Svetlana Khodchenkova

Svetlana Khodchenkova

Nascimento : 1983-01-21, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR


Svetlana Khodchenkova is a Russian actress, known for her roles in Blagoslovite zhenshchinu (2003) and in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011). She was born Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova on January 21, 1983, in Moscow and spent her childhood in Zheleznodorozhny, a small city about 6 miles east of Moscow, Russia. She was raised by a single mother, attended a public school, and once dreamed of becoming a medical doctor. In 1998, at the age of 15, she started a career as a fashion model in Moscow, and also made a few international gigs. In 2000 she began her studies at the Moscow Institute of World Economics, but quit in favor of acting. From 2001 to 2005 she studied acting at the Shchukin Theatrical School of the Vakhtangov Theatre in Moscow. There she attended the class of Nina Doroshina and Alekandr Lyubimtsev, graduating in 2005 as actress. While a student, she starred in films of directors Stanislav Govorukhin, and Viktor Merezhko, and also appeared in popular Russian TV series. In 2008, she earned the best actress award at Gdynya Polish Film Festival, for the leading role in Mala Moskwa (2008). In 2012, she won COFCA Award for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011). On December 13, 2005, she married her classmate, actor Vladimir Yaglych, and also took her husband's name, changing her name from Svetlana Khodchenkova to Svetlana Yaglych.The couple married on the 13th on purpose; because all their filming contracts were signed on the 13th, they believed that 13 would keep working as a good number for them. However, their marriage did not last, ending in divorce. Svetlana has been involved in several stage productions of Independent stage project in Moscow. She made stellar appearances in such plays, as "Moulin Rouge Hospital" and "Theatre with and without rules" earning herself much critical acclaim. Outside of her acting profession, Svetlana is skilled in horse-back riding. She is also fond of winter sports, such as alpine skiing: she practiced her downhill at the ski resort of Courchevel, France. Source IMDB, original author Steve Shelokhonov


Svetlana Khodchenkova
Svetlana Khodchenkova
Svetlana Khodchenkova
Svetlana Khodchenkova
Svetlana Khodchenkova
Svetlana Khodchenkova
Svetlana Khodchenkova
Svetlana Khodchenkova


Сказочные выходные
An ordinary Russian family goes to a digital detox hotel in the Murom region on the day when hordes of fabulous monsters suddenly begin to materialize in the real world. The only weapon against them is a mobile application.
The Biggest Moon
The Emers are superhumans, endowed with unusual abilities. They can manipulate human emotions and do not feel pain. However, they are unable to truly love. One day their world is under threat, and Denis, a young half-blood emerge, goes in search of the chosen one who can save everyone.
Another Name
Liza is a sophisticated woman who lives in a ‘high class world’. Her husband Peter speaks Russian with a German accent, he owns a chocolate factory. They live in a cold world of minimalistic interiors, holding back their emotions. There are no children in their expensive countryside house but there are expensive greyhound dogs. However, Liza can’t stay stone cold calm, as she has a secret from her past that burns her from inside, one that she would be happy to get rid of forever… And somewhere near there is a burnt room, and teenager Ulya has the keys.
Another Name
Liza is a sophisticated woman who lives in a ‘high class world’. Her husband Peter speaks Russian with a German accent, he owns a chocolate factory. They live in a cold world of minimalistic interiors, holding back their emotions. There are no children in their expensive countryside house but there are expensive greyhound dogs. However, Liza can’t stay stone cold calm, as she has a secret from her past that burns her from inside, one that she would be happy to get rid of forever… And somewhere near there is a burnt room, and teenager Ulya has the keys.
Prisão Domiciliar
David é um professor russo que começa a usar as redes sociais para criticar a administração de sua cidade. Mas logo ele é acusado de fraude pelos governantes e colocado em prisão domiciliar. Agora, David precisa encontrar uma maneira de se fazer ouvir novamente.
Tell Her
Svetlana, Sasha's mother
What is to be a child to whom parents ask the same question every day: whom does he love more? Mom or dad? What should mom do if she madly loves her son, but circumstances force him to take the child away from his father? What should be done to dad if his son is taken to America forever, and he cannot imagine his life without him? This is a story of choice. When deciding for a child, a parent often does as he is comfortable with. The child agrees, afraid to hurt the parent, but time will pass, he will mature and at some point he will decide for himself. Only the parent from this will be much more painful.
O Vento do Norte
O Clã do Norte dos fabricantes na era da grande matriarca celebra a noite de Ano Novo por várias décadas — do século passado até os dias atuais. A amada noiva do principal herdeiro do clã morre e o caos chega ao território dos Campos do Norte. Os campos apodrecem, porque a jovem falecida acabou por ser um elemento indispensável que desagradou tão injustamente e cedo. No entanto, o Clã do Norte tem uma hora a mais, a 13ª, quando são mais fortes que a morte.
