Milton Rodríguez

Nascimento : 1936-10-18, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil


Milton Rodríguez is a former film and television actor from Brazil.


Dear Renzo
Two young Argentines, brought together by chance, wander the streets of New York City, increasingly lost in a maze of currency exchange, translation problems, religious vocation and nocturnal flirtation.
The Hard Way
A special forces team infiltrate the 'Golden Triangle' between Brazil and Colombia to kidnap notorious drug baron.
The Game of the Revenge
Is it confusing? Is it innocent? Is it gratifying? Is it craziness? Exciting! That's how it is the Game of the Revenge. Exciting, sinuous, erotic, malignant. That is the Game of the Revenge. Jacqueline Andere, Milton Rodriguez and Susana Dosamantes, in the Game of the Revenge.
Perdidos no Vale dos Dinossauros
Capt. John Heinz
Uma expedição formada por cinco homens e quatro mulheres se embrenha na floresta amazônica atrás do Vale dos Dinossauros. Nesta aventura, encontram uma tribo sanguinária e enfrentam diversos perigos da selva.
Avaeté - Semente da Vingança
Little Indian boy survives his tribe massacre, growing up together with his wish for revenge and his quest for his own identity. Based on a true story.
Peter Knife
El Conde
Based on the international hit song, Pedro Navaja (Peter the Knife) is the story of the coolest, street smart hustler ever to walk the streets of Mexico City. The police are after him, his rivals are after him, and all the while the most beautiful women of Mexico are in the cup of his hand. - Written by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
Lola the Truck Driver
Leoncio Cardenas
Lola finds herself into the world of violence and drug trafficking when her father is murdered for refusing to put his truck to the service of a powerful cartel, with protections at high police levels. Knowing the local officials will not serve out justice, she takes matters into her own hands. Armed with a machine gun, she'll attempt to get revenge by her own hands - but the enemy has more firepower than her.
Me lleva la tristeza
A dumped boyfriend uses his money and social position to ruin the lives of his ex and her new husband. Also some crime stuff.
Trail of Death
Thriller directed by Arturo Ripstein.
Fuego en el mar
Uneventful but unhappy life of a guy who works on an oil platform in the Gulf Of Mexico.
Como México no hay dos
Rags-to-riches story about the rise of a fictional ranchera-music superstar.
Deadly Nightmare
At the beginning of this century some owners of rubber plantations in the Amazonas jungle convert a village into one big prison. But the inhabitants have other plans...
Tony Coppola
Based on a true story in the American owned Cananea mine. It depicts how the owner profits while the Mexican workers struggle to survive and are exploited for their labour.
Durante um violento ciclone, um barco de turismo acaba à deriva em pleno oceano. Aos seus integrantes se unem os sobreviventes da queda de um avião e do naufrágio de um navio pesqueiro. Praticamente sem comida ou água doce, e debaixo do sol quente, eles vão sucumbindo aos poucos, por fome ou por ataque de tubarões, à espera de um resgate que parece nunca vir.
El niño y el tiburón
Fermin, the son of a fisherman, befriends a shark he sees wounded on the beach who he nurses back to health.
El diabólico
Sheriff Jess Morgan
Dave Boland (Carlos East) wears a strange medallion and robs the bank. He also takes the banker's daughter with him. Then he rapes her and put the satanic mark on her body. He was caught and was prepared for hanging. At moment before hanging Dave uses his supernatural power and makes a local shoe-shiner his accomplice. While running from sheriff Dave was injured and after some time dies. But before his death Dave gives this medallion to shoe-shiner Oscar and asks him to take revenge in the name of Satan. So he does it and also continue to rape and kill women never forgetting to leave satanic mark on their bodies...
Kalimán in the Sinister World of Humanón
Kalimán: Women want to be with him, men want to be him! That old adage fits this character. The superhero was huge in Mexico, the subject of comic books and a radio show that was as popular as the Shadow's was in the States. He's a very philosophical, peace loving man who uses his brains and heart as well as brawn in his capers.
Cristo te ama
