Axel Hubert


O Poder De Um Sonho
Um jovem com Paralisia Cerebral supera uma mão esquerda paralisada, intimidações e estereótipos, sonhando em se tornar um guitarrista de rock mesmo quando é dito que nunca terá sucesso. Seus sonhos se tornam realidade enquanto ele lidera sua própria banda, inspirada pela banda Korn para se expressar através da música.
Bissige Hunde
Encontro às Escuras
Additional Editor
Esta comédia "histericamente engraçada", estrelada por Chris Pine como um joven belo e cego á procura de sexo é "uma mitura inteligente de humor e sentimento". Também estrelado pro Eddie Kaye Thomas e Jane Seymour, Encontro às Escuras mostrará o amor e a vida de uma maneira totalmente diferente! Danny (Pine) é esperto, bonito, popular, e cego... não apenas fisicamente; ele também não consegue enxergar o quanto as mulheres são selvagens para ele! Até mesmo sua sexy terapeuta (Seymour) não consegue ficar vestida perto dele! Depois de uma série de dolorosos encontros às escuras arranjadas por seu irmão (Thomas), Danny se apaixona por uma joven indiana, Leeza (Anjali Jay), e finalmente tudo parece perfeito. Mas quando as culturas se chocam e Leeza revela que está prometida a outra pessoa, Danny precisa provar a ela qua há mais no amor do que os olhos podem ver!
Bigger Than the Sky
After being dumped by his girlfriend, a man stuck in a deadend life decides to audition for a small role in a local community theatre's production of Cyrano de Bergerac. Despite having no experience as an actor, he lands the lead role, which wreaks havoc upon his life.
Garotas Selvagens 2
Blue Bay, uma cidade costeira na Flórida. Ao se saber que o milionário Nigel Dunlap (Anthony John Denison) morreu em um desastre de avião, todos pensam que sua fortuna de quase US$ 80 milhões irá para Brittney Havers (Susan Ward), sua enteada, pois há um ano sua mulher cometeu suicídio. Mas, para surpresa de todos, o testamento diz que Brittney só receberá US$ 25 mil por ano pelo resto da vida e que, na ausência de um descendente, todo o dinheiro irá para a caridade. Acontece então outra surpresa, pois Maya King (Lelia Arcieri), que sempre hostiliza Brittney, alega ser filha ilegítima de Nigel. Os exames de DNA confirmam, mas Terence Bridge (Isaiah Washington), um investigador de seguros, acha que algo não se encaixa e está disposto a tentar provar que a queda do avião não foi um acidente.
Whitewash: The Clarence Brandley Story
Based on the true story of Clarence Brandley, a black man wrongly accused in 1980 of the murder of a 16-year-old white high school girl named Cheryl Ferguson. Brandley worked at Conroe High School, where Ferguson was visiting as a member of the Belleville High School volleyball team. Three days after her body was discovered, Brandley was arrested as the murderer. Jew Don Boney, a popular activist and Houston city council member, leads the fight to uncover the truth about the Ferguson murder. Mike DeGeurin, a Texas attorney, is brought in to act as the head defense attorney for Brandley, and is joined by a former minister, Jim McCloskey. The lawyers discover that not only is there a complete lack of evidence against Brandley, but the District Attorney, James Keeshan, has been strategizing with the presiding judge. After nine years in prison, three trials and a stay of execution that saved Brandley's life, justice finally prevails as Brandley is granted his freedom.
A humorous, agit-prop look at the controversial mayoralty of New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Executive Producer
A humorous, agit-prop look at the controversial mayoralty of New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Harlan County War
A Kentucky woman whose mine-worker husband is nearly killed in a cave-in, and whose father is slowly dying of black lung disease, joins the picket lines for a long, violent strike.
A Chance of Snow
After signing her divorce papers, a woman heads out to her Minnesota airport with her sister and daughters for a flight to her mother's home. At the airport, her sportswriter husband shows up to catch a flight to Miami to visit his father. When a blizzard hits, the two suddenly find they have time to re-evaluate their relationship with assistance from an older couple.
As Aventuras de Oliver Twist
O clássico da literatura escrito por Chares Dickens ganha aqui uma versão produzida para televisão. A história é situada na Inglaterra do século 19, quando o jovem Oliver Twist se vê sozinho nas ruas de Londres. Envolvido por um bando de patifes e ladrões, é preso por um crime que não cometeu. Agora ele precisa provar sua inocência, escapar da gangue, e achar a família que sempre desejou.
Black Circle Boys
A young man moves to a new town after experiencing a tragedy and becomes involved with a gang of Satan-worshipping teens who believe they have supernatural powers. But by the time he realises he’s in too deep, it may be too late to escape.
Holiday Affair
"Meeting cute" while Jodie's son Timmy enthuses over a model train set, Jodie and the raffish but likeable Steve immediately hit it off, but she is already engaged to conservative lawyer Paul Davis. The days between Christmas and New Year's Eve, Jodie finds herself in the unenviable position of choosing between two men whom she adores equally--a job not made easier by the well-meaning interference of son Timmy.
Beyond the Call
Russell Gates (David Strahairn) is a Vietnam vet on death row for killing a policeman. His childhood sweetheart, Pam O'Brien (Sissy Spacek), is stunned to learn this and does not believe he could commit such a crime. She writes to him much to the dismay of her husband Keith and becomes obsessed with the case, exploring every avenue that may still be open to the doomed man. The trips to the prison take a toll on both her marriage and her family.
A mailman so obsessed with his job isolates himself from reality.
Next Door
Matt and Karen have inconsiderate neighbours whose lawn sprinkler drowns their flowers. A feud errupts and a series of tit-for-tat actions develop and escalate.
Caminho de Pedras
The story is located in Los Angeles in the sixties. An energetic widow, Frances Lacey, with her six children try to make a dream of theirs come true: to have a home of their own. Therefore they leave Los Angeles and head for the countryside, while facing all kinds of difficulties during their journey.
Bad Influence
Assistant Editor
Wimpy young executive, Michael is about to get pulverised by a jealous boyfriend in a bar when a handsome, mysterious stranger steps in—and then disappears. Later that night, Michael runs into a stranger on a pier, who wheedles his way into Michael's life and turns it upside down.