Assen Blatechki

Assen Blatechki

Nascimento : 1971-03-22, Sofia, Bulgaria


Assen Blatechki


South Wind 2: Speed Up
Nenad, Maras his little brother, wants to follow the ilegal footsteps of his brother and now Maras and Baca have to free him from the clutches of the bad guys.
A small town in present-day Bulgaria. A mother and her two daughters are struggling to survive. The dreamy and distracted younger daughter often invents stories in order to make life more interesting. Unwittingly, she eventually gets caught in the trap of her own lies and destroys her older sister's well-ordered materialistic world. Meanwhile, the two sisters find out the truth about their mother
The Rest Is Ashes
Atanas Burov
Atanas Burov (played by Assen Blatechki) is considered as the most influential politician in Bulgaria's history. The movie is about him and his love story with Dilyana Popova as the main female character.
One night – seemingly just like any other. Two police officers find the body of the well-known drug addict Lazar near the railroad tracks in Sofia. This is how the night of 9 November, 2019 begins – 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the regime change in Bulgaria. Three teams of police officers are patrolling the streets of Sofia, doing their job as they believe is right, while facing the challenges posed by contemporary Bulgarian reality.
A Dose of Happiness
The real story of the journalist Vesela Toteva (in the role is her daughter -Valentina Karoleva) searching for her own happiness during the dynamic and uncertain 90's in Bulgaria. A tale about drugs, fall, fear and redemption.
His Cannibal Granny
School Principal
Radostin is the new boy at school. His peculiar charm and kindness attract everybody's attention and the school bullies start to feel jealous. In order to diminish his popularity, they spread a rumor about the cannibalistic past of Radostin's grandmother. The boy becomes the target of everybody's hatred.
A group of Bulgarian soldiers go on a mission during the Balkan War.
Em uma reunião com seu gerente de banco, um pequeno empresário que dirige um táxi para bancar as despesas, descobre que o juros que paga em um empréstimo que pegou dobraram. O homem tenta sem sucesso brigar pela diminuição da taxa e entra em desespero. Por isso, ele atira no banqueiro e depois em si mesmo, iniciando um debate nacional.
After spending fifteen years in prison a former race car driver returns to his old life in order to fulfill the promise he made to the love of his life.
After spending fifteen years in prison a former race car driver returns to his old life in order to fulfill the promise he made to the love of his life.
The Judgement
This is the story of Mityo and his son Vasko, who live in a poor area, near to the Bulgarian-Turkish-Greek Border. Mityo had lost everything that has mattered to him – his wife, his work, the confidence of his son, Vasko. In order to get him back, Mityo has to find forgiveness and pay for his sin, done 25 years ago.
Jigsaw Puzzle
We are all a little pieces of the great JIGSAW PUZZLE. And there is only one that fits to other... we look for it and find the same...we try to put it, but... it is the same but not the right one... there left an empty space. Can we rewrite our destiny? Can we overcome the last barrier... death?
Pistol, Suitcase and Three Stinking Barrels
The Chechen
Pistol, Suitcase and Three stinking barrels is a gangster comedy which tells the story of the 23-year-old student Anton, a.k.a "The Beautiful". He has a dream but in order for it to come true he must first find money. The Beautiful decides to risk it all and unfortunately he finds himself mixed up in a hell of a mess of intertwining absurd situations with a drug lord fascinated with Lego, a group of small time crooks, a dangerous top cop, a sexy blond, corrupted government agents, a football player and his mistress
The Foreigner
A Frenchman falls in love with a hot temper Bulgarian village girl. Following the call of his heart he starts looking for the village where she lives without knowing the character and the language of the people living there.
Footsteps in the Sand
At the airport, Slavi tells his life's story to a young customs officer. As children, Nelly promises Slavi to marry him. The two teenagers are passionately in love with each other but after some time Nelly falls in love with another guy. Slavi takes up drinking and gets into trouble with the Bulgarian militia (police) because of his family background. This is when he decides to defect to the West. After staying at a refugee camp in Austria and another desperate love, he sets out to the United States. There Slavi makes some new friends who help him buy a truck. He hits the roads of America, where he comes across an Indian who sells him an arrow. The vender tells him this amulet will bring his love back. Eventually, Slavi comes back to Bulgaria, where communism has collapsed. His beloved Nelly lives alone with her daughter. One day Slavi meets her again...
