John Shrapnel

John Shrapnel

Nascimento : 1942-04-27, Birmingham, England, UK

Morte : 2020-02-14


Shrapnel was born in Birmingham, Warwickshire, the son of Mary Lillian Myfanwy (née Edwards) and journalist/author Norman Shrapnel.[1] As a stage actor, he was a member of Laurence Olivier's Royal National Theatre company and the Royal Shakespeare Company and most recently appeared as Sir Oliver Surface in The School for Scandal (directed by Deborah Warner) at the Barbican Centre in 2011. He has also appeared extensively in film and on television in roles in Elizabeth R, Z-Cars, Edward and Mrs. Simpson, 101 Dalmatians, Space: 1999, Inspector Morse, Coogan's Run, Notting Hill and Foyle's War. He presented an episode of the 1983 BBC television travel series Great Little Railways. He gave performances in three entries in the BBC Television Shakespeare plays and as Creon in the BBC's 1984 productions of the Three Theban plays of Sophocles. In America, he has starred in supporting roles as Senator Gaius in Gladiator, Nestor in Troy and Pompey in the second episode of Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire. He also played the Jail Warden in the 10th Kingdom, an epic fantasy miniseries. He has the rare achievement of appearing in two episodes of Midsomer Murders as two different characters, in Death in Chorus and Written in Blood. Shrapnel appeared in an episode of Jonathan Creek as Professor Lance Graumann in the episode The Omega Man. He appears in Chemical Wedding alongside Simon Callow, telling the tale of the resurrection of occultist Aleister Crowley. Shrapnel also has experience in the field of BBC radio drama through such characters as Colin Dexter's Inspector Morse and William Gibson's Neuromancer. He is the son-in-law of Deborah Kerr through his 1975 marriage to her younger daughter Francesca Ann Bartley. They have three sons, the actors Lex Shrapnel (b.1979), Tom Shrapnel (b.1981) and the writer Joe Shrapnel (b.1976). They live in Highbury, north London.


John Shrapnel


Rei Charles III
Archbishop of Canterbury
O príncipe Charles esperou toda a sua vida para ascender ao trono britânico. Mas depois da morte da rainha, ele acaba detonando uma crise constitucional.
Branagh Theatre Live: The Winter's Tale
A jealous king jeopardizes his family, friendships and succession.
From its sell-out run at Manchester's Royal Exchange Theatre comes a film version of this unique and critically acclaimed production of Hamlet with BAFTA-nominee Maxine Peake in the title role. This ground-breaking stage production, directed by Sarah Frankcom, was the Royal Exchange's fastest-selling show in a decade.
Building Burma's Death Railway: Moving Half the Mountain
Moving Half The Mountain documents the true stories of the survivors from one of the worst atrocities of the Second World War the brutal use of prisoners (POWs) and forced local labour by the Japanese to build a railway linking Thailand to Burma. These men are now in their twilight years but their memories are as clear as though it were yesterday.
National Theatre Live: Macbeth
Duncan, King of Scotland/Seyton, attendant to Macbeth/Old Man
National Theatre Live will broadcast Manchester International Festival’s electrifying production of Macbeth, with Kenneth Branagh (My Week With Marilyn, Hamlet) in his first Shakespeare performance in over a decade as Macbeth, and Alex Kingston (Doctor Who, ER) as Lady Macbeth. Directed by Olivier and Tony Award-winner Rob Ashford (Anna Christie at the Donmar Warehouse, Thoroughly Modern Millie on Broadway) and BAFTA Award-winner Kenneth Branagh, this unique production of Shakespeare’s tragic tale of ambition and treachery unfolds within the walls of an intimate deconsecrated Manchester church.
