Felipe Braun

Felipe Braun

Nascimento : 1970-12-03, Mexico City, Mexico


Felipe Braun
Felipe Braun


Cosas de hombres
Santiago comes out of the closet to his 2 long life friends at the age of 50. The reaction is not very positive from one of them, Raul. Who tries by all means, to convince Santiago that he is only going through a moment of sexual confusion, and there's no way he is gay.
Here I Am, Here I'm Not
Executive Producer
Ramiro is a journalist that after being on a car accident, develops phobia to speed. Suspended from his job, a mysterious publisher commissioned him to write the unauthorized biography of Ana Patricia Jones Ahumada, a Chilean rock legend. The investigation leads them to start a relationship, until one day she dies in a car accident. Devastated, Ramiro meets a woman of identical features and try to reconstruct it the image of his beloved, but is this a coincidence? Free adaptation of Hitchcock’s Vertigo.
The Office Trip
An international company has acquired “Supermarkets Océano”. The long-awaited end-of-the-year tour has been replaced by a day of integration according to "international standards". A group of workers willing to demand their rights will make this Office Trip an unforgettable day.
A Map for a Talk
Post Production Producer
An intimate play evolving around three main characters: an adult woman, her mother and her female lover. Two days in their lives occur in two opposing setting, everyday life in the demanding metropolis of Santiago and a sailboat trip cruising a beautiful bay. The three character remain trapped in a claustrophobic confrontation. The film dialogs with 'Knife in the water' from the side of women, an intense character drama with many involuntary humorous scenes. The eternal, never completed quest of seeing and recognizing the other as they are or, at least, as they want to be seen.
The 33 of San Jose
Executive Producer
A team of Chilean miners are trapped underground for months and hold out for a miraculous rescue.
Na Argentina, mais de 8.000 pessoas morrem em acidentes de trânsito a cada ano. Atrás de cada uma dessas tragédias existe uma máfia por prêmios de seguros e suas brechas legais. Sosa é um advogado que vive em hospitais públicos e delegacias em busca de potenciais clientes. Luján é uma jovem médica recém chegada do interior. Uma história de amor começa quando Luján está tentando salvar a vida de um homem que Sosa considera ser um cliente em potencial.
Arturo's Father
Santos, a failed comic book artist, lives in a parallel universe where he's a superhero who has to save the world.
A film director becomes obsessed with the image of his wife, who died in a strange accident. His obsessions will lead to his own downfall.
Radio Corazón
Cristián Covarrubias
Radio Corazón recreates Chile's most successful radio show of all time. Composed of 3 fun, sexy and romantic short films based on true stories as told by the show's listeners to "Rumpy", an unparalleled radio host.
Our Father
Associate Producer
Children come to a hospital to visit their dying father they haven't seen for 8 years. They try to recover their relationships before he dies.
For Rent
Julián Balbo
Gastón Fernández has arrived at 34 without too much to show or brag about. He has no money, job, girlfriend, friends or life plan. He's a composer that doesn't compose. The one-time "most likely to succeed" at Santiago's Musical Conservatory has passed from promise to failure. He feels he is beginning to wander alone. Isolated and detached. Gastón feels that everyone judges him and see the word loser tattooed on his forehead. At the same time, an alter-ego, a sort of doppelgänger, haunts him.
Mi mejor enemigo
Lieutenant Riquelme
After losing their bearings, a group of Chilean soldiers learns some lessons about their enemy's humanity in this dark comedy set during the 1970s war between Chile and Argentina. Digging in where they are, the troop soon discovers a nearby Argentinean platoon. Unsure how to handle the situation, the two groups start passing notes via a stray dog, and eventually achieve a wary camaraderie.
Azul y Blanco
Young Politician
When enemy members of the two main Chilean soccer teams, Azul and Paloma meet in a fight after a soccer game they fall in love at first sight. They run away through the night in the streets of Santiago, while two groups search for them, when they meet, happens the inevitable.
Delantero Romano
Belmar, a talented amateur football player returns to his hometown after losing his job. Once there, the owner of the local team, Obras Santas, offers him the position of starter, as well as a job in his mattress factory. Is short time Belmar falls in love with the owner's teenage daughter. A steamy romance begins.
Monos con navaja
A corrupt mayor, his undercover agents and two rival gangs of drug traffickers. This dangerous cocktail serves as the basis for a thriller accented with black humor and high impact dialogues. It shows in a dynamic and contemporary style the underworld of drug trafficking in Latin America and its effects on society.
Los secretos
Juan Fariña
Perra Vida
Revolves around the life of 4 dog owners with different social problems.
Perra Vida
Revolves around the life of 4 dog owners with different social problems.