Failed Guard
Casey é um ninja americano que estuda Ninjutsu no Japão. A pedido do Sensei, ele retorna aos Estados Unidos para proteger o legendário Yoroi Bitsu, uma caixa blindada que contém as armas do último Koga Ninja. Ele conta com poderes lendários para garatir a segurança do arsenal e derrotar os assassinos de Yakuza, que estão tentando alcançá-lo..
Margarita leaves the famous reporter Marco Matanich, joining her brother and his friends from different Balkan countries, windsurfing on an island. But the wind stops and a beach war-game begins. To prove his skills to Margarita, Marco shoots them in reportage. Quoted by leading media it fires a Balkan conflict, the friends start building national borders between their tents, while Margarita disappears in the open sea.
A Fantástica Viagem do Capitão Drake
O sultão da Síria pede para o capitão Sir Francis Drake, conhecido como "O Pirata da Rainha", iniciar uma viagem à procura da cura para seu filho. Logo, Drake descobrirá que seu arqui-inimigo, o capitão espanhol Don Sandovate, está realizando a mesma viagem. Eles terão de superar os mais complexos obstáculos, numa corrida contra o relógio em terras exóticas.
Jogo Entre Ladrões
Russian Gangster
Jack Monahan (Antonio Banderas) é um criminoso que está passando por uma grande maré de azar. Sua vida muda quando conhece Ripley (Morgan Freeman), um experiente ladrão que o chama para participar de um arriscado roubo, envolvendo uma das jóias mais valiosas da atualidade. O objeto está guardado a sete chaves em uma joalheria russa, sendo que Ripley precisa roubá-la para quitar uma dívida com a máfia. Jack aceita o convite, mesmo sabendo que no mundo do crime não pode confiar em alguém.
Shark in Venice
The seemingly tranquil waterways of Venice are terrorized by the perfect killing machine. In search of his father who has mysteriously disappeared diving in the city, David stumbles across the cryptic trail leading to the long-lost fortune of the Medici. As the unwitting pawn in a Mafia plot to recover the treasure, David's girlfriend is kidnapped at gunpoint, plunging him into a desperate race against time. If he has any hope of saving her he must enter the deadly waters. Can David out-gun the Mafia assassins and survive the voracious sharks laying in wait beneath the surface, or will he succumb to the same fate as his father?
Hitman: Assassino 47
FSB Driver
O Agente 47 foi criado para ser um exímio matador de aluguel. Suas armas mais poderosas são a ousadia e o orgulho que tem ao executar cada trabalho. O número 47 é uma referência aos dois últimos dígitos do código de barras que tem tatuado em sua nuca. Um dia, ele é envolvido em um golpe político, o que faz com que seja perseguido pela Interpol e por militares russos. Enquanto foge pela Europa Oriental, ele tenta descobrir quem organizou este plano contra ele, ao mesmo tempo em que precisa lidar com as lembranças que uma bela garota lhe desperta.
Three young girls try to flee from unemployment in the country: they arrive in the capital city of Sofia to look for a job and a different future. The three of them try to survive, fighting...
Crianças de Cera
Kumal é um policial que está no meio do fogo cruzado entre duas gangues do tráfico de drogas. Quando crianças começam a aparecer mortas pelas mãos cruéis de um assassino em série, ele tem motivos para desconfiar de todos. Sem tempo a perder, Kumal terá que descobrir qual é a identidade do homem que transforma crianças em bonecos de cera, antes que a cidade vire um completo caos.
King Higlack of the Gauths entrusts prince Finn and a fire ball weapon to his champion, slayer Beowulf. They lead twelve men on a mission to help king Hrothgar of the Danes, whose once glorious realm is terrorized by the undefeated monster Grendel. The task is made more difficult as Hrothgar kept gruesome secrets.
Monkeys in Winter
Dona, Lukrecie and Tana - three women of different origins and destinies, whose stories unfold at different times. The tale of the Romany woman Dona begins in the 1960s. The only assets this beautiful and vital woman has are her three children fathered by different men. In order to secure a livelihood for them, she moves in with an older, but disabled man, who turns out to be a pervert. Ten years later, the ambitious Lukrecie is trying to avoid employment in the village. After she becomes pregnant by a prospective suitor, she meets an attractive young man who offers her a life abroad, something she had always dreamed of. Lukrecie resolves her situation in the most appalling way. Tana, the wife of a prosperous businessman, vainly longs to have a child. On the advice of a friend, she goes off to a spa, whose miraculous reputation is attributable to a skillful masseur. Her husband, however, is unmoved by the joyful news.
