Stuart Randall

Stuart Randall

Nascimento : 1909-07-24, Brazil, Indiana, USA

Morte : 1988-06-22


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Stuart Randall (July 24, 1909 – June 22, 1988) was an American actor of film and television who appeared on screen between 1950 and 1971. He is best known for his recurring role as Sheriff Mort Corey in thirty-four episodes which aired between April 4, 1961, and April 20, 1963, of the western television series, Laramie. He appeared in three earlier Laramie episodes under different character names. Randall's first role was also as a sheriff in the 1950 Roy Rogers film, Bells of Coronado. He appeared in Pickup on South Street as a police commissioner. In 1954, he played a sheriff in the episode "Belle Starr" of the syndicated television series Stories of the Century, starring and narrated by Jim Davis. In 1955, he portrayed Tom Garvey in "Cattle Drive to Casper" on the NBC anthology series, Frontier, narrated by Walter Coy. His co-stars in the episode included Jack Elam, Beverly Garland, and Ray Teal. He appeared in 1958–59 as Sheriff Art Sampson (billed in the last appearance as Art Simpson) on an earlier NBC series, Cimarron City, set in an Oklahoma boomtown. John Smith was a co-star in that series too.


Stuart Randall


Bravura Indômita
McAlester (uncredited)
Rooster Cogburn é um ex-xerife alcoólatra contratado por uma menina de 14 anos para vingar a morte de seu pai. Para pegar o criminoso, eles terão de entrar em um território indígena e enfrentar os comparsas do assassino que estão caçando, homens que não veem problema em matar uma adolescente.
Lassie and the Flight of the Cougar
When livestock falls prey to a wild dog, local farmhands mistakenly accuse a mother cougar and her cubs of hunting their heard. It's up to Lassie and her owner, Forest Ranger Corey Stuart, to identify the real culprit and keep the young cougar family out harm's way.
O Império da Vingança
Taggart's family is slaughtered by a rival rancher. Taggart mortally wounds the rancher and kills his son. Before he dies the rancher hires three bounty hunters to avenge him with the promise of $5000 as a reward. Taggart must flee into Apache territory to escape the wrath of the trio of hired killers.
Quadrilha do Inferno
Luke Gorman
Quando uma gangue de assassinos começa a espalhar terror por todo o sudoeste americano, apenas um homem louco o suficiente poderá enfrentá-los, Banner Cole se torna esse corajoso justiceiro, caçando um por um os assassinos do seu grande amigo e xerife local além de buscar resgatar uma jovem capturada pelos criminosos.
Frontier Uprising
Ben Wright
Not having heard that war has erupted between the U.S. and Mexico, a wagon train heads west, only to find itself threatened by the Mexicans who have teamed up with hostile Indians.
A Casa da Colina
Ben Ramsey (uncredited)
História dramática de influente família Texana, os Hunnicutt, ambientada no final dos anos 50. O capitão Wade Hunnicutt é o cidadão mais rico e poderoso de sua cidade texana; Ele também é um notório mulherengo, que transformou sua esposa Hannah contra ele. Ela criou o filho Theron para ser dependente dela; mas quando ele atinge a idade adulta, Hunnicutt insiste em assumir sua educação, iniciando-o na caça e em outras atividades masculinas, sob o olhar atento de Rafe, o funcionário leal de Hunnicutt. Mas o novo estilo de vida de Theron o leva a um caso de amor com uma garota local e, daí, ao aprendizado de coisas sobre os pais que antes estavam escondidos dele. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
I'll Give My Life
This story opens with John Bradford throwing a graduation party for his son, Jim, who has just earned a degree in engineering. John has planned to make his son a partner in his engineering firm for many years. However, Jim has decided to enter the ministry.
O Pescador da Galileia
King Aretas
Drama that focuses on the later life of Peter, one of the closest disciples of Jesus.
le colonel
A young American serviceman stationed in Germany after the fall of the Third Reich, jeopardises his future after falling in love with a German woman.
Col. Taylor
Depois de ser derrotado na guerra da secessão, por ódio aos yankes, um soldado vai para o Oeste e se integra aos índios Sioux. Ele acaba representando os índios em negociações com os homens brancos e, depois de desacertos, precisa decidir se fica a favor ou contra sua pátria.
Miami Exposé
A police detective baits killer gamblers with a mob witness (Patricia Medina) in the Everglades.
