Sidney D'Albrook

Nascimento : 1886-05-03, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Morte : 1948-05-30


Senhorita Ventania
Customer (uncredited)
Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.
Rosa de Esperança
Com o início da segunda guerra mundial, Vin, o filho mais velho, regressa da universidade e se apaixona por Carol Beldon, neta de Lady Beldon, uma aristocrata de Beldon Hall, uma mansão vizinha. Apesar de discordâncias iniciais, se casam. Com a iminente ameaça de ataques aéreos à Inglaterra, Vin decide fazer sua parte e se junta à Força Aérea Real como piloto. É enviado para uma base localizada perto da casa dos pais. Clem ajuda na Operação Dynamo com o barco a motor da família. Sozinha em casa, a Sra. Miniver encontra um piloto alemão ferido em seu jardim. Ela o alimenta, o desarma calmamente e avisa às autoridades locais.
The Man Who Returned to Life
An accused killer is granted a reprieve when his victim returns to town in the flesh after an eight-year absence.
Mystery Sea Raider
Man on Wharf
June McCarthy has unwittingly aided an undercover Nazi naval officer with acquiring a "mother ship" for German submarines in the Atlantic.
Legião de Heróis
Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
Third Finger, Left Hand
Man at Railroad Station
Magazine editor Margot Merrick pretends to be married in order to avoid advances from male colleagues. Unfortunately, things don't go to plan when Jeff Thompson, a potential suitor, uncovers the deception and decides to show up at Margot's family home posing as her husband!
Our Leading Citizen
Lem Schofield, a lawyer in a one-time small-town turned industrialized big city, runs his firm on examples set by Abraham Lincoln and is a friend to the poor. Clay Clinton, his late partner's son joins the firm but is anxious for fast success and considers Schofield's old-fashioned principles antiquated. Being in love with Schofield's daughter and impatient for success he moves to offices supplied by the city's most powerful industrialist, J.T. Tapley, who has plans to use Clay's good family lineage as a stepping stone to political power. The unscrupulous Tapley precipitates a strike in his factory mill which causes a rupture between the former partners. Schofield sets out to bring Tapley and his political henchmen to justice.
Aliança de Aço
Man (uncredited)
Sinopse: Cecil B. DeMille nos leva de volta ao ano 1860, então reconstrói a primeira ferrovia intercontinental, a Union Pacific. Um dos últimos feitos do Presidente Lincoln foi autorizar a expansão da Union Pacific para o oeste dos EUA. Um espetáculo real e histórico, que as vezes mescla as aventuras fictícias do inspetor ferroviário (McCrea), a bilheteira (Stanwyck), e o melhor amigo de McCrea, Preston. Infelizmente, Preston une-se a Donlevy, que está empenhado a destruir a ferrovia, em nome de um cartel de políticos corruptos. Durante um ataque indígena, McCrea e Preston lutam lado a lado para salvar Stanwyck, então o inspetor tenta convencer Preston, a tornar-se um homem honesto.
Amor de Um Espia
A southern aristocrat clashes with a driver transporting stolen slaves to freedom.
Do Mundo Nada Se Leva
Trustee (uncredited)
Alice Sycamore (Jean Arthur) deseja apresentar Tony Kirby (James Stewart), seu noivo, à sua família, mas como ele provêm de uma família rica e influente e a sua é composta de pessoas extrovertidas e um tanto lunáticas, há um choque de comportamentos. Para completar, Anthony P. Kirby (Edward Arnold), o pai do seu noivo, já comprou todos os imóveis da região onde a família de Alice vive para um importante empreendimento, com exceção da casa de Alice. Sem este imóvel o projeto não pode ir adiante e, como há uma recusa em vender, este posicionamento gera um clima desfavorável entre as duas famílias.