O Despertar
Reverend Hugh Purslow
1921, pouco após a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Assombrada pela morte de seu noivo, Florence Cathcart (Rebecca Hall) resolveu dedicar sua vida a investigar supostos casos paranormais, usando a lógica para explicá-los. Ela aceita o convite para ir a uma escola onde um garoto foi encontrado morto e, segundo rumores, seu fantasma assombra o local. Logo ela começa a buscar evidências científicas que expliquem a situação, só que suas descobertas aos poucos colocam em dúvida tudo o que sabe até então.
National Theatre Live: Phèdre
A new English adaptation of the classic French tragedy Phèdre by Jean Racine (1639-1699). It retells the ancient Greek tale of the wife of the Atenian King Theseus, who conceived a forbidden love for his son (by an earlier wife) Hyppolytus. All ends badly for all.
A Duquesa
General Grey
Georgiana Spencer casou-se aos 18 anos com o Duque de Devonshire, que queria a todo custo ter um filho. Possuindo o título de Duquesa de Devonshire, logo Georgiana demonstrou sua inteligência e perspicácia perante a corte inglesa. Entretanto, ela não conseguia dar ao duque um filho, com todas as suas tentativas de ficar grávida resultando em abortos ou em filhas. Isto faz com que o relacionamento entre eles se deteriore, pouco a pouco.
Espelhos do Medo
Lorenzo Sapelli
Ben Carson (Kiefer Sutherland) é um ex-detetive que, há um ano, foi suspenso do Departamento de Polícia de Nova York por ter atingido com um tiro um policial infiltrado. O caso fez com que se tornasse alcóolatra, o que o afastou de sua esposa e filhos. Tentando retomar sua vida em família, Ben aceita o emprego de vigia noturno nas ruínas de uma loja de departamentos. Porém enquanto patrulha o local ele começa a notar algo estranho nos espelhos usados como enfeite, já que refletem imagens horripilantes.
Chemical Wedding
A shy, stuttering professor brings satanist Aleister Crowley back to life.
Hindenburg: Titanic of the Skies
Himself (Narrator)
The film explores the background and build-up to this final flight to disaster. Using dramatic reconstruction, archive footage and exclusive interviews with leading historians and engineering experts, the special delves into the political and scientific events that led up to the catastrophe.
Elizabeth: A Era de Ouro
Lord Howard
Há quase três décadas no comando da Inglaterra, a Rainha Elizabeth I enfrenta ameaças ao seu poder, impostas por governos estrangeiros e pelo seu próprio país. Simultaneamente, o Rei da Espanha Felipe II, apoiado pelo Vaticano, planeja destronar a rainha e restaurar o catolicismo na nação britânica. Elizabeth se prepara para entrar em guerra, ao mesmo tempo em que luta contra uma paixão inesperada.
Alien Autopsy
Michael Kuhn
O destino e a determinação pessoal levam um pai socialista (Brendan Fraser) a unir forças com um recluso pesquisador médico (Harrison Ford). Juntos esssa dupla improvável enfrenta dificuldades extremas em sua batalha contra toda a classe médica e contra o próprio tempo na tentativa de encontrar uma cura antes que seja tarde demais. Estrelado também por Keri Russel, 'Decisões Extremas' é uma história sobre o poder do amor e da fé contra o impossível. Inspirado no livro 'The cure', escrito pela escritora Geeta Anand, ganhadora do prêmio Pulitzer.
Wachau - Valley of Golden Magic
Narrator (English Version)
Join Georg Riha and his team in this ORF-UNIVERSUM production and discover one of the most beautiful stretches along the Danube.Featuring a great number of aerial shots, this documentary captures the cultural and natural beauty of the entire region, as well as portraying the Alzinger family in their vineyards during the seasons.The Wachau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is presented from unusual perspectives, offering spectacular views of this picturesque area.