Na Ponta
A melhor esgrimista de sabre do mundo, Alexandra Pokrovskaya, é famosa, rica e feliz. Para entrar na história, ela só precisa dar um último passo: conquistar o ouro olímpico. Porém, seu caminho cruza o de Kira Egorova, uma garota provinciana de dezenove anos, que conquista Moscou da noite para o dia. Kira vence todas as competições e não sai das capas de revistas, ocupando o lugar de Pokrovskaya. Um confronto feroz começa, não apenas em torneios, mas também na vida real. As duas garotas são obcecadas pela vitória, e parece que nada pode detê-las. O mundo inteiro, com a respiração suspensa, observa o brilho de suas lâminas afiadas. E cada vez fica mais óbvio: esta luta está indo longe demais.
Love Without Size
Masha is over thirty. Rented apartment, no husband, no children, no lover. A few years ago, she conquered Moscow and shone on stage, but the years go by, and the body is not getting younger, and the size leaves much to be desired. Fate in the person of the “former” takes her to the foot of Elbrus, where Masha meets old acquaintances and new great feelings.
O Último Herói
Há 15 anos, Andrei, sob a orientação de seu pai, coronel Rodina, foi treinado em uma escola especial secreta, onde agentes do Serviço de Inteligência Estrangeira foram treinados por adolescentes. Quando o projeto piloto foi fechado, Andrei “queimou as pontes”, permaneceu na Europa e tentou não se lembrar do passado. Mas um dia seu pai liga, a quem todo mundo considerava morto. Ele relata que a caça está aberta para Andrei, mas quem decidiu destruí-lo é desconhecido. Fugindo, ele encontra Masha, com quem estudou em uma escola especial. Andrei terá que passar por amor e traição e aprender sobre a verdadeira escala do implacável jogo de espionagem, no qual ele estava involuntariamente envolvido.
Escaped to Arizona
Director of Photography
Filmed at the junction of a video blog and the “what if” genre, a reality short film about the travel to the USA of the exuberant Moscow Art Theater star Alexander Molochnikov and actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, who starred in Godunov and Wolverine, but wants to see the Grand Canyon while Molochnikov wants Khodchenkova. Is everything happening - a real story of a relationship or is it just a script? Each viewer decides for himself.
Escaped to Arizona
Filmed at the junction of a video blog and the “what if” genre, a reality short film about the travel to the USA of the exuberant Moscow Art Theater star Alexander Molochnikov and actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, who starred in Godunov and Wolverine, but wants to see the Grand Canyon while Molochnikov wants Khodchenkova. Is everything happening - a real story of a relationship or is it just a script? Each viewer decides for himself.
Escaped to Arizona
Filmed at the junction of a video blog and the “what if” genre, a reality short film about the travel to the USA of the exuberant Moscow Art Theater star Alexander Molochnikov and actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, who starred in Godunov and Wolverine, but wants to see the Grand Canyon while Molochnikov wants Khodchenkova. Is everything happening - a real story of a relationship or is it just a script? Each viewer decides for himself.
Escaped to Arizona
Filmed at the junction of a video blog and the “what if” genre, a reality short film about the travel to the USA of the exuberant Moscow Art Theater star Alexander Molochnikov and actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, who starred in Godunov and Wolverine, but wants to see the Grand Canyon while Molochnikov wants Khodchenkova. Is everything happening - a real story of a relationship or is it just a script? Each viewer decides for himself.
Mama Forever
Actress - Dovlatov's friend
seis dias na vida de escritor brilhante e irônico que viu muito além dos limites rígidos da Rússia soviética dos anos 70.
Life Ahead
Lyuda Gerusova
Old classmates finally meet each other after 15 years since graduation from school and that's an amazing opportunity to travel back in time. Old secrets and personal vendettas, hard feelings and first loves turn to fever pitch.
A wannabe model from a small Russian town robs a local bank to fund her modeling career.
Classmates #NewTurn
It's been a year since Katya's wedding so now Dasha is getting ready to marry.
Após a morte de seu pai, Vladimir, príncipe viking é forçado ao exilio através do mar congelado para escapar de seu irmão que conquistou o território. Junto com o guerreiro Sveneld, eles irão lutar para reconquistar seu território
All That Jam
At the center of the story is the relationship of a young mother with her 14-year-old daughter, who actually considers her mother to be an older sister, and her grandparents - real parents.
Sochi, Russia. The day before wedding Katya finds her fiancé on a date with a hot blonde, so her classmates Vika, Sveta, and Dasha decide to find Katya a new husband. They have one night only. Will they succeed?
