Hou Yong

Hou Yong

Nascimento : 1967-02-23, Jiangsu, China


Hou Yong


Island Keeper
Wang Changjie
Wang Jicai and his wife Shihua have been guarding the small Kashan island on the Chinese border for 32 years.
Os 800
Durante a Batalha de Xangai em 1937, quando um grupo de soldados chineses lutaram para defender o armazém de Sihang, ondas de forças japonesas avançavam, cercando oitocentos soldados chineses.
Non-Toxic Island
Director Wang
For Love with You
The original intention of the film was that there were four young people who used the lens to record the real life of their grandparents. During the creation process, they learned about the current aging situation in China. There are too many elderly people who lack company. So they decided Use what I have learned to shoot this movie "Everything is Like You". From the perspective of young people, it tells ten stories about "old care, filial piety and respect for the elderly". Their actions have been strongly supported by the older generation of film artists. This shooting is an unforgettable creative journey and a cultural heritage with a mission.
A Redenção
Wu Chenguang
Jiang Liwei é o líder mais jovem do Esquadrão de Brigadas Especiais e ignora os protocolos da missão que levam a uma explosão de gás que mata um jovem bombeiro mudando seu futuro para sempre.
Dragon Force: Rise of Ultraman
The crisis of Genesis Crystal is imminent, and Evan begins the crazy countdown to ruin the world. Ultraman needs to maximize his abilities in order to stop the Earth from being destroyed. He choses [sic] a little boy as his representative in the world and vanishes soon, leaving a magic cube to encourage him and hope it will help motivate his strong power. Everyone is trying every possible way to open up the magic cube. Dr. J even finds that tge little boy's fart is the key to set up a series of laugh-out "fart-induced" experiments to try to figure out the secret.
Goddesses In The Flames Of War
Dragon Force: So Long Ultraman
Dragon Force: So Long, Ultraman is a Chinese action animated film animated by BlueArc Animation in cooperation with Le Vision Pictures, TIGA Entertainment and UM Corporation. It is based on the 2012 3D animated series Dragon Force created by Kazuya Hatazawa and a sequel to the 2013 movie of the same name.
One day Ruo-fei found himself traveling into the past during a national game. Ruo-fei was strangely obsessed by an athlete named "Lone Wolf", who had a very special charisma. Lone Wolf’s dream was to become a pilot. During the game, Lone Wolf met an American guy named Jason whose family was very wealthy. Jason was a vigorous man who was determined to win this martial arts tournament. Lone Wolf and Jason became the main focus of the entire game and a lot of people were betting on the outcome of their upcoming fight. Finally, it was time for the final battle, the duel started, two different temperaments and two different backgrounds but yet the fighters understood each other, equal in strength; each had its own qualities and merits, making the duel very suspenseful. Lone Wolf and Jason were once enemies (rivals) and now appreciated each other. Who would win the final battle and became the real hero?
The Struggle of 80's
The Empire Symbol
The story of “Empire Symbol” is quiet dramatic and it is called Chinese “The Da Vinci Code”: a group of people seems unrelated--- an auto mechanic Cheng Xi (acted by Pan Yueming), a policewoman Mei Jia (acted by Hu Ke) and a Japanese archaeologist Xiao Yelingzi (acted by Yi Nengjing), they are bonded by an invaluable empire treasure of Ming Dynasty. With the mystery is solved, everyone starts a hunt for love, fortune and power.
Beginning of the Great Revival
Tang Shaoyi
A chronicle of the events that led to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.
A Fundação de uma República
Zhang Wentian
Após o fim da guerra civil chinesa em 1949, o Partido Comunista passou a regra no continente e Kuomingtang foi forçado a retirar-se para a ilha de Taiwan. O novo poder, juntamente com outras partes, em seguida se uniram para organizar o primeiro Política do Povo Chinês Conferência Consultiva (CCPPC) e discutir o estabelecimento da República Popular da China (RPS).
A Batalha dos 3 Reinos II
Lu Su
No ano de 208, Cao Cao, o primeiro-ministro do imperador Han, o convence a declarar guerra aos senhores feudais do Sul da China, Liu Bei e o duque de Wu, Sun Quan, afirmando falsamente que estes são traidores. Amedrontado, o monarca cede aos desejos de Cao Cao e o nomeia comandante de todos os exércitos. Após uma grande vitória contra os exércitos terrestres de Cao Cao, as forças combinadas de Liu Bei e Sun Quan concentram-se na fortaleza de Zhou Yu (Princípio Vermelho) e aguardam o confronto decisivo com um imenso batalhão compostas por 800 mil homens e três mil embarcações de guerra. Será uma batalha feroz onde a criatividade fará a diferença. Um festival deimagens únicas. A arte da guerra vista de forma deslumbrante.
A Batalha dos Três Reinos
Lu Su
A história se baseia em eventos dos anos 220 a 280 D.C. e conta uma passagem do Romance dos Três Reinos, livro escrito por volta do ano 1350 por Luo Guanzhong. Nele, os três feudos existentes no território chinês entram em conflito. A batalha climática, que envolveu cerca de um milhão de combatentes, teve de um lado dois senhores, Sun Quan and Liu Bei, derrotando o superior exército invasor de Cao Cao. Pouco tempo depois, a dinastia Han terminou oficialmente e o país foi dividido entre os três reinos. A Batalha dos Três Reinos é a primeira parte de uma saga de mais de quatro horas. O longa ainda possui uma segunda parte.
Jiang bei hao ren
Villagers pooled up money and drive a sick widow to Yangzhou on a tractor to see a doctor.
Axis of War: The First of August
He Lung
The year is 1927 and the Alliance moves triumphantly from victory to victory in an epic and bloody civil war campaign against the uprisings of brutal warlords and feudal barons that has left the country on the brink of total collapse. With the nation's fate hanging in the balance, a rebel revolt in the stronghold city of Nanchang threatens to give the insurgents the upper hand and as the first day of August dawns the Alliance, led by some of the bravest soldiers and greatest tacticians the world has ever seen, face their deadliest and most monumental battle yet.
Charging Out Amazon
Winner of the Golden Rooster Award for Best Film in 2002
Production Design
A young teacher in the first seventeen years of the People's Republic of China approaches the teaching of her students with a humanistic philosophy, which leads to problems with authorities.