O Carrasco
Filme que se passa no século 16, durante uma época turbulenta, violenta e intolerante, principalmente por parte da milionária igreja católica da época. Dois amigos são criados em um monastério, mas quando adultos, seguem caminhos separados. Enquanto um escolhe a vida eclesiástica, o outro opta por servir ao estado na condição de um soldado. Depois de um longo tempo, os dois acabam, novamente, se encontrando em meio aos tumultos entre a reforma luterana e a igreja católica. Os anos se passam e o soldado se apaixona e se casa com uma mulher que é filha do carrasco da cidade, a figura mais temida e odiada pela população. Ela é, injustamente, acusada de bruxaria e passa a ser perseguida pela igreja. O casal inicia uma fuga desesperada que vai colocar os dois amigos, em lados opostos, em uma crise sem precedentes, e em xeque a própria amizade entre eles.
Seven Wonders of Ancient Greece
Greece, a land of breathtaking beauty and light. A land where science, art and inspiration from the gods combined to produce some of the world's greatest marvels of architecture and design. The ancient Greeks used buildings and structures to reflect the variety of life at the core of their civilisation - they built the first theatres, staged the first sports events and worshipped in some of the most spectacular temples ever built.
Quando Páris, o príncipe de Troia, se apaixona por Helena, rainha de Esparta, o rei inicia uma guerra de anos entre os dois reinos. Para vencer, Esparta conta com Aquiles, um guerreiro lendário que comanda um exército próprio.
Seven Wonders of Ancient Egypt
At the dawn of history, the ancient Egyptians showed the world how to build the impossible... In an age before machines, when copper was the strongest metal yet discovered, great pharaohs like Khufu and Ramses II demonstrated how boundless ambition and vast quantities of human labour could transform rock and stone into some of the most incredible monuments ever created from carving out spectacular tombs in the Valley Of The Kings to the building of the iconic Great Pyramid. In this fascinating documentary special we uncover the secrets of Ancient Egypt Pharaoh, engineers and architects and bring to life great buildings and the ancient Egyptians saw them - towering over their great civilisation in the history of Africa, and perhaps the World....
Seven Wonders of Ancient Rome
Able to inspire wonder and awe in all who gazed upon them, The Seven Wonders of Ancient Rome - the Pantheon, the Aqueducts of Rome, the Via Appia, the Baths of Caracalla, Trajan's Markets, Circus Maximus and the Colosseum - were the works of great men who translated fantastic visions into the epitome of human achievement. These visionaries included ambitious Emperors like Hadrian and engineers with revolutionary ideas such as Apollodorus. By the second century AD, Rome had become the 'caput mundi' - the head of the world.
The Race for Everest
The dramatic story of the British expedition that made the first ascent of Everest. Combining interviews with the surviving members of the 1953 British and 1952 Swiss attempt on Everest with rare archival material, this film tells the story of the race to climb Everest in the early 1950s and its climax in 1953.
Wild Women of Viramba
Following years of research, the intimacies of this female-led group of baboons, are dramatically revealed. Almost every day for the past 25 years, the Viramba troop of yellow baboons have been accompanied by scientists in one of the most extensive primate research projects ever conducted.Wild Women of Viramba, reveals the trials and tribulations of daily life, deep in the African bush. Researcher Holly Carroll has come to understand the troop, which is controlled by its female members.
Schönbrunn - Well of Beauty
Narrator (English Version)
Schönbrunn is a world of marvels and mystery, of public glamour and curious secrets. The wealth of its building and landscape architecture, the grand views and hidden details, the wildlife, tamed nature as well as its past and present human population supply more stories and images than even the most insatiable camera can record.Schönbrunn in the protean succession of the seasons, of light and shadow, day and night is presented by Sir Peter Ustinov and was broadcasted in the “ORF-UNIVERSUM”-series for the 250th anniversary of the Schönbrunn Zoo.
K-19: The Widowmaker
Admiral Bratyeev
Em 1961, Alexi Vostrikov (Harrison Ford) precisa comandar a equipe do submarino K-19 em uma delicada operação nuclear, causada pelo fato do sistema de refrigeração do próprio K-19 ter deixado de funcionar repentinamente. Sem condições de se comunicar com outras embarcações russas, já que o rádio deixara de funcionar, Vostrikov e o capitão Mikhail Polenin (Liam Neeson) precisam deixar suas diferenças de lado para salvar a tripulação do submarino e, ao mesmo tempo, evitar que um desastre nuclear aconteça e possa causar a 3ª Guerra Mundial.
