Aleksandr Antonov

Aleksandr Antonov

Nascimento : 1898-02-12, Moscow, Russian Empire

Morte : 1962-11-26


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Aleksandr Pavlovich Antonov (1898 – 1962) was a Russian film actor who had a lengthy career, stretching from the silent era to the 1950s. His best known role was as Grigory Vakulinchuk in Sergei Eisenstein's film The Battleship Potemkin. He also had a part in another Eisenstein film, Strike. Description above from the Wikipedia article Aleksandr Pavlovich Antonov, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Aleksandr Antonov


Матрос сошёл на берег
Матрос сошел на берег
A Weary Road
Otets Raisy
The White Poodle
A story about three circus actors and their adventures. Based on classic novel by Aleksandr Kuprin.
Twelfth Night
морской капитан
Shakespeare's comedy of gender confusion, in which a girl disguises herself as a man to be near the count she adores, only to be pursued by the woman he loves.
Звезды на крыльях
Glorious Path
A girl from a small village goes to the big city to realize her dream of driving trains.
Seeds of Freedom
('Potemkin' sequence) (archive footage)
Archive footage from Potemkin (1925), with English dialogue dubbed in by American actors, is combined with new footage to tie together the brave stand of Odessa Russian guerrilla bands of the 1940's against German forces with the similar situation of 1905 when Odessa citizens aided in the revolt against the Czar as depicted in Eisenstein's classic Potemkin (1925).
General Suvorov
Col. Tyurin (as A. Antonov)
Primarily a biographical documentary about the military career of Alexander Vasilvich Suvorov, who was Field Marshal of the armies of Catherine the Great and Czar Paul I. After many military successes during the reign of Catherine, General Suvorov broke with her successor, Paul I, the Mad Emperor, over questions regarding army policy. He went into retirement and wrote "The Science of Victory," containing maxims such as "Swiftness of movement accompanies victory," and "the real general is he who defeats the enemy before reaching him." The czar recalled Suvorov to become the leader of the joint armies of Russia and Austria against Napoleon.
Four Hearts
The plot is built around two charming sisters — a strict, wayward Galina, an assistant professor of mathematics, and a windy, frivolous student Shurochka. Despite the fact that the girls are so different, they are looking, of course, for one thing — love. The events take place in the summer pre-war Moscow and in the country where both sisters go: one in order to prepare for the re-examination, the other — to conduct math classes with the military from the Yuryev Camps located near the dacha village. Funny and difficult situations, intrigues, tears, joy — all this will be experienced by young girls on the way to their happiness.
A Night in September
Film deals with Stakhanovite movement. Old miners try to sabotage young man's plan to renew methods of getting coal.
Rich bride
Данило Будяк
A comedy about the happy life of Ukrainian collective farmers. Harvesting in one of the Ukrainian collective farms. The tractor driver Pavlo and the best collective farmer Marinka work perfectly. They love each other. I like not only Paul. The official and adventurer Kovynko has long been yearning for the Marinka and building all sorts of intrigues to the Komsomol members.
I Love
Once a long ago the father of Ostap left a village and came on earnings to Donbas. The lined up a shanty put beginning to miner's settlement of Sobacheevka. Ostap went on the way of father, thirty years of bending a back on the owner of mine. And when a father was driven out from work, Ostap understood that it is senseless to blame in the troubles only master.
Can’t You Just Leave Me Out?
While his wife takes care of the daily shopping, the Soviet soldier Lastochin takes care of preparing the children's meals. Tired by this task, he decides that he will eat only in the popular canteen.
During the Russian Civil War, pilot Sergey Sedov engages in battle with the Black Cat enemy fighter, controlled by the famous pilot Baru. In the battle, Sedov wounded Baru, but Sedov's plane fell apart in the air. Sedov was only miraculously saved. A few years later, Sedov and Baru meet in international competitions in Tehran. Baru are to defend the honor of a French company, Sedov and his student Ivanov - the honor of their country. In the end, the defeated Baru can only express hope of a rematch during a new meeting with Sedov in a future war. The film has not survived.
Tokar Alekseyev
The Civil Servant
A humble and honest cashier is robbed while carrying a large sum of money and the bag ends up in the basement of a building. When he later discovers that the robber has not taken it with him, he decides to keep the money making everyone believe that the thief has the bag.
Tomorrow Night
On liberation from prison of a group arrested after the defeat of the 1905 Russian revolution and workers sentenced to death.
Когда зацветут поля
The village youth organize a collective farm in the place of the monastery garden.
Tanka the Bar Girl
A little girl denounce her evil step-father who plotted against the communist movement. The film, under the influence of Russian formalism, has some interesting experimental compositions.
The Fankony Cafe
During the Civil War following the Bolshevik Revolution, a Red cavalry officer is warned by a staffer from headquarters about his dangerous attraction to the female leader of a band of Cossacks, a violent woman who is aroused by killing.
O Encouraçado Potemkin
Assistant Director
Em 1905, na Rússia czarista, aconteceu um levante que pressagiou a Revolução de 1917. Tudo começou no navio de guerra Potemkin quando os marinheiros estavam cansados de serem maltratados, sendo que até carne estragada lhes era dada com o médico de bordo insistindo que ela era perfeitamente comestível. Alguns marinheiros se recusam em comer esta carne, então os oficiais do navio ordenam a execução deles. A tensão aumenta e, gradativamente, a situação sai cada vez mais do controle. Logo depois dos gatilhos serem apertados Vakulinchuk (Aleksandr Antonov), um marinheiro, grita para os soldados e pede para eles pensarem e decidirem se estão com os oficiais ou com os marinheiros. Os soldados hesitam e então abaixam suas armas. Louco de ódio, um oficial tenta agarrar um dos rifles e provoca uma revolta no navio, na qual o marinheiro é morto. Mas isto seria apenas o início de uma grande tragédia.
O Encouraçado Potemkin
Grigory Vakulinchuk
Em 1905, na Rússia czarista, aconteceu um levante que pressagiou a Revolução de 1917. Tudo começou no navio de guerra Potemkin quando os marinheiros estavam cansados de serem maltratados, sendo que até carne estragada lhes era dada com o médico de bordo insistindo que ela era perfeitamente comestível. Alguns marinheiros se recusam em comer esta carne, então os oficiais do navio ordenam a execução deles. A tensão aumenta e, gradativamente, a situação sai cada vez mais do controle. Logo depois dos gatilhos serem apertados Vakulinchuk (Aleksandr Antonov), um marinheiro, grita para os soldados e pede para eles pensarem e decidirem se estão com os oficiais ou com os marinheiros. Os soldados hesitam e então abaixam suas armas. Louco de ódio, um oficial tenta agarrar um dos rifles e provoca uma revolta no navio, na qual o marinheiro é morto. Mas isto seria apenas o início de uma grande tragédia.
A Greve
Member of Strike Committee
O suicídio de um operário injustamente acusado de roubo é o estopim para o início de uma greve numa fábrica russa, em 1912. O lento processo de negociação expõe uma série de ações e contra-ações entre grevistas e polícia.
Diário de Glumov
Inserção fílmica para a adaptação livre e modernizada de Eisenstein da peça de teatro russa do século XIX de Ostrovskiy, "The Wise Man" ("Na vsyakogo mudretsa dovolno prostoty"). O anti-herói Glumov tenta escapar da exposição em meio a acrobacias, ousadia e palhaçadas farsas. Vários membros da trupe de Eisenstein no lendário teatro "Proletkult" em Moscou aparecem brevemente neste pequeno filme.