The Chaser
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
A Volta de Arsène Lupin
Detective Alois (uncredited)
Uma mulher e um homem competindo pelo afeto de uma mulher: o trio amoroso de sempre? Não é bem assim, já que a bela em questão é Lorraine de Grissac, uma mulher muito rica e atraente da sociedade, enquanto uma das duas rivais não é outra senão Arsène Lupin, a famosa ladra de joias que todos pensavam estar morta, agora vivendo sob o nome falso de René Farrand. Quanto ao outro pretendente, é um americano, ex-F.B.I. O detetive virou detetive particular com o nome de Steve Emerson. Steve não apenas suspeita que Farrand seja Lupin, mas quando alguém tenta roubar um precioso colar de esmeraldas do tio de Lorraine, o Conde de Brissac, ele é persuadido que Lupin é o culpado. Emerson está certo ou errado? Qual dos dois homens conquistará o coração de Lorraine?
Uma Nação Em Marcha
A história sobre o desenvolvimento das comunicações entre os Estados Unidos, durante sua rápida expansão no século XIX. A história narra a vida de Ramsey McCay (Joel McCrea), empregado da recém criada associação entre Henry Wells e William Fargo, e de como graças a sua dedicação, a Wells-Fargo chega a converter-se em uma grande empresa de correios e transporte de mercadorias para o Oeste, presente nos maiores acontecimentos de época.
Trailing Trouble
Stagecoach Passenger
When mild mannered Friendly Fields is sent to the Blair ranch to work, he is mistaken for the notorious outlaw Blackie Burke. When a drought develops and the ranchers look for new grazing land, he plays the part and forces them to give he best plot to his boss Miss Blair. But no sooner than his mother arrives to expose the hoax, the real Blackie also arrives.
Boots of Destiny
Sheriff (as Sis D'Albrook)
Both Harmon and his men and a Mexican gang are after a treasure hidden on the Wilson ranch. Acey learns of their raid and goes to get Ken only to find him in jail for a murder he did not commit.
The Man Who Found Himself
Young Jim Stanton is a conscientious surgeon, but spends too many off-duty hours pursuing his passion for aviation to suit his stuffy father. When it is discovered that a passenger killed in a plane that Jim crashes was a married woman, the resulting scandal prompts the hospital to put Jim on probation. His pride wounded, Jim takes to the open road and enjoys the simpler life of a vagabond. In Los Angeles--where he is arrested for vagrancy and put to work on a road crew--Jim runs into old pal Dick Miller, who gets him a job as a mechanic for Roberts Aviation. But maintaining his anonymity becomes more difficult, particularly when a pretty nurse, Doris King, decides to make Jim's redemption her personal crusade.
A Donzela de Salém
Hunter (Uncredited)
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
The Country Doctor
Townsman (uncredited)
A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.
Give Us This Night
After being introduced to the world of opera, a fisherman (Jan Kiepura) falls for a woman (Swarthout) whose guardian is a noted composer (Philip Merivale). They met when the fisherman evaded the police by seeking refuge in the village church. While there, they are each captivated by hearing the other singing Mass. The beautiful woman falls in love with the fisherman with the wonderful voice.
Diário de um Crime
Truck Driver (uncredited)
A woman murders her husband's mistress and someone else gets accused of the crime.
Asas da Noite
Airport Office Employee (uncredited)
Story of South American mail pilots, and the dangers they face flying at night.
Job Foreman (uncredited)
Tony, the son of Italian immigrants, works in a smoky steel mill in Gary, Indiana. He wins a company scholarship which will enable him to attend Yale college. Over the four years of his college career he learns about football, love, and class prejudice.
A stock market broker plans to liven up his boring life by taking up piracy on the high seas.
The Bat Whispers
Police Sergeant
Infamous burglar "The Bat" commits a daring jewelry theft despite heavy police presence. Soon after, a bank theft occurs, which may be the work of the criminal as well. Meanwhile, Cornelia Van Gorder has various people arrive at her old mansion, including her niece, Dale, a bank employee, and police detective Anderson. When guests start turning up dead, Cornelia begins to suspect that The Bat may be lurking around the estate.
Suicidal Train Passenger
A carousel barker falls in love with a young woman. Both are fired from their jobs, and when the young woman becomes pregnant, the carousel barker tries to help pull off a robbery, which goes wrong. Because of the robbery, he dies, and after spending time in hell, is sent back to earth for one day to try to make amends.