Lex Vandenberg
A young ambitious claims assessor investigates a multi million dollar marine insurance fraud.
Whistle depicts the dreary off-hours of an ultra-technological hit-man who becomes 'involved' in the life of one of his victims. The hit-man's wife is not only fully cognizant of her husband's day job but she is also the cold-blooded contact with his bosses when the conscience crisis sets in!
Experience the fear as you're sucked into the disturbed mind of Alex. Tormented by harrowing voices of the past Alex searches for the one girl who can silence the horror of a tortured soul. As the quest becomes darker and more sinister Alex's fear filled stalking leaves behind a trail of dead bodies. Inspector Hannah is the detective who makes a desperate attempt to piece together the mystery as he is drawn into this terrifying journey.
Animals of the Ocean Desert
For two-thirds of the year, the Little Rann is a desert. Suddenly, in August, monsoon winds whip up the Arabian Sea and carry it 100 km inland. The desert and these mounds soon become islands and homes to high concentrations of rarely-seen, endangered and spectacular wildlife.
Mountain Men: The Ghosts of K2
A história das expedições à K2 de Fritz Wiessner, em 1939, e Charlie Houston, em 1953.
O Corpo
Moshe Cohen
Durante uma expedição, uma arqueologista, encontra um corpo crucificado, cujo exames apontam que ele é do primeiro século antes de Cristo. Ao saber do corpo, o Vaticano envia um padre, que tem por missão investigar se o corpo encontrado seria de Jesus Cristo, que viveu exatamente nesta época. A ameaça de que as suspeitas estejam corretas desestabiliza a Igreja Católica, que pode ter sua credibilidade de séculos arruinada, já que como Cristo ressuscitou não pode haver um corpo seu na Terra.
Supermassive Black Holes
"Horizon" examines the recent discovery of supermassive black holes, which spawn galaxies even as they threaten to destroy everything in their path.
Nos dias finais do reinado de Marcus Aurelius, o imperador desperta a ira de seu filho Commodus ao tornar pública sua predileção em deixar o trono para Maximus, o comandante do exército romano. Sedento pelo poder, Commodus mata seu pai, assume a coroa e ordena a morte de Maximus, que consegue fugir antes de ser pego e passa a se esconder sob a identidade de um escravo e gladiador do Império Romano.
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Mary, Mother of Jesus is a 1999 made-for-television Biblical film that retells the story of Jesus through the eyes of Mary, his mother.
Notting Hill
PR Chief
Will, um pacato dono de uma livraria londrina, vai ter a oportunidade de conhecer Anna Scott, uma estrela de cinema norte-americana que visita a sua loja incógnita. Dois ou três encontros fortuitos mais tarde e ambos iniciam um relacionamento terno, engraçado e cheio de idas e vindas.
Hornblower: The Frogs and the Lobsters
General Charette
Lieutenant Hornblower and his shipmates are sent to accompany a doomed royalist invasion of revolutionary France.
The Strange Case of Delphina Potocka
St. Stephen's: The Living Cathedral
Narrator (English voice)
St. Stephen’s Cathedral ranks amongst Austria‘s most famous cultural monuments. Yet, one would not think of that Cathedral being one of the most astonishing natural areas in Austria.Georg Riha and his team have explored the Cathedral from its foundations to the top of its 136 meter spire and discovered a true botanical and zoological garden: wild animals, exotic butterflies, kestrels, moss, lichen and even trees.
