Kristen Anacker


Search Engines
Costume Design
During another tumultuous Thanksgiving holiday, one family suffers a tragedy: loss of all cell phone reception throughout the house. The sudden media blackout forces the clan to face all their crises head-on—and uncover a few ugly truths along the way.
Would You Rather
Costume Design
Desesperada para ajudar seu irmão doente, Iris (Brittany Snow) aceita participar de um jantar organizado por um aristocrata. Outras pessoas são convidadas, e todos têm algo em comum: são pessoas em dificuldades, procurando ajuda financeira. Mas para ganharem o auxílio do anfitrião, eles devem participar de uma noite repleta de jogos sádicos, nos quais são obrigados a mutilar, eletrocutar e mesmo explodir uns aos outros.
Alyce Kills
Costume Design
After accidentally knocking her best friend off a roof, Alyce is haunted by guilt and delves into a brutal nightmare wonderland of sex, drugs and violence, her mind tearing itself apart… along with anyone else who gets in her way.
The Perfect Sleep
Costume Design
Numa cidade em que o tempo aparenta ter parado, um homem regressa com memórias de violentos acontecimentos, do passado de um brutal assassinato que abandonou dez anos antes -- para o seu desprezo pela própria vida e a sua intensa devoção a uma mulher, Porfiria; uma linda e luminescentes mulher, a menina cresceu com ele, o amor de sua vida, a uma coisa que ele nunca quis, a uma coisa que ele nunca pode ter...
Checking Out
Costume Design
A feisty octogenarian on the verge of his ninetieth birthday invites his three grown children to his upcoming birthday celebration with the explicit understanding that when the festivities end, so does his life.
Race You to the Bottom
Costume Design
Nathan and Maggie are in the throes of a passionate affair. They're young, good-looking, and both have boyfriends. When Nathan is assigned to write a travel article on romantic hot-spots in Napa Valley, these unconventional lovers test the limits of the sensuality and fantasy that bond them.
Caught in the Act
Costume Design
After de-bunking her philandering spouse's deceptions, Jodie Colter accidentally stumbles onto the murder case of a former homecoming queen. She quickly finds that her natural snooping skills, honed on catching her cheating husband, can be put to even better use by bringing a killer to justice. With her children in tow, she pieces together the clues that prove the homecoming queen's canny lawyer husband is a murderer.
Mummy An' the Armadillo
Costume Design
Secrets, murders and lies... all in the name of family. In the middle of nowhere sits the Armadillo Café.The once popular, but now desolate, café is run by a strange family led a troubled, booze-addled mother (Betty Buckley) and a disturbed family (Lori Heuring, Brad Renfro, Jonathon Schaech). Their dark secrets are threatened when Sarah (Clare Kramer) arrives, seeking answers to her past.Turmoil reigns and emotions boil over as the horrifying truth unravels and Sarah barely escapes with her life.
Harry + Max
Costume Design
Dois irmãos, o jovem Harry (Bryce Johnson) e o adolescente Max (Cole Williams), são ídolos juvenis que se envolvem em um escândalo envolvendo incesto no conturbado passado familiar, no qual existiu uma profunda afeição entre ambos.
Confusões Amorosas
Set Costumer
Thomas Fuentes leva uma vida boa e namora três mulheres - a garçonete apaixonada Cici, a meticulosa advogada Lorena e a entediada socialite Patricia. Quando as três chegam juntas a LA para fazer uma surpresa para Papi, ele fica em maus lençóis.
Triplo X
Assistant Costume Designer
O ex-atleta de esportes extremos Xander "XXX" Cage, famoso por suas acrobacias que desafiam a morte, é convencido de que pode ter sucesso em ações que espiões convencionais falharam. Xander é recrutado pelo agente Gibbons para se tornar um tipo diferente de agente secreto. Agora, em uma perigosa missão, ele precisa usar todas as suas habilidades para combater um inimigo mortal.
The Sleepy Time Gal
Costume Design
A young woman learns of her adoption and eventually quits her law firm job and goes on a journey to find her birth mother.
Costume Design
It should have been a simple murder. But a botched job, an old flame, and too many loose ends can spell just one thing for businessman Colin Wentworth: chaos!
Capitão Orgazmo
Costume Design
Joe Young (Trey Parker) é um jovem mórmon que, ao tentar levar suas palavras de fé aos cidadãos de Los Angeles, acaba chegando ao set de filmagens de um filme pornô. O diretor do filme acaba se encantando com Joe e lhe oferece o papel de “Orgazmo”, o super-herói dos filmes pornôs. Joe reluta um pouco, mas como o dinheiro era muito bom, ele acaba aceitando com algumas condições. Porém não será apenas com a indústria pornográfica que ele se envolverá.
Relação Indecente 3 - A Nova Sedução
Costume Designer
Irmã de Ivy, Violet, vem visitar a residência Greer neste terceiro filme da franquia. Não demorou muito para que a família é virado de cabeça para baixo como Violet usa o seu corpo e as habilidades de manipulação de jogar a casa em um estado de pânico e decepção.
The Glass Cage
Costume Design
Swarthy Paul Yeager arrives in New Orleans, and promptly gets a job bartending at La Cage du Verre, a show bar where his former girlfriend Jacqueline is a dancer and the moll of its sadistic owner, Marko. He and Jacqueline smuggle diamonds and drugs, with the local police detective in on the take. Even though Paul is ex-CIA, he's not undercover, he just wants to win Jacqueline back. His CIA pals from black ops are on hand hoping to arrest Marko's boss. Detective Montrachet finds out Paul's past and sets up a double cross. Her aims are less clear: to get back with Paul, to stay with Marko, or to run her own scam and scamper away?
Naked Souls
Costume Design
Edward is busy trying to unlock the secrets of reading and recording people's thoughts. He is very involved with his work leaving little room for girlfriend Britt. Longstreet comes along and offers Edward a place to do his research and have unlimited funding. There are, however, ulterior motives as Edward is also somehow unlocking the secrets of eternal life.
Cover Me
Costume Design
Police are stymied when a serial killer begins hacking up nude models all over L.A. In desperation, they hire sexy ex-policewoman Holly Jacobsen to do a little undercover work. At first her boyfriend Bobby Colter, also a cop, agrees to the plan, but when Holly moves from nude modeling to topless dancing to peep-show shower dancing, he begins getting a little possessive. Things get dicey when the killer, a transvestite who by now is totally obsessed with Holly, decides to make his move.
The Underneath
Costume Supervisor
Michael Chambers has come home to Austin, Texas to his mother who's starting a new life, to his brother whose driven by old jealousies, and to Rachel—the woman he married and then betrayed with his passion for gambling. Now she's together with Tommy, so Michael devises a plan to get Rachel out from under Tommy's control.
Cyborg 2
Costume Design
Em um futuro distante, o chefe da empresa PinWheel, Martin Dunn, cria uma ciborgue quase humana, Casella Reese. Essa máquina faz parte de uma estratégia de sua corporação na disputa com a rival, a empresa Kobayashi. Contudo, Martin não contava com os fortes sentimentos da parte humana da sua criação.