Call of the Flesh
Police Officer (uncredited)
A student nun falls in love with a Mexican singer starring in a cafe next door to her convent.
Midnight Mystery
A fog-shrouded house provides the setting for this early talkies thriller.
Party Girl
Jay Rountree, a young, rising businessman and a son of a wealthy manufacturer gets caught up in a web involving an escort service or 'party girls' and trapped into an unhappy marriage.
The Valiant
Prison Guard (uncredited)
A man condemned to execution tries to convince two women that he is not their son and brother, and that they must get on with their lives.
Ship Ahoy
Ship's Officer
Comedian Pat West performs his vaudeville act.
The Matinee Idol
J. Madison Wilberforce (uncredited)
The famous matinee idol and blackface comedian, Don Wilson, heads out of town to escape adulation. There, calling himself Harry Mann, he accidentally joins a traveling acting troupe, and falls in love with Ginger Bolivar, who runs the troupe and stars in their Civil War melodrama. Don's producer sees the play, and thinks it's a comic masterpiece, and just what Don's Broadway show needs. But when Ginger finds out she's been played for a fool, will she forgive Don?
Rei dos Reis
Thomas, the Doubter
Esta excelente epopéia bíblica, produzida e dirigida pelo mestre Cecil B. DeMille, é uma mistura hábil de reverência espiritual e imaginação cinematográfica. Considerado por muitos críticos a melhor versão da vida de Cristo já produzida, o filme cobre os 33 anos vividos por Jesus Cristo, desde seu nascimento até a Crucificação, Ressureição e a Ascensão. Incluindo o relacionamento do Salvador com João, os 40 Dias no Deserto, a Escolha dos Apóstolos, o Sermão na Montanha, a Traição de Judas, a Páscoa e a sua Última Ceia. O Rei dos Reisé um épico cheio de planos sequência, figuração realizada por milhares de pessoas, efeitos especiais para a época impressionantes, com uma pesquisa de arte e produção perfeita, tanto para os cenários quanto para o guarda-roupas, fiéis totalmente ao período e um elenco estrelar com grandes atores. Obra-prima incontestável de grande valor histórico e religioso.
The Princess from Hoboken
To enliven their business, the O'Tooles, restaurant owners in Hoboken, New Jersey, transform their restaurant into the Russian Inn when they hear that a famous Russian princess is stranded in Chicago. Sheila, the daughter, is persuaded to impersonate the princess, who unfortunately arrives at the restaurant on opening night.
So This Is Paris
French Police Officer (uncredited)
Paul and Suzanne Giraud are happily married and living in a quiet neighborhood. When Suzanne notices that their new neighbors are expressive dancers in revealing outfits, she demands Paul speak to them about their lack of morality. Paul discovers that the woman is Georgette Lalle, an old flame.
Transcontinental Limited
Telegraph Operator
War veteran returns home to find his sweetheart totally upset. Her father will lose his sight unless she can get funds for an expensive procedure. He and some army mates hatch a plot. For the railway safe to be utilized. A rival though robs the safe and the money is taken by the pals. A train journey later involving high speed the money is needed before the rival can send the hero to prison.
Charley My Boy!
A daughter's rich father wants to marry her off to a rich but older man. The daughter has other ideas however and sets out to find a nice young man she can fall in love with.
Without Mercy
Sugden - Craven's Butler
Silent melodrama.
Hot Stuff
Brother Ambrose
In the 16th episode of Hal Roach's Spat Family series, Frank Butler, Laura Roessing and her brother, Sidney D'Albrook, order a fire engine from a mail catalogue.
Stolen Goods
Store Detective
A man starts working in a department store and has to deal with a female kleptomaniac.
Heavy Seas
Brother Ambrose
Second release in 'The Spat Family' series of 2-reel comedies. In this episode the three of them win a yacht in a tombola and quarrel over the captaincy while Mrs TS goes swimming and risks getting lost.
The Call of the Wild
A dog is stolen from his home in England and shipped to Canada to become a sled dog. Based on the novel by Jack London.