101 Dálmatas
L. Skinner
A designer de moda Anita e o programador de jogos para computador Roger se encontram, se apaixonam e se casam junto com seus dálmatas Perdita e Pongo. Mas os filhotinhos dos orgulhosos Perdita e Pongo são sequestrados pela chefe de Anita, a Cruella De Vil, que está roubando filhotes de dálmatas para fazer o casaco de peles que ela definiu como seu preferido. Com a ajuda do reino animal britânico, Pongo e Perdita partem para encontrar e resgatar seus filhotes de seus temíveis sequestradores, Jasper e Horácio. Acabam encontrando alguns mais.
Two Deaths
A tale of power, passion and obsession set in a politically torn Eastern European country.
King Arthur: His Life and Legends
The legend of King Arthur spans centuries and has inspired countless novels and films. But who was King Arthur, and what was his real legacy? Through reenactments and historical images, this A&E production explores the romance, adventure and politics of the noble ruler of Camelot. He inspired the Knights of the Round Table and fought to defend England, only to be betrayed by the one he loved most, his own Queen Guinevere.
England, My England
Samuel Pepys
The story of Henry Purcell.
A Nação do Medo
General Globus
Se parte da premissa que a Alemanha venceu a 2ª Guerra Mundial, após repelir o ataque dos aliados no Dia D. A ação se desenrola em uma Alemanha fictícia dos anos 60, que estando em guerra com a União Soviética precisa se aliar aos Estados Unidos e deve receber o presidente americano para selar o pacto. Um oficial da SS, Xavier March (Rutger Hauer) começa a ficar intrigado com certos "suicídios" e "acidentes" e, com Charlie Maguire (Miranda Richardson), uma repórter americana, começa a investigar as mortes, que escondem uma verdade tão grave que pode comprometer a aliança.
Claudius / The Ghost (voice)
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales (also known as The Animated Shakespeare) is a series of twelve half-hour animated television adaptations of the plays of William Shakespeare, originally broadcast on BBC2 between 1992 and 1994. HAMLET is animated using watercolours on glass.
SS-3: The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich
Reinhard Heydrich was considered the most dangerous man in Nazi Germany after Hitler himself. The plot to kill him masterminded in England and carried through to finality in Prague in 1942, is told in this gripping dramatised documentary special. Featuring meticulous reconstructions, coupled with authentic historical film, some of it never shown before the film powerfully presents a vivid account of the only successful assassination of a leading Nazi in World War II. It also chillingly recreates the terrible human cost of SS savagery against the Resistance and the total obliteration of the village of Lidice.
Selling Hitler
Gerd Schulte-Hillen
In 1981, Gerd Heidemann (Jonathan Pryce), a war correspondent and reporter with the German magazine Stern, makes what he believes is the literary and historical scoop of the century: the personal diaries of Adolf Hitler. Over the next two years, Heidemann and the senior management figures at Stern secretly pay 10 million German marks to a mysterious 'Dr Fischer' (Alexei Sayle) for the sixty volumes of 'Hitler's diaries'. However, to the dismay of all, it is discovered after the publication of first extract that the diaries are crude forgeries, faked by Stuttgart criminal Konrad Kujau.
How to Get Ahead in Advertising
Pressure from his boss and a skin-cream client produces a talking boil on a British adman's neck.
Andre Zhdanov
The story of the great Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) and his life and career during the rule of Stalin.
General Flood
The tumultuous events surrounding the sub-continent's partition in 1947 into India and Pakistan are re-imagined in Ken McMullen's complex and visually striking film. A lunatic asylum in the city of Lahore becomes a mirror image of events in the outside political world, with the same actors playing both inmates and rulers. Adapted by Tariq Ali and McMullen from famous Urdu writer Saadat Hasan Manto's short story 'Toba Tek Singh', Partition speaks for the countless millions that the usual British Raj films sweep out of sight. Released to mark the 60th anniversary of the partition of the Indian sub-continent, this is the film's first-ever release on DVD.