A young woman is fired by her lover from her job in a bookstore and meets a trafficker she falls in love with. She becomes a heroin and prostitutes to buy the drug. The trafficker is arrested and she surrenders to the supplier in exchange for drugs. He pretends to care for a cemetery and demands money from him. She desperately kills him. When the trafficker leaves, he decides to rebuild his life and goes as a doctor to the mountains with the young woman. She also wants to quit the drug and succeeds with her help, but when boarding a vehicle they are killed by four gunmen. Source:
Faith, Hope and Charity
Gabino (segment "Esperanza")
Three episodes. Faith: a woman is attacked. Hope: a fakir is crucified. Charity: a woman faces bureaucracy.
The Wall of Silence
Regina, who lives with her son Daniel, loses her teaching job because his illegitimacy. She opens a sewing shop and keeps her child away from people. The movie narrates the dramatic relationship between a mother, her illegitimate child and the puritanical society around them.
Uno para la horca
Lee Corey
A man named Tony is captured riding the horse of Lee Corey, a missing delivery man for a local mining company. Tony claims to have bought the horse from two men, but the sheriff believes he has murdered Corey and stolen the horse. Tony is sent to the gallows, but escapes hanging with the help of Corey's mistress and sets out to find the real killer.
El juego de la guitarra
El juez de la soga
In the Old West, a gunfighter punishes the wrongdoers making justice himself, but his mother's words continue to fill his mind: "Justice is divine". Nonetheless, he goes on hanging the culprits, becoming quite famous. When a bunch of outlaws lead by a crooked landlord treats an innocent village and a beautiful girl, the time for the avenger's final mission is arrived.
Los cacos
A group of Soccer-loving friends devise a plan to make easy money.
The She Wolf’s Orgy
Father Agustin
A woman with a troubled past introduces lust, depravity and sex to a religious commune.
End of the Party
A motorcycle gang goes to a mansion where a party is being held and joy turns into tragedy.
La primavera de los escorpiones
A lady photographer and her preteen son on vacation at a beautiful Mexican resort, befriend two men whose homosexual relationship is going through some tough times.
The Gates of Paradise
Due to betting problems, Andrés and his lover, Blanca, flee the city and travel through several states of the country; During their journey they get involved with a couple of hippies with whom they live for a time until the tragedy is complete.
Sangue Quente em Tarde Fria
Dilma e sua filha são forçadas a dar cobertura, em seu carro, a um assaltante de banco perseguido pela Polícia Rodoviária. Os perigos da aventura aproximam Dilma e seu chofer e, quando o assaltante é preso, resta a ela comunicar ao marido o pedido de desquite.
O Vale do Canaã
O filme retrata a chegada de imigrantes na cidade do Espírito Santo seguindo a história de Carlos, um italiano que luta por seu lugar contra Hermann Gunter, um colono alemão que governa a região.
Meu Nome é Lampião
Antônio Saraiva
O bando de Lampião assalta uma fazenda no momento em que está sendo preparado o casamento de Antônio Saraiva e a afilhada da Baronesa. No tiroteio, morre Ezequiel, irmão de Lampião e este, por vingança, queima viva a Baronesa e manda currar a noiva. Ao chegar na fazenda, Antônio descobre tudo e promete seguir os passos do bando até o inferno. Os cangaceiros continuam com suas atrocidades, assaltando, matando, saqueando, até que um pai de santo roga uma praga sobre Lampião. A praga se transforma na figura vingadora de Antônio, que adquire um poder sobrenatural. Encontra-se com Lampião durante a festa de aniversário de Maria Bonita e entre os dois trava-se um duelo de vida ou morte.
Cangaceiros de Lampião
Pedro Boiadeiro
No dia do casamento de Pedro Boiadeiro com Rosinha, os cangaceiros sobreviventes da chacina que matou Lampião vão se esconder na casa do futuro casal. Rosinha é estuprada pelo bando e morre. Pedro sai pelo sertão em busca de vingança, mas para isso deverá enfrentar a rudeza do sertão e a fúria dos cangaceiros. (Cinemateca Brasileira)
Dangerous Game
Two dark-comedy stories involving blackmail, murder and love triangles in Rio de Janeiro
Uma Rosa para Todos
Uma mulher vivaz tenta agradar a todos os seus amantes, mas descobre que não consegue lidar com o ciúme que surge entre eles. Rosa mantém relações com vários homens de diferentes idades e nível social. Mas quando seu médico recomenda que ela deixe esse tipo de vida por causa de saúde, Rosa decide sair e ver se os homens vão lutar por ela.
Rio, Verão & Amor
Uma sucessão de músicas modernas, do iê-iê-iê à bossa nova, se misturam ao registro dos gostos e costumes da juventude da época.
Copacabana Palace