Antony Argirov


Confronto Final
Nick Cherenko foi um experiente paraquedista que serviu no Afeganistão como um Spetznaz (Força Especial Russa) e agora prefere levar a vida em paz como um simples mecânico de subúrbio de São Petersburgo, ao lado de sua família, distante da violência e da guerra. Sua esposa e filho são mortos em meio a um tiroteio de gangues em frente à sua casa, por um sádico traficante.
When he began fusing human and shark DNA, his colleagues laughed at him. Now his creation is taking his revenge, and they aren't laughing anymore.
Mosquito Man
Young Thug
Police lieutenant detective Thomas 'Thom' Randall's steady girl-friend, Dr. Jennifer 'Jen' Allen, is Dr. Aaron Michaels's main assistant on his pharmaceutical firm Bellion's research program to cure the highly contagious, fatal infection Guinin. A convicted murderer, whom Thom arrested, is one of their special drug test subjects, but escapes. The convict and Jen are affected by radioactively altered DNA from an experimental reactor used on mosquitoes which transfer quinine. The convict soon mutates into a mosquito-like monster, which sucks its victims dry. By the time Thom and his junior murder brigade partner Charlie Morrison figure out what happens, Jen starts mutating herself.