Charles Regan


Man On A Bus
Six people who have emigrated to Israel from different countries are all on a bus traveling through the Negev Desert. They find themselves stranded overnight in the bus. To pass the time, each begins to tell the story behind their emigration to Israel.
Cantando na Chuva
Saloon Keeper (uncredited)
Em 1927, Hollywood, está um verdadeiro rebuliço com a transição do cinema mudo para o falado. Don Lockwood e Lina Lamont, o casal mais querido do cinema mudo, se prepara para rodar um musical. Mas, infelizmente, Lina não só não sabe cantar como tem uma voz horrível. A estreante, Kathy Selden, é chamada a emprestar sua voz à estrela. As gravações são uma confusão, mas tudo piora quando Don se apaixona pela doce Kathy. Ao lado de seu inseparável amigo, o compositor Cosmo Brown, ele tenta mostrar ao mundo o talento de Kathy.
Captain China
Wade (as Charlie Regan)
The title character, played by John Payne, is a ship's captain whose embittered behavior after losing his lady love seemingly leads to tragedy. Accused of deliberately scuttling his ship during a typhoon, Captain China hopes to clear himself by signing on as a common seaman on a vessel captain by his former first mate Brendensen. There's no love lost between the two men, and their mutual animosity is intensified when both fall in love with beautiful passenger.
Duas Vidas Se Encontram
Man (uncredited)
Just before Christmas, department store clerk Steve Mason meets big spending customer Connie Ennis, who's actually a comparison shopper sent by another store. Steve lets her go, which gets him fired. They spend the afternoon together, which doesn't sit well with Connie's steady suitor, Carl, when he finds out, but delights her young son Timmy, who quickly takes to Steve.
Fuga do Passado
Mystery Man (uncredited)
O detetive privado Jeff Bailey (Robert Mitchum), foge do seu passado indo dirigir um posto de gasolina em uma pequena cidade do interior. Mas é obrigado a reviver sua turbulenta vida quando é localizado pelo gângster Whit Sterling (Kirk Douglas). Jeff, outrora um experiente detetive, foi contratado por Whit e acabou pecando ao misturar negócios e romance, envolvendo-se com Kathie (Jane Greer).
Two Sisters from Boston
Bouncer (uncredited)
Abigail Chandler has written her stuffy Boston relatives that she's a successful opera singer in New York. In reality, she works at a burlesque house and is billed as High-C Susie. When her sister Martha comes for a visit, Abigail tries to hide the truth from her.
Chip Man (uncredited)
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
The Ghost Ship
Captain Stone's newly recruited officer, Tom Merriam, idolizes his senior who treats him like a friend. But when a couple of his crew members die mysteriously, Tom starts doubting Stone's authority.
Spy Smasher
Prior to the United States' involvement in World War II, the masked vigilante Spy Smasher fights Nazi agents operating within the US, led by the treacherous sabotage leader codenamed The Mask.
Wildcat Bus
Wildcat Driver
A broke playboy signs on to help a young beauty save her ailing bus line.
Marujos Improvisados
Stan and Ollie work in a horn factory. Ollie starts having violent fits every time he hears a horn. His doctor prescribes a restful sea voyage. Mayhem ensues.
A Mulher Faz o Homem
Hoodlum (uncredited)
Ingênuo homem do interior (James Stewart) é convidado para preencher uma vaga no Senado dos Estados Unidos. Aos poucos vai descobrindo o mar de lama que é o ambiente político dos comandantes de seu país. Tudo em que acredita está ameaçado. Como enfrentar esses poderosos Senadores e dirigentes políticos?
Dick Tracy's G-Men
Thug at Dam
A mad doctor named Zanoff uses a drug to bring himself back from the dead after his execution in prison. Dick Tracy sets out to capture Zanoff before he can put his criminal gang back together again.
The Lone Ranger Rides Again
Cave Heavy #1
Homesteaders are moving into the valley settled many years ago by rancher Craig Dolan. He wants to keep them out by legal means but his nephew Bart brings in outlaws to drive them out. The Lone Ranger is on hand to help the homesteaders battle Bart's men as he overcomes traps, ambushes, burning buildings and other obstacles in his attempt to bring peace to the valley.