"National High School Photography Championship Tournament", also known as "Shashin Koshien" is an event held annually in Higashikawa, Hokkaido, Japan's town of photography. Every summer, Shashin Koshien decides which school has the best photography club. Oyama, Sakura, and Mirai from Kansai Academy in Osaka were encouraged by their advisor to join with the aim of letting them experience "a world where people who are challenged could see". Meanwhile, Tsubakiyama Shota, a senior at Sakuragaoka Gakuen in Tokyo is the only member of his school's photography club. Other members resigned thinking that photography won't help in getting them to a university. In spite of principal Saeki objecting to his plans, Shota was still eager to join, forming a team with his childhood friend and a junior volunteer. With over 500 schools all over the country, only 18 schools would be chosen to participate in the event. Competitors fight to capture the beauty of Japan and the human spirit.
Em uma casa amaldiçoada um filho brutalmente assassina metodicamente todos os cinco membros de sua família depois de ter falhado num exame. Depois disso ele grava a própria morte numa fita. Nessa fita não tem apenas a sua voz, há também uma estranha voz feminina, essa voz pertence a uma vítima dessa chacina, a sua irmã Mirai. Akane amiga da irmã dele tem o dom de ouvir e ver coisas sobrenaturais, logo ela começa a ter visões de um fantasma de uma menina de chapéu amarelo e de algo muito mais aterrador.
A young, depressed man is trying to move on with his life after his girlfriend's bizarre death. One day, a mysterious woman notices him at work and convinces his coworkers to introduce him to her.