Cardew Robinson

Nascimento : 1917-08-14, Goodmayes, Essex, England, UK

Morte : 1992-12-28


Douglas John Cardew Robinson (14 August 1917 – 28 December 1992) was a British comic, whose craft was rooted in the music hall and Gang Shows.


Shirley Valentine
Dona-de-casa inglesa sente-se entediada com a rotina envolvendo os filhos e o marido. Resolve aceitar o convite de uma amiga e parte para uma excursão pelas ilhas Gregas. Lá ela desfruta da paisagem, da liberdade e conhece um novo amor.
What's Up Nurse
Ticket Inspector
When Dr. Robert "Sweeney" Todd arrives to fill his post at a new hospital, he is shocked to see the lengths that the nurses go to in caring for their patients.
Come Play with Me
Two alluring young ladies live with their beautiful widowed aunt on a secluded wooded estate. The women have earned themselves quite a reputation in the surrounding towns and men from all over the region are frequent visitors to the small countryside home, hoping to encounter one, or preferably both, of the seductive nieces. Of course, the aunt has equally strong desires and refuses to be outdone. Soon all three are offering the many courters the chance to Come Play with Me!
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth")
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins is a 1971 British comedy film directed and produced by Graham Stark. Its title is a conflation of The Magnificent Seven and the seven deadly sins. It comprises a sequence of seven sketches, each representing a sin and written by an array of British comedy-writing talent. The sketches are linked by animation sequences. The music score is by British jazz musician Roy Budd, cinematography by Harvey Harrison and editing by Rod Nelson-Keys and Roy Piper. It was produced by Tigon Pictures and distributed in the U.K. by Tigon Film Distributors Ltd..
The Nine Ages of Nakedness
The Magistrate (segment "The Theatre")
A man attempts to deal with the bevy of naked beauties who have been bothering his family for generations.
The young inventors Dick and Jenny Brewster, build their own 'Hoverbug' and hope to win the race which has been organised for home-made Hovercraft, but their arch rivals, Charlie and Sydney, bend the rules by enlisting professional help and by employing devious means to sabotage the Hoverbug.
Where's Jack?
Lord Mayor
Based on the adventures of Jack Sheppard, the thief and jail-breaker who became a folk hero in 1720s London.
Manda Ver Soldado
The Fakir
Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond cuida do posto britânico perto da passagem de Khybar. Protegido pelo terceiro regimento de pé e boca, você pensaria que eles estavam seguros. Mas o khazi de Kalabar tem outras idéias. Ele quer todos os britânicos mortos! Mas suas tropas temem os "demônios contornados"; eles são rumores de não usar nada por baixo. Então um é pego com as calças dele ...
Smashing Time
Custard Pie Vicar
Two young women arrive in London to make it big in show business, and become corrupted by money and fame in the process.
Three Bites of the Apple
Bernhard Hagstrom
A tour guide wins a large sum of money at a casino and a beautiful woman schemes at have it, but love complicates her plans.
Regresso ao Passado
Cass followed the bright lights to London and was quickly disillusioned. She met and married Doctor Langdon, but soon realised she wanted to return to her home by the sea, and to her first love, Colin.
Como Conquistar as Mulheres
Gay Man in Pub
Alfie é um charmoso conquistador que vive em Londres. Ele tem várias aventuras amorosas, pois sempre quer mais mulheres na sua "coleção". Ele as usa, pois não tem nenhum tipo de censura e pula de uma cama para outra sem nenhum remorso. Porém Alfie não é tão despreocupado ou indiferente como tenta passar para a audiência, para quem fala diretamente diversas vezes. Tentando ser livre como um pássaro, ele ignora quem realmente o ama e seu filho acaba sendo criado por outro homem. Somente após várias conquistas e vitórias dúbias ele começa a questionar sua vida.
Go Kart Go
Jimpy leads a gang of kids as they attempt to beat another gang, no matter how underhanded their tactics are.
Father Came Too!
Fire Officer
When Dexter Munro and his new wife Juliet get married, they decide to escape Juliet's meddling father by buying a rundown cottage and doing it up themselves. But when the cottage proves to be more ramshackle than they thought, and the scale of the repairs needed far out of their budget, the newlyweds are forced into calling on Juliet's father after all. Before long he's employed incompetent builder Josh Wicks, and the situation goes from bad to worse.
Ladies Who Do
Police Driver
The "Ladies Who Do" are office cleaners. One of them discovers some hot stock tips and they make a fortune. They then make good use of it to save their old neighbourhoods from the wicked developer.
O Pior dos Pecados
Um capelão da prisão ingênuo, porém caridoso, que por acaso tem o mesmo sobrenome de um clérigo de classe alta, é por engano indicado como vigário de uma pequena e próspera cidade rural. Sua crença na caridade e no perdão o coloca em desacordo com os moradores locais conservadores e tacanhos, e ele logo cria ações sociais nomeando um lixeiro negro como seu sacristão da igreja, recebendo uma família cigana, e persuadindo o dono da terra local a fornecer comida de graça para a igreja distribuir gratuitamente na cidade. Quando os líderes da congregação percebem o erro e pedem para a Igreja da Inglaterra removê-lo, isso acaba sendo uma questão muito, muito difícil - até que um clérigo se lembra que um projeto britânico para enviar um homem ao espaço está precisando de um astronauta. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Crooks Anonymous
Wiseman - Helicopter Brother
A former burglar trying to go straight joins a rehabilitation scheme using much the same methods as AA. Through the process, he takes work as a department store Santa, where the endless parade of goods and money, not to mention the pretty young shop hands have him like a moth to a flame in no time flat.
Three on a Spree
A young man will inherit a huge fortune--8 million pounds--but to qualify, he must spend a million pounds in just two months. Easy to do? That's what you think!
Light Up the Sky!
Lewis Gilbert's classic comedy drama portrays the antics of a British Army Searchlight Squad during World War II. Lieutenant Ogleby (Ian Carmichael) has his work cut out to keep his "legionnaires" at their post and not rampaging through the local countryside. The McGaffey brothers (Benny Hill and Tommy Steele) create havoc with their light-fingers and light-loving with the local girls, whilst Smithy (Johnny Briggs) pines for his sweetheart.
The Navy Lark
Lt. Binns
An Inshore Minesweeping Unit has been forgotten by the Navy after World War II on the peaceful island of Boonsley and they have adapted to their circumstances. The men still wear uniforms and the proper reports are filed, although the reports of hundreds of mines are exaggerated. The captain spends his time fishing, the Number One is busy romancing the only Wren on the island and The Chief Boatswain runs a wine smuggling business. Unfortunately the Navy start to get suspicious.
Fun at St. Fanny's
Cardew the Cad
Gormless 25 year-old Cardew, wealthy beneficiary of the Robinson Will, should have left St. Fanny's School many years ago. However, seedy headmaster Dr. Jankers (music hall favourite Fred Emney) is in the toils of shady bookmaker Harry the Scar (boxer Freddie Mills) and has so-far kept his golden goose perched firmly at the bottom of the class. Blissfully unaware of nefarious intrigue around him, Cardew continues to flirt coyly with the French mistress and gamble for school dinners on the form room roulette wheel. But canny Scots solicitor McTavish has been sent to investigate... Featuring television's Billy Bunter, Gerald Campion, gorgeous Vera Day, Will Hay cohort Claude Hulbert, muddle-mouthed Stanley Unwin, a young Ronnie Corbett, and enough old jokes to fill a Christmas Cracker factory.
Calling All Cars
Two friends on a motoring holiday pursue a pair girls.