West of Chicago
English Kid
West of Chicago is a 1922 American silent western film directed by Scott R. Dunlap and starring Buck Jones, Renée Adorée and Philo McCullough.
Over the Border
Snow Devil
Jen Galbraith is in love with Sgt. Tom Flaherty of the Royal Mounted. She is the daughter of Peter Galbraith, who is engaged in smuggling moonshine whiskey across the Canadian border. When she tries to warn her father and brother of the approaching police, she is arrested with the entire gang.
Across the Continent
Tom Bryce
Jimmy Dent , son of John Dent, the maker of the reliable but plain Dent automobile, is dismissed from the firm after he refuses to drive a Dent. He goes west with the Tyler family, owners of a rival automobile firm, in one of their expensive high speed cars. 
Little Miss Smiles
The Spider
The Right Way
The Poor Boy
Two young boys get in trouble with the law and wind up in prison. One, who was raised in poverty in the slums, goes to a reformatory and picks up tips on how to become a master criminal.
The Son of Wallingford
Lost film.
The Lost Battalion
The Burglar
World War I, October 1918. The more than 500 men of the 77th Infantry Division of the United States Army, who have been recruited in New York City and trained in Yaphank, are sent to France, to help break down the German defenses located in the Argonne forest…
Life's Greatest Problem
An Agitator
Big Steve and Little Lefty, a pair of hobos, are happily drifting through life until the First World War comes and enter it and find their lives forever changed.
Heart of the Wilds
Grey Cloud
In the Canadian Northwest, Jen Galbraith lives in a tavern with her brother Val and her father Peter, a bootlegger who sells whiskey to the Indians. Val's friend Pierre resolves to win Jen, even though she is in love with Sergeant Tom Gellatly of the Mounted Police. When Val tries to retrieve some liquor sold illegally by the elder Galbraith to an Indian named Grey Cloud, the Indian insults Jen and Val shoots him. Tom is assigned to track down the murderer, but after he arrives at the tavern, Galbraith and Pierre drug him. Jen delivers the papers he is carrying to police headquarters, but when she discovers that they contain orders to arrest her brother, she shoots Tom to prevent him from going after Val.
Draft 258
Mary Alden and her brothers Matthew and George have extremely different political views. Matthew is a committed pacifist, and is constantly giving speeches against war. George is notified that his draft number, 258, has been called and to report for induction, but he refuses. Mary, on the other hand, is intensely patriotic and comes up with a plan to shame him into reporting for induction. Meanwhile, Matthew is being set up for a patsy by a gang of German secret agents, led by Van Bierman, who are planning to blow up an airplane factory.
Two Little Imps
Jane and Katharine are the sweetest youngsters in the world, in their mother's eyes. The family is summering at a seaside resort when mama is called to town for a week. Not wishing to interrupt her darling's good time, she has her young bachelor brother come to the hotel to take care of the children until she returns. "Billy" Parke undertakes the job.
The Dancer's Peril
The Grand Duke Alexis has been happy with his wife, Lola, formerly the queen of the St. Petersburg ballet, and their baby daughter, Vasta. But the lowering cloud that has always hung over them through the refusal of the Russian Court to recognize their marriage breaks when the Duke learns there is an intrigue against his wife's life.
The Gilded Cage
In The Gilded Cage, Alice Brady plays Princess Honore, who falls in love with a handsome prince who doesn't know her true identity (nor does she know his).
The Power of the Press
An innocent man, serving a sentence of five years in prison through the perjured testimony of the real criminal, Steve Carson, foreman of a shipyard, strikes up a warm friendship with his cellmate, Harold Norwood, a defaulting paying teller. No less strange than their friendship is the befriending of Steve's wife, Annie, by Julia Seymour, prima donna, who is Norwood's wife. As a reward of good behavior, the men are released on Christmas morning. Annie is bewildered by the receipt of a bank book which shows that large deposits of gold have been made in her name and that of her sister, Mary, by their uncle, George Hosford, who, dying in Alaska, has entrusted the book to Joe Hawes, a fellow prospector.