Crimes Vingados
Jess Ryman
The sheriff of Gunlock is planning to hang Sam Hall, who shot three farmers found on cattle land, at sundown. At the casino, betting is 8 to 3 he won't make it. The cattlemen are set to rescue Sam; the farmers hope to lynch him before he can be rescued; and Hall schemes for escape with his girl Nellie. But Sheriff Jorden is most concerned with finding out who hired Hall: a leading suspect is the sheriff's future brother-in-law.
Indestructible Man
John Lauder
A scientific experiment involving subjecting a corpse to an extreme charge of electricity accidentally revives an executed criminal and makes him impervious to harm, allowing him to seek revenge on his former partners, and deal similarly with anyone else who gets in his way.
Headline Hunters
Frank Hoffman
A rookie reporter in pursuit of an expose gets tangled up with big-time mobsters.
Frenesi de Paixões
Lynn Markham moves into her late husband's beach house the morning after former tenant Eloise Crandall fell from the cliff. To her annoyance, Lynn finds both her real estate agent and Drummond Hall, her beachcomber neighbor, making themselves quite at home. Lynn soon has no doubts of what her scheming neighbors are up to, but she finds Drummond's physical charms hard to resist. And she still doesn't know what really happened to Eloise.
O Grande Guerreiro
Old Man Afraid
When young Crazy Horse, of whom great things were predicted, wins his bride, rival Little Big Man goes to villainous traders with evidence of gold in the sacred Lakota burial ground. Of course, a new gold rush starts despite all treaties, and Crazy Horse becomes military leader of his people. Initial Indian victories lead to the inevitable result. Uniquely, all is told from the Indian perspective.
Traição Heróica
Chief Satanta
Dr. Allen Seward is assigned to a western cavalry post where his predecessors had been drunks and slackers. The post doesn't take kindly to him either, especially after he disregards regulations and tends to sick Indians on the malaria-infested reservation. The Indians break away from the reservation to move to a healthier higher ground, and when they join with the Comanches to besiege the fort, Seward is branded as a "woodhawk", the bird that turns against its own. Donna Reed is present as the niece of the post commander; Phil Carey is a cavalry captain that believes the only good Indian is a dead Indian, and May Wynn is the white girl raised by the Indians and married to the chief's son.
This Is My Love
A single woman tries to keep her sister from another man by framing her for her husband's murder.
Fúria Assassina
Chief A. S. Babcock
Questioned as a murder suspect, solid (but drunk) citizen Al Willis attacks his police questioners, is beaten, and swears vengeance against them. Next night, Lieut. Parks is murdered; Willis is the only suspect in the eyes of tough Chief Conroy, who pursues him doggedly despite lack of evidence. The obsessed Conroy is dismissed from the force, but continues to harass Willis, who flees to a sleazy town on the Mexican border. Of course, Conroy follows. But which is crazy, Conroy or Willis?
Man with the Steel Whip
Saloon owner Barnet wants the Indian reservation land on which he knows there is gold, and organizes a gang, aided by some renegade Indians, to raid and terrorize close-by settlers,hoping to arouse them to drive off the Indians. Rancher Jerry Randall, accompanied by school teacher Nancy Cooper, sets out to defeat the plot. In order to win the loyalty of the innocent tribe members, Randall masquerades as a legendary friend of the Indians, El Latigo.
Southwest Passage
Lt. Owens
Director Ray Nazarro's 1954 western, originally filmed in 3-D, stars John Ireland and Joanne Dru as fugitive bank robbers who hide out by joining a government expedition bound for California.
Região do Ódio
Capt. Benson (uncredited)
Em 1896, Jeff Webster (James Stewart) vê o início da corrida do ouro de Klondike como uma oportunidade para consguir uma fortuna no ramo do gado. Ele leva um rebanho de gado do Wyoming para Seattle, e depois para Skagway. Lá, ele e seu parceiro Ben Tatum (Walter Brennan) vendem o gado e passam a trabalhar com o ouro. Os problemas vão começar, pois duas mulheres começam a disputar o seu coração e várias pessoas ambiciosas estão de olho no seu dinheiro, e de tudo farão para roubá-lo.
The Great Diamond Robbery
Nightclub Manager (uncredited)
Ambrose C. Park, left on a park bench as an infant with an impulsive need to find his parents, is an assistant to a diamond cutter. Shyster lawyer Remlick, in a strategy to get a fabulous uncut diamond through Ambrose, arranges for Emily Drummon, Duke Fargoh and Maggie Drummon to pose as Ambrose's long-lost parents and sister. The diamond, through many comic situations, is acquired and the gang is going to have Ambrose cut the diamond, and relieve him of the two stones and his parental illusions at the same time. But Maggie, who has no taste for the deception, tips Ambrose off and a wild chase ensues. At the end, Ambrose is very happy as he can now marry his "sister."
