Gertan Klauber
Nascimento : 1932-03-05, Czechoslovakia
Morte : 2008-08-01
Based upon the true story that inpired the Christmas carol about a young king's care for his people.
Os Cinco Rapazes de Liverpool é um drama musical enérgico que mostra os Beatles antes da fama em sua viagem a Hamburgo na busca do sucesso. Enquanto conquistam popularidade, o "quinto Beatle", o baixista Stuart Sutcliffe (Stephen Dorff) se apaixona e tem que escolher entre seu melhor amigo John Lennon, seu novo amor (Sheryl Lee) e a maior banda de rock do mundo.
Nick Rivers é um cantor americano que vai até a antiga Alemanha para participar de um show que unirá vários talentos mundiais. Só que, na verdade, esse show serve como pano de fundo contra um ataque à submarinos aliados. Durante a confusão, ele conhece e se apaixona por Hillary Flammond, uma das pessoas que faz a Resistência Francesa.
East German Mayor
Nick Rivers é um cantor americano que vai até a antiga Alemanha para participar de um show que unirá vários talentos mundiais. Só que, na verdade, esse show serve como pano de fundo contra um ataque à submarinos aliados. Durante a confusão, ele conhece e se apaixona por Hillary Flammond, uma das pessoas que faz a Resistência Francesa.
Older Nazi
A girl visiting modern day East Germany with her estranged father begins reliving the horrifying events that happened to a young girl living there during World War II.
Ao tentar solucionar quem assassinou o agente 009 (Andy Bradford), James Bond (Roger Moore) resolve seguir uma pista de uma jóia Fabergé roubada do Kremlin, que aparece em uma famosa casa de leilões de Londres. O agente 007 acredita que esta jóia pode ser a chave para solucionar o mistério, pois o agente morto foi encontrado com um Fabergé falso.
Ambulance Man
Alex Linden is a psychiatrist living in Vienna who meets Milena Flaherty though a mutual friend. Though Alex is quite a bit older than Milena, he's attracted to her young, carefree spirit. Despite the fact that Milena is already married, their friendship quickly turns into a deeply passionate love affair that threatens to overtake them both. When Milena ends up in the hospital from an overdose, Alex is taken into custody by Inspector Netusil.
The Pasha
Quando Dr. Watson (Robert Duvall) descobre que Sherlock Holmes (Nicol Williamson) está perturbado mentalmente devido ao seu vício em cocaína, organiza para ele uma viagem para Viena e uma sessão de tratamento com o famoso filósofo Sigmund Freud (Alan Arkin). O psicólogo espera resolver os mistérios do subconsciente de Holmes enquanto este se dedica à resolução de outro mistério: o sequestro de Lola Deveraux (Vanessa Redgrave).
Kubelwagen Driver (uncredited)
Checoslováquia em 1942 - O General da SS Reinhard Heydrich é nomeado para se tornar o Protetor do Reich na Boêmia e Morávia. O terror e a opressão que se seguem faz com que as autoridades aliadas em Londres autorizem uma missão secreta para matar o homem que veio a ser conhecido como "O Açougueiro de Praga". Um esquadrão de expatriados checos são lançados de paraquedas na Checoslováquia, a fim de assassinar o novo governador alemão. Baseado em uma história verdadeira, detalha a Operação Alvorada desde as preparações, sua execução e as maciças represálias alemãs que se seguiram.
Percy, the man with the world's first penis transplant, discovers that there is a chemical in the world's water that makes men impotent.
In this comedy, set during the Nazi occupation of France, Peter Sellers plays most major male parts, so he stars in nearly every scene, always bumbling in inspector Clouseau-style.
Town Cryer
1934, quando a Morte Preta atinge o norte da Alemanha. Um boticário local, judeu, procura um tratamento para a praga e os sacerdotes o acusam de bruxaria. E um flautista mágico ajuda uma aldeia a se livrar da peste de ratos.
Henry VIII has just married Marie of Normandy, and is eager to consummate their marriage. Unfortunately for Henry, she is always eating garlic, and refuses to stop. Deciding to get rid of her in his usual manner, Henry has to find some way of doing it without provoking war with Marie's cousin, the King of France. Perhaps if she had an affair...
A Nazi scientist and a woman known as a "spider goddess" attempt to develop a nerve gas made from spider venom.
Tavern Keeper
In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her occult powers to curse his family, enlisting unknowing help from one of the household.
Russian Major
Comedy set in a refugee camp in occupied Austria after World War II. A shrewd multi-lingual interpreter who mediates between Russian and British military brass enters into a friendly rivalry with British Major Giles Burnside, who is in charge of assigning the displaced persons into either the American or Russian zones.