Quando um vulcão adormecido entra em erupção, o especialista John Shepard a um grupo de estudantes são enviados para investigar. Emm poucos dias, acontece o mesmo em muitos lugares do mundo e tudo aponta para um grande desastre: o dia do julgamento final uma teoria desenvolvidapor Shepard, que ele chamou de Êxodo. Assim que sabe da série de explosões, o porfessor leva os estudos ao conhecimento do governo dos EUA, mas um antigo afirma que tudo não passa de mera fantasia. A corrida contra o tempo é grande e os números não mentem: se ignorado, o Exôdo trará uma segunda era glacial ao planeta, causando a extinção total dos seres vivos. A única chance é convencer os governantes da gravidade do problema antes que seja tarde demais.
S.S. Doomtrooper
Private Andy Papadakis
A genetically bred Nazi super soldier fights Allied troops.
Frozen Dream
In secret institute in the mid 80s of last century, experiments are conducted to freeze people. The similarity of the two names confused destinies of several people. Twenty years later, accidentally frozen man wakes up in a new and very different world absurdities of mature socialism faced with the absurdities of today ...
Confronto Final
Nick Cherenko foi um experiente paraquedista que serviu no Afeganistão como um Spetznaz (Força Especial Russa) e agora prefere levar a vida em paz como um simples mecânico de subúrbio de São Petersburgo, ao lado de sua família, distante da violência e da guerra. Sua esposa e filho são mortos em meio a um tiroteio de gangues em frente à sua casa, por um sádico traficante.
Alien Apocalypse
Crazy Man
An astronaut doctor Ivan Hood and his fellow astronaut Kelly return from their mission in space to find the world has been taken over by aliens. Now Dr. Ivan Hood and Kelly must lead a revolution to free the human slaves from their alien masters.
Fugindo do Passado
O ex-agente da CIA Dean Cage está passando por um tratamento para se recuperar do trauma de ter presenciado o assassinato cruel de seu melhor amigo. Num dia, ao encontrar com sua namorada, a detetive Amy Knight, em um restaurante ele é confundido com um agente da CIA envolvido com o roubo de um experimento militar que funcionaria como uma espécie de "soro da verdade". Ele é raptado pelos verdadeiros ladrões, que injetam a droga em seu corpo, fazendo ele relembrar seu passado doloroso e ter dificuldades para distinguir a realidade da fantasia. Amy terá seis horas para encontrar o antídoto e salvar a vida de seu companheiro.
Mila from Mars
The teacher
Fleeing an abusive relationship, Mila, a teen prostitute, finds herself in a border town, pregnant, alone, and, to her surprise, welcome. The remote village is on a marijuana plantation run by a group of elderly men and women. Not having known much kindness, she goes into emotional hiding, but by the time the baby is born she has a new life and love. Her past, however, is not far behind
Boa vs. Python: As Predadoras
Uma jiboia colossal deixa um rastro de vítimas humanas após escapar durante um transporte. Para capturá-la, um agente do FBI e um perito em cobras contam com o auxílio de uma serpente geneticamente desenvolvida e igualmente enorme.
The Father
This film indirectly depicts the childhood of the famous Bulgarian poet Dora Gabe trough the fictional character of Nora.
Prisão Infernal
Kyle Lord é um engenheiro trabalhando para indústria de petróleo na Rússia que é condenado injustamente pelo assassinato de sua esposa. Ele é mandado para Kravavi, uma prisão de segurança máxima que guarda os criminosos mais violentos e perigosos.Viver ali é quase impossível, assim como escapar dos paredões que cercam a prisão, pois, mesmo que alguém consiga ultrapassa-lo, dificilmente sobreviverá ao campo minado que envolve a estrada e toda a redondeza de Kravavi. Neste inferno, Kyle terá que sobreviver tendo como única motivação a memória de sua amada esposa
Air Strike
An small attack force is sent to an East European country to help neutralize a powerful drug syndicate.
Python 2
A man, his business partner, and his wife are enlisted to transport an unknown object from a Russian military base, only to discover that the object is a giant, genetically-altered python.
U.S. Seals
Second Drinker
Dozens of American cargos with high valuable goods have disappeared, probably attacked by modern pirates. The United States decide to mobilize a team of expert SWAT, with Mike Bradley as leader, sending them to destroy the pirates' base, namely a deserted oil rig near Turkey. But these are cleverly waiting for them.