Aluga-se uma Casa com Todos os Inconvenientes
Corretor ambicioso aluga uma casa para várias famílias ao mesmo tempo. Depois de algumas situações embaraçosas as coisas parecem estar caminhando bem, quando o proprietário do imóvel retorna de uma viagem sem saber que seu amigo a quem ele emprestara a casa a tinha alugado.
In a Love Access Zone
zhena Vyasheslava Rodina
Horoscope for Good Luck
Max falls into the hands of a "happy" horoscope, which he must follow for 30 days, performing all its insane orders to obtain previously unavailable beauty and success. But one day Max's horoscope is replaced...
The End of a Great Era
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A Condessa Sangrenta
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Likes or Dislikes
Aleksey must decide what's better for him - a regular life with his fiancé Alyona or adventurous life with a famous journalist Irina.
Vasilisa não é uma narrativa histórica, mas sim uma reflexão da lenda sobre a paixão e o amor que surgiram em vida no meio de batalhas e do frio inverno russo. Em agosto de 1812, uma unidade militar francesa invade a aldeia de Vasilisa e acidentalmente mata seu marido, o prefeito da aldeia. Vasilisa, louca de dor joga-se contra os infratores. É assim que ela conhece o oficial francês Blier. Os franceses batem em retirada, mas Blier não pode esquecer o rosto da camponesa russa. Tendo perdido os seus entes queridos, Vasilisa monta uma unidade guerrilheira na floresta. Em uma das batalhas, ela salva Rokotov, um oficial russo gravemente ferido, que se apaixona profundamente por ela. Vasilisa termina dividida entre dois homens, dois guerreiros apaixonados por ela: entre Blier, um francês capturado pela sua unidade e Rokotov. O que será mais forte, amor ou o ódio? Quem era aquela extraordinária camponesa russa, uma guerreira enfurecida ou uma mulher apaixonada?
A Diary of a First-grader Mom
A year from the life of a first-grader and his parents.
The Adventurers
Katya and her fiancé Andrey - successful young banker fly to Malta on holiday. At the diving center they accidentally meet Max - professional diver, secretly engaged in black archaeology and Katya's ex boyfriend so the adventures start...
Svetlana Zhurova
Five real-life stories of Olympic athletes of Russia. Five stories which intertwined love, betrayal, friendship. Each of these victories worth hard work, respect and belief in yourself, in your family and to your country.
No Love in the City 3
Our three hapless heroes - Igor, Artyom, and Sauna - return for the third lesson from St. Valentine. This time they must learn the true value of fatherhood, but this time the kids are grown up...
The Lucky Island
A funny comedy about three young girls and one man who are stuck on inhabited island.
Wolverine: Imortal
Madame Hydra / Viper
Após matar Jean Grey para salvar a humanidade, Logan passou a viver na selva. Deprimido, ele é encontrado em um bar pela jovem Yukio, filha de Yashida, que foi salvo por Logan em Nagasaki na época da bomba atômica. Yashima deseja reencontrar Logan para fazer-lhe uma proposta: transferir seu fator de cura para ele, de forma que Logan possa, enfim, se tornar mortal e levar uma vida como uma pessoa qualquer. Ele recusa o convite, mas acaba infectado por uma mutante imune a venenos de todo tipo.
Pânico no metrô
Irina Garina
Terror strikes the underground train system in Moscow in the form of a flood from a collapsed tunnel. The film follows a diverse group of Moscow citizens who find themselves trapped in the city’s underground rail network, their train derailed and virtually crushed after an aging tunnel collapses. Amongst this band of survivors is softly spoken surgeon Andrey (Sergei Puskepalis), whose wife is having an affair with the conceited businessman Vlad (Anatoly Beliy). Fate brings these two men together on the same doomed train, but there is little time to resolve their differences, as the tunnel begins to quickly fill with water, forcing them to work together with the others and find a way back to the surface.
Napoleon 1812
Eight different greetings and situations on March 8th... Eight different Moms.
Corporal vs. Napoleon
Natasha Rostova
Napoleon has decided to declare war to the world. When he approaches Moscow, the Russian military tries to outfox him: they send a beautiful woman to Napoleon who is supposed to seduce him, so he will think about making love, not war.
Surprise me
Five Brides
Nastya Karpova
May, 1945... A young pilot Aleksey Kaverin stationed in Germany is going home to Russia for vacation. The problem is he needs to bring a bride. And not only to himself but to four his friends as well.
O Espião Que Sabia Demais
Nos anos 70, durante a Guerra Fria, o agente George Smiley recebe uma nova missão: descobrir um infiltrado no serviço secreto britânico, enfrentando um longo caminho de mentiras e traições.