Captain John Smith and Pocahontas
The story of, well, Captain John Smith and Pocahontas. Jamestown. Early 1600s.
Sombras da Loucura
Detective (uncredited)
A supermodel gets murdered. While investigating the case the story of a waitress turned glamor girl is revealed.
Mexican Manhunt
Lucky Gato
Los Angeles, 1953. The author David L. "Dave" Brady wants to bring a missed ex-newspaperman back to Los Angeles. Therefore Dave has to travel to Mexico City. Dave gets involved with a murder case that occurred fifteen years ago. It's an obsession for Dave to solve that murder.
Hannah Lee: An American Primitive
Jeff Montgomery
Professional killer Bus Crow is hired by cattlemen to eliminate squatters. When Marshal Sam Rochelle is sent to investigate, saloon owner Hallie has to be a reluctant witness.
O Circo da Morte
Eddie Elstead
Left by his wife, a vain rodeo star picks up a floozy and rides a bad Brahman bull.
As Aventuras de Buffalo Bill
Cowboys lutam contra os proprietários de uma estação de coches e contra um grupo de índios para estabelecer uma rota de correio expresso, em 1860.
Anjo do Mal
Police Commissioner
O batedor de carteiras Skip McCoy (Richard Widmark) rouba Candy (Jean Peters) no metrô. Ele ainda não sabe, mas dentro da bolsa que acabou de pegar está um pedaço de microfilme com importantes segredos do governo. Candy tenta seduzir Skip para recuperar o material, mas acaba se apaixonando pelo bandido, que agora está na mira da polícia e dos comunistas – verdadeiros donos do filme.
Sword of Venus
An enemy of the Count of Monte Cristo frames his son for a murder in order to exact revenge and steal the family fortune.
A young Indian brave attempts to bring peace to two warring tribes.
Captive Women
Gordon, chief of the Upriver People
In post-apocalyptic New York, three tribes of survivors (the Norms, the Mutates and the Upriver People) vie for the right to exist. When the treacherous Upriver People attack the Norms, kill their chief and take their people captive, two Norm refugee men must find a way to ally with the Mutates, who have previously kidnapped Norm women in an effort to reproduce healthy children, to rout the Uprivers, who also seek to kill off the Mutates.
Hurricane Smith
Matt Ward
South Sea freebooters fight for hidden treasure and the love of the beautiful Luana.
A Dama de Preto
Mr. Spiro
Nova York, 1886. Após ser demitido do jornal The Star, o jornalista Phineas Mitchell (Gene Evans) decide começar a trabalhar por conta própria. Rapidamente, as publicações de Mitchell conseguem uma popularidade fenomenal, o que passa a incomodar os magnatas da comunicação da cidade.
Carbine Williams
Tom Vennar
David Marshall Williams is sent to a prison farm where he works in the tool shop and eventually develops the precursor of the famous M-1 Carbine automatic rifle used in World War II.
Kid Monk Baroni
Mr. Moore
Leonard Nimoy is "Kid" Monk Baroni, the leader of a street gang who becomes a professional boxer to escape his life in "Little Italy" New York.
O Soldado da Rainha
Standing Bear
Em 1876, um policial da Polícia Montada no noroeste do Canadá deve conseguir a libertação de reféns brancos capturados pelas tribos Cree que estão invadindo Montana a partir de sua reserva canadense. Em 1876, Duncan MacDonald se junta à nova Polícia Montada de 300 membros no oeste do Canadá, bem a tempo de uma missão perigosa. Parece que os índios Cree, atravessando a fronteira em Montana, fizeram dois reféns para seu retorno seguro ao Canadá. Mas MacDonald, com apenas o batedor Natayo para ajudar, precisará de toda a sua diplomacia e mais alguma coisa para libertar os cativos do meio de 1000 índios Cree. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Bugles in the Afternoon
Bannack Bill
Old enemies stationed together at an Army post vie for the same woman.
A Tragédia do Meu Destino
Detective McGill (Uncredited)
A crime gang leader is losing her sight, so while her lover goes into hiding, she checks in to the hospital for extensive surgery to recover her eyesight. There she is treated by a handsome young doctor. As expected not only does the doctor successfully open her eyes, he also opens her heart for him.
