nowhere, she quickly realizes... she's next on the menu!
O sequestro de um herói
Set Decoration
Stanislas Graff (Yvan Attal), um rico industrial, é sequestrado. Durante sua degradação física e mental no cativeiro, os sequestradores, polícia e o corpo diretivo da empresa que ele comanda discutem o resgate no valor de 50 milhões de euros.