Personal Services
The story of the rise of a madame of a suburban brothel catering to older men, inspired by the real experiences of Cynthia Payne. The story follows Christine Painter as the down-at-heel waitress who, with the help of prostitute Shirley and cross-dressing Wing Commander Morten, seeks to up her earnings by turning her suburban home into a brothel. Before long she and her girls are chaining up judges, spanking Generals and attending to the needs of Honourable Members. Christine sees herself as providing a vital service to these harmless pervs and when finally the house is busted and the case comes to court, it's fair to say that the presiding judge isn't unfamiliar with her work.
Theban Plays: Antigone
In a final battle for the control of Thebes, Oedipus's two sons kill each other. Creon issues an order that no one is to bury Polynices upon pain of death. But Antigone is determined that her brother's body will have the proper rites of burial.
Theban Plays: Oedipus at Colonus
Oedipus's wanderings come to an end when he finds his final resting place, as foretold by the gods. But his brother-in-law and his son each try to take him away.
Theban Plays: Oedipus the King
Plagues are ravaging Thebes, and the blind fortune-teller Tieresias tells Oedipus, the King, that the gods are unhappy. The murder of the former king has gone unavenged, and Oedipus sets out to find the killer.
The Burston Rebellion
Rev. Charles Tucker Eland
Drama reconstructing the events of a strike by the schoolchildren of a Norfolk school in 1914, who refused to accept the dismissal of their teachers, Tom and Annie Higdon, who were both socialists.
George Sims
He is a respectable pillar of London society who yearns for an idyllic existence away from the noise and the smoke. She feels hemmed in by the confines of an isolated fishing village and dreams of the bright lights, and even brighter people, of the great metropolis. On a hot August day in 1883, Clement Scott, the writer, and Louie Jermy, the miller's daughter, meet each other for the first time.
King Lear
Earl of Kent
King Lear, old and tired, divides his kingdom among his daughters, giving great importance to their protestations of love for him. When Cordelia, youngest and most honest, refuses to idly flatter the old man in return for favor, he banishes her and turns for support to his remaining daughters. But Goneril and Regan have no love for him and instead plot to take all his power from him. In a parallel, Lear's loyal courtier Gloucester favors his illegitimate son Edmund after being told lies about his faithful son Edgar. Madness and tragedy befall both ill-starred fathers.
Troilus & Cressida
The bitter Trojan War drags on - the Greeks blame Achilles' apathy for low morale, while Troy's hero Hector challenges one of the enemy to a personal duel. And after her father exchanges Cressida for a Trojan prisoner, the war becomes personal for her distraught lover Troilus.
Timon of Athens
Timon loves to give parties and objects to friends, but when he cannot pay his creditors, his "friends" refuse to help him, and he becomes a misanthropic hermit.
Gossip From The Forest
Matthias Erzberger
The events around the signing of The Armistice at the end of the First World War.
Edward & Mrs. Simpson
Major Alexander Hardinge
While still the Prince of Wales, the future Edward VIII meets the married American socialite, Wallis Simpson. Their relationship causes furor in the palace and in parliament, especially when King George V dies, Mrs. Simpson gets divorced, and King Edward announces his intentions to marry her.
Professional Foul
Three philosophy professors travel to Prague for a conference. One of them, Anderson, is forced to rethink his ideas on ethics when a former student is arrested by the Czech authorities for writing about individualist approaches to morality.
Former Irish Republican Army member Niall Hennessy lives in Belfast, Ireland, with his wife and daughter amid the ongoing Irish-British conflict. Though he still knows people in the IRA, including fugitive leader Tobin, Niall has given up his violent ways. One day his family is caught in a chaotic street shootout and killed by British forces. Overwhelmed with rage and hunted by a Scotland Yard inspector, Niall heads to London to exact his deadly revenge.
Joana, A Mulher Que Foi Papa
Father James
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it is questionable that Pope Joan really did exist, and portrays her relationships with other notables of the time.
Nicholas e Alexandra
Tsar Nicholas II, the inept last monarch of Russia, insensitive to the needs of his people, is overthrown and exiled to Siberia with his family.