Wasis Diop


Lingui: The Sacred Bonds
Original Music Composer
Na periferia da capital do Chade, Amina, uma determinada mãe solteira, trabalha incansavelmente para sustentar sua filha Maria, de 15 anos. Quando Amina descobre que Maria está grávida e não quer um filho, as duas começam a buscar um lugar para abortar, condenadas tanto pela religião como pela lei.
Hissein Habré, A Chadian Tragedy
In 2013, former Chadian dictator Hissein Habré’s arrest in Senegal marked the end of a long combat for the survivors of his regime. Accompanied by the Chairman of the Association of the Victims of the Hissein Habré Regime, Mahamat Saleh Haroun goes to meet those who survived this tragedy and who still bear the scars of the horror in their flesh and in their souls. Through their courage and determination, the victims accomplish an unprecedented feat in the history of Africa: that of bringing a Head of State to trial.
Souleymane, 25, dreams of being a dancer in spite of having a paralyzed leg. At nightclubs, he transforms into the beloved dancer Grigris, impressing people with his moves. However, when his stepfather falls seriously ill, Souleymane desperately needs money and decides to work for petrol smugglers.
A Thousand Suns
In 1972, Djibril Diop Mambety shoots "Touki Bouki." Mory and Anta are in love. Two young lovers share the same dream: to leave Dakar for Paris. At the fateful moment, Anta embarks. Mory stays alone on quay, unable to tear himself away from his land. Forty years later, "A Thousand Suns" investigates the personal and universal inheritance which represents "Touki Bouki." What has happened since? Magaye Niang, the hero of the movie, has never left Dakar. And today, the old cowboy wonders where Anta is, the love of his youth. Stories about family, exile and cinema meet between the sphere of intimacy and that of myth.
Joe Ouakam
A day with the artist Joe Ouakam.
Indochina, Traces of a Mother
Indochina: Through the story of Christophe, a 58 year old Afro-Vietnamese man, the film tells the story of African colonial soldiers fighting for the French in Indochina.
One Step Forward
Original Music Composer
A small craftsman disappears, his brother, a grocer, searches for him and… to his surprise, he finds a misappropriation of Humanitarian Aid! Someone's lining their pockets, but who? And what is the little craftsman doing in there? Investigation, twists and turns, suspenses, prosecutions and murders follow! But, beyond this form, the substance never ceases to be present, namely: why do those who need it most accept to see a large part of the international donations intended for them disappear?
Um Homem Que Grita
Adam Ousmane é ajudante em uma piscina de um resort local. Quando os novos gerentes decidem cortar gastos, Adam perde seu emprego para seu próprio filho, Abdel. Abalado pelos acontecimentos, Adam é pressionado a contribuir com a guerra no Chade. Sem dinheiro, o único bem que pode doar é seu filho.
Dirigido por Mati Diop (35 Doses de Rum), Atlantiques relata a odisseia dos amigos senegaleses que tentam fazer uma travessia de barco potencialmente fatal. Melancólico e misterioso, o filme aborda de forma urgente e elegante os perigos da migração ilegal.
Dry Season
Music Score Producer
Chad, 2006. After a forty-year civil war, the radio announces the government has just amnestied the war criminals. Outraged by the news, Gumar Abatcha orders his grandson Atim, a sixteen-year-old youth, to trace the man who killed his father and to execute him. Atim obeys him and, armed with his father's own gun, he goes in search of Nassara, the man who made him an orphan. It does not take long before he finds him. Nassara, who now goes straight, is married, goes to the mosque and owns a small bakery. After some hesitation Atim offers him his services as an apprentice. He is hired then it will be easy for him to gun down the murderer of his father. At least, that is what he thinks...
Un amour d'enfant
Despite the difference in their upbringings and family lives, five young children become friends. Omar is in love with Yacine, a pretty, intelligent girl from a wealthy family. He decides to pen her a love letter, which ends up causing misunderstanding and a rift between him and his childhood love. Meanwhile, Demba falls in love with a beggar and they share 'secret' stares and tender touches in brief meetings each time. All the children seek advice from their mentor, who sells bicycle-rides at the beach-front. The innocence of childhood infatuation is cleverly layered over a troubled Senegal laboring under the strains of strike action and economic upheaval.
L'amour interdit
Eve falls in love with Sébastien, one of the chefs in her husband's restaurant, but risks the scorn and contempt of her friends and relatives when she stands by her lover even after her spouse is diagnosed with an inoperable cancer.
The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun
Original Music Composer
In Dakar, selling newspapers on the street is an occupation always occupied by boys.; one morning, Sili, a young beggar, challenges that exclusive rule.
L'Onzième Commandement
The perpetrator of a murder refuses to denounce himself, which results in the conviction of one of his friends. On leaving prison, 20 years later, he goes in search of his former boyfriend.
Samba Traoré
Original Music Composer
Samba foge para sua aldeia, depois de um assalto a um posto de gasolina. O amigo morre num tiroteio. Samba escapa com o dinheiro, mas perde a paz. Ele conhece Saratou. Os dois passam a viver juntos, dando apoio um ao outro, na tentativa de esquecer o passado. Saratou tem um filho de dez anos, Ali, de um homem a quem abandonou. Salif, um amigo de infância, e sua mulher Binta, testemunham o ato de desespero de Samba de se livrar de seus pecados.
Art Direction
A now-rich woman returns to her poor desert hometown to propose a deal to the populace: her fortune, in exchange for the death of the man who years earlier abandoned her and left her with his child.
A now-rich woman returns to her poor desert hometown to propose a deal to the populace: her fortune, in exchange for the death of the man who years earlier abandoned her and left her with his child.
Bejo, 12 years old, lives with his brother Mario, a sculptor. Having heard the news on the radio his dream is to see the Bissau carnival, but he has been forbidden to do so. He escapes, wanders throught the forest, crosses rice fields until the river next to the city. His brother will look for him during the carnival...
Os Príncipes Negros de St. Germain-Des-Prés
Em Paris, jovens africanos seduzem e enganam jovens francesas, usando fantasias exóticas e clichês racistas associados à África no Ocidente, para obter dinheiro.