Mariana Rodríguez

Mariana Rodríguez


Mariana Rodríguez


The newly separated Leonor comes from the monied class, while sixteen year old aspiring ballerina Emilia does not. They begin a tense pas de deux waiting out Emilia’s pregnancy in a remote country home, