Martin Papazian

Martin Papazian

Nascimento : 1976-04-18, Los Angeles, California, USA


Martin Papazian


Before Memory
Lyle Seeder
A man suffering from amnesia teams up with a young girl to assist the FBI in solving the serial murders of eight young girls while struggling with flashbacks that suggest he may be the killer.
Losing In Love
An imaginative love story that centers on a struggling writer and brokenhearted waitress who find the ability to once again believe in love amidst a world both real and imagined.
Losing In Love
An imaginative love story that centers on a struggling writer and brokenhearted waitress who find the ability to once again believe in love amidst a world both real and imagined.
Losing In Love
An imaginative love story that centers on a struggling writer and brokenhearted waitress who find the ability to once again believe in love amidst a world both real and imagined.
Morcegos: Colheita Humana
No Afeganistão, soldados americanos estão atrás de Fazul, um terrorista que vive escondido nas cavernas do país. Mas no labirinto de túneis eles se deparam com morcegos alterados geneticamente, programados para detectar e devorar carne humana.
Hora De Recomeçar
Ao passear por uma praia deserta, uma jovem apreciadora de arte conhece um pintor. O gosto comum aproxima os dois a ponto de fazer nascer uma grande amizade entre eles. O pintor percebe na garota semelhanças com a filha, com quem não fala há seis anos. Simultaneamente, a moça e a mãe tentam recuperar-se da morte do pai e do irmão, acontecida em um acidente de carro. Juntos, os três vão redescobrir muitas coisas, como a possibilidade de acreditar no amor e na esperança.
Soldado Anônimo
Brian Dettman
Swoff (Jake Gyllenhaal) é a terceira geração de sua família a servir ao exército. Ele passa pelo campo de treinamento antes de ser designado para lutar no Iraque, onde precisa carregar seu fuzil e cerca de 50 quilos de equipamento nas costas através de desertos escaldantes. Estando em local que não entende, lutando contra um inimigo que não consegue ver e sem entender direito o porquê de estar ali, Swoff e seus companheiros de batalhão sobrevivem à adversidade local usando o humor negro e o sarcasmo.
Thicker Than Water
After the death of her father, Natalie Travers discovers he was married to a rodeo star before he married Natalie’s mother. Upset that her father kept part of his life a secret from her and bewildered over how a prominent judge could fall for a cowgirl, she sets out to find Maggie Mae Jarrett. But Natalie meets her daughter Jessie Mae Jarrett who is struggling to keep the wild horses on her land alive and safe.
A Ilha
Um homem que vive em uma colônia estéril futurista começa a questionar sua existência quando sua amiga é escolhida para ir à ilha, o último lugar não contaminado do mundo.
The Trail to Hope Rose
Lou Diamond Phillips and marina Black star together with Lee majors and Ernest Borgnine in a western drama. Lou plays an ex convict who tries to make a living as a mine worker, closely watched by Marshal Luther Toll. The convict knows he is just one step away from going back to prison if he gets out of line - but when he stops a neighbor from severely beating his wife and teams up with an old rancher who stands alone against the mine owner's interests things get complicated for our hero.
Power Play
An investigative reporter links the deaths of three people to a high profile corporation, while scientists working on their privately funded research project are forced to look beyond their work and face realitytheir experiments may be the cause of a series of killer earthquakes. The corporation will stop at nothing to keep this secret from becoming public.
Face Value
To help out a friend, and to enjoy a glamorous and fast-paced life for awhile, a guy assumes the identity of his busy and mysterious friend...and ends up being pursued by murderous drug dealers.
Drive Like Lightning
Boll Donner
In this road drama, a depressed ex-daredevil is hired to drive an experimental stunt car across the country to L. A. He is accompanied by a country-singer
Drive Like Lightning
In this road drama, a depressed ex-daredevil is hired to drive an experimental stunt car across the country to L. A. He is accompanied by a country-singer