Guerrilheiros do Sertão
Cansado de derramamentos de sangue sem sentido, veterano da guerra civil americana promete nunca usar uma arma novamente. Isso se torna difícil quando ele se indispõe com o tirano da cidade.
Baionetas Caladas
Major General at Headquarters (uncredited)
A história de um pelotão durante a Guerra da Coreia. Um por um os superiores do Cabo Denno vão sendo mortos chegando ao ponto em que ele deve tentar assumir a responsabilidade de comando.
Arizona Manhunt
Scar Willard
Arizona Manhunt was the second entry in Republic's "Rough Ridin' Kids" series. Michael Chapin returns as Red, the precocious grandson of Sheriff White (James Bell), while Eilene Janssen likewise reappears as Red's best friend Judy. Once again, the two kids get involved with grown-up western desperadoes, in this case the outlaw gang formerly controlled by Judy's foster father.
Tomorrow Is Another Day
Frank Higgins
A man who spent his formative years in prison for murder is released, and struggles to adjust to the outside world and escape his lurid past. He gets involved with a cheap dancehall girl, and when her protector is accidentally killed, they go on the lam together, getting jobs as farm labourers. But some fellow workers get wise to them.
The Hoodlum
Police Lt. Burdick
Vincent Lubeck is a vicious ex-convict. His criminal activities are despised by his family, but he uses and abuses them in the course of his crimes. Eventually his own brother must stand up to him.
Wells Fargo Gunmaster
John Thornton
Rocky Lane, Special Investigator for Wells Fargo, shows up just in time to save the stage from being robbed. Unable to find the mastermind, or even the outlaws who rob the stage, Rocky goes undercover as an outlaw.
Dilema de uma Consciência
Walt Walters
Na viajem para um trabalho, a modelo de Nova York Marsha Mitchell (Ginger Rogers) decide parar por menos de 24 horas na cidade sulista americana de Rock Point para visitar sua irmã, Lucy Rice (Doris Day), que ela não vê há dois anos, e conhecer o marido de Lucy, Hank Rice (Steve Cochran), pela primeira vez. Ao chegar em Rock Point, Marsha testemunha um assassinato de Walter Adams (Stuart Randall) pela Ku Klux Klan. O promotor do condado Burt Rainey (Ronald Regan) sabe que a Klan cometeu o assassinato, todo mundo na cidade sabe que a Klan cometeu o assassinato, mas Rainey sabe que ninguém vai se expor para denunciar a Klan. Não tem classificação do Brasil mas pelos outros países, deve ser 14 anos.
Coração Selvagem
Sergeant Newell
In 1866, a new gold discovery and an inconclusive conference force the U.S. Army to build a road and fort in territory ceded by previous treaty to the the disgust of frontier scout Jim Bridger, whose Cheyenne wife led him to see the conflict from both sides. The powder-keg situation needs only a spark to bring war, and violent bigots like Lieut. Rob Dancy are all too likely to provide this. Meanwhile, Bridger's chance of preventing catastrophe is dimmed by equally wrenching personal conflicts. Unusually accurate historically.
Rough Riders of Durango
Henchman Jed
Marshal "Rocky" Lane comes to the aid of Sheriff Bill Walters who is having a hard time trying to save the local farmers and ranchers from raids and hijackings.
Rustlers on Horseback
Jake Clune
When he catches wind that bookish George Parradine (John Eldredge) is actually a ruthless outlaw who's had one man killed and is now trying to steal a fortune from another, U.S. Marshal Rocky Lane (Allan Lane) poses as a bandit and infiltrates Parradine's gang. But Rocky's quest for justice is jeopardized when the dead man's son (George Nader) also goes undercover to get revenge on his father's killer. Fred C. Brannon directs this 1950 Western.
Rider from Tucson
Henchman Slim
In order to make Tug Cardwell (William Phipps) sign over his rich gold claim to them, John Avery (Robert Shayne), Gypsy Avery (Veda Ann Borg) and Jackson (Marshall Reed) hire Bob Rankin (Douglas Fowley') to kidnap Tug's sweetheart Jane Whipple (Elaine Riley). Rankin hides Jane and then demands half the mine from the other crooks. Dave Saunders (Tim Holt) and Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin), friends of Tug's, find Jane and taker her to safety. The conspirators then shoot Rankin, capture Tug and force him to take them to his claim. Dave and Chito are close behind.