The main character of the film Sergey Dobrolyubov is a news anchor of a music channel. Because of his conservatism he looks strange among his progressive colleagues. And his skeptical and negative attitude to all things new and unusual is a constant target of their mockery. He is definitely not a star of the channel. Sergey and his wife want to have a baby but have no success. Only a miracle can help them but Sergey does not believe in miracles till one particular moment. He makes a wish to have a baby, and a miracle happens - he gets pregnant! Now Sergey must prove to everyone - dreams can come true. But his friend Zhora sees a practical side of this situation. He suggests Sergey to use his pregnancy to gain money and glory by launching a new TV show. The Show Pregnant becomes very popular, and the protagonist Sergey Dobrolyubov is a star of it. But it is not easy to be a man in the family way and a TV star.
За тобой
Office Romance. Our time
Ludmila Kalugina
Anatoli Yefremovich Novoseltsev works in a ratings company, whose director is an unattractive and bossy woman. An old friend of his, Yuri Grigorievich Samokhvalov, who gets appointed assistant director, wants to make Novoseltsev the manager but encounters objections from Ludmila Prokopievna Kalugina, the director. Samokhvalov then advises Novoseltsev to lightly hit on the boss. Ironically, Novoseltsev and Kalugina fall in love with each other...
Love and the City 2
Our three hapless heroes - Igor, Artyom, and Sauna - return for another lesson from St. Valentine. This time they must learn the true value of fatherhood.
A box of jewelry belonging to a woman murdered two decades ago is found in a drain pipe. While reporting the story, Vera, the newscaster, begins to have flashbacks. Did she know this woman? Both she and the police want to know.
Kogda My Byli Schastlivy
В жизни бизнесмена Глеба все было идеально — и на работе, и дома. Он полностью доверял своему деловому партнеру и даже не думал, что тот может его предать. Но жизнь приготовила ничего не подозревающему мужчине неприятный сюрприз — верный помощник подставил его, и в результате Глеб лишился своего дела. Семья осталась без средств к существованию, и начались проблемы. Отныне супруге Глеба Лене приходится самой заботиться о себе, муже и ребенке. Она, буквально, сбилась с ног в поисках заработка. Между Леной и Глебом постоянно происходят серьезные конфликты — теперь они ссорятся даже по мелочам. Мужчина, измучив себя комплексом вины перед семьей, не находит ничего лучшего, как начать пить. Лена продолжает работать, скрывая душевную боль от посторонних. Но однажды обо всем узнает ее начальник Стас. Он предлагает коллеге свою помощь. Узнав об этом, Глеб приходит в бешенство.
Love and the City
Three Russian friends work in New York, party hard and chase women. It's great times until they get cursed by a drunken Russian night club owner, who turns out to be Saint Valentine. St. Valentine's curse is simple - the guys lose all their manly powers until they find their true love. It turns out to be harder than it sounds - our boys have a lot of growing up to do. Fast.
The Quiet Family Life
Little Moscow
Wiera Swietłowa / Wiera, córka Wiery
During the Cold War, a local Polish officer and a young Soviet woman wedded to a Soviet officer are drawn together by music.
A Real Dad
Roman Shilo, a known criminal, suddenly must deal with his fourteen years old daughter and not only with her but with her little stepbrother and stepsister as well.
Kilometer Zero
A young music video director, a ballet dancer and a dolce vita seeker - they come to Moscow to conquer the city, but each of them goes their own way. Sooner or later the three of them realize: to get what you are striving for you might risk many things, but friendship and love.
4 Taxidrivers and a Dog 2
A continuation of a funny adventures of a dachshund puppy and four his friends - taxi drivers.
Not by Bread Alone
Nadezhda Drozdova
Odinochestvo lyubvi
Bless the Woman
Tiny Soviet village by the sea, in the years before the Second World War... A very young girl, Vera, falls madly in love with an older military officer who is visiting from out of town. She leaves her home and family to live with him in various military posts where he serves with the army. Through the difficulties of army life, and years of war, her love for this older man survives, and she gives herself completely without reservation. This film is about friendship, loss, survival, loyalty, and the wonderful gift of unconditional love, which is only given to a few.
I Killed My Husband
A film that ironically and boldly talks about a midlife crisis from a female point of view.
Баллада об истребителе
Moscow In Love
The young man nicknamed "Amur" works as a taxi driver in Moscow. Every day his taxi passes through the entire capital from the outskirts to the center. Areas, lifestyle, people are changing before our eyes. But Cupid will not find his place here. Moscow is just another source of problems for him. But once the capital itself decides to achieve reciprocity from Amur! It turns out to be the “intersection point” of three love stories at once.