Wash Orderly
Francis Bigger, a notorious charlatan who tours the country lecturing on the subject of mind over matter, slips off the platform in the middle of his performance and ends up in hospital under the care of Dr Tinkle. The hospital is about to enter a period of total chaos.
Dr Kaarna (uncredited)
Um ex-espião britânico tropeça em um complô para derrubar o comunismo com a ajuda de um supercomputador. Mas quem está trabalhando para quem?
Harry Palmer deixou o Serviço Secreto Britânico e se tornou um detetive particular. Uma de seus primeiros trabalhos é entregar uma garrafa térmica aparentemente inocente a um velho amigo em Helsinque. Palmer suspeita do conteúdo da térmica e começa a duvidar dos motivos de seu amigo e do seu chefe, um bilionário texano.
When the Second Doctor, Polly, Ben and Jamie visit a human colony that appears to be one big holiday camp, they think they have come across a truly happy place. Yet a shadowy presence soon makes them realise that the surface contentment is carefully controlled.
In this swinging romp through 1960s London, the frenzied manager of mod-rockers the Small Faces (made up of Steve Marriott, Kenney Jones, Ian McLagan and Ronnie Lane) gets into trouble when he agrees to use the band to smuggle diamonds out of the country. Songs include the Small Faces' "I've Got Mine," "It's Too Late," "Come On Children" and "Don't Stop What You're Doing" and The Chantelles' "I Think of You" and "Please Don't Kiss Me."
Soldier at Rocket Plant
Em um esforço para saber mais sobre os foguetes alemães V1 e V2, os aliados se infiltram como trabalhadores na fábrica de mísseis nazista em Peenemünde. Os agentes selecionados são todos engenheiros e eles assumem as identidades de indivíduos da vida real que estão mortos ou permitiram. O que eles não sabem é que a missão foi comprometida desde o início pelo fato de que um deles é procurado por assassinato e que um dos candidatos para a missão é na verdade um agente nazista. No final, os dois agentes restantes ajudam a RAF a localizar a fábrica durante uma campanha de bombardeio maciço.
Galley Master
The TARDIS crew take up residence near Rome in 64AD, where Ian and Barbara are kidnapped by slave traders, and the Doctor's imitation of Maximus Pettulian sees him taken to the court of Emperor Nero where he inadvertently plays a part in deciding the course of history...
A gang of hapless crooks, led by Sidney James, successfully perpetrate a robbery only to be caught after the fact. Fifteen years later they emerge from prison intent on retrieving their stolen loot - and discover a police station has been built over its hiding place.
Code Clerk
Carry On favourite Barbara Windsor makes her debut in this outrageous send-up of the James Bond movies. Fearless agent Desmond Simpkins and Charlie Bind, aided and abetted by the comely Agent Honeybutt and Agent Crump, battle against the evil powers of international bad guys STENCH and their three cronies.
Technician in Czech Glass Factory
A young man travels to Prague to join his new employer, unaware that he is being used as an espionage courier.
A group of former concentration camp prisoners has formed an underground network to hunt Nazi leaders, who are still on the loose. At a secret meeting in Paris they discuss what to do with the former Auschwitz commandant Karl Brochmann, who since 12 years lives in London under the false identity of Karl Luther. They decide to take the law in their own hands, and send their member David to London. He starts his commission by scaring Luther, to see his reactions. Luther is already nervous, because the newspapers are writing about the capture of Eichmann. When he finds out that somebody has broken into his apartment and painted a swastika on his mirror, he gets terrified. He empties his bank account, packs a bag with all his cash and runs away, followed by David.
Adaptation from Tolstoy's novel.
In the business end of a kitchen, a polyglot staff strives to cope with a superhuman task. A microcosm of the world, the kitchen looms around and encloses its workers; they include Peter, the German cook, who is in love with waitress Monica, and constantly asks her to leave her husband. The pressure of the day becomes unendurable, and when Peter realises that Monica does not mean to divorce her husband his grief and pain cause him to run berserk!
A young man will inherit a huge fortune--8 million pounds--but to qualify, he must spend a million pounds in just two months. Easy to do? That's what you think!
Fairground attendant
Famed concert pianist Stephen Orlac survives a plane crash, but his hands are permanently destroyed. Helpful surgeon Volcheff grafts a pair of new hands on the hapless Orlac. Unfortunately, they're the hands of an executed murderer - useless for a pianist, but quite handy for less delicate work...
During World War II, four British soldiers are commissioned to set up an observation post on a seemingly deserted island in the Mediterranean. However, while surveying the island, the Brits come across four German soldiers holed up in a monastery. The Brits and the Germans agree to a truce, sharing the monastery together until either the British or German troops arrive. But when a shipwrecked Slavic girl ends up on the island, a battle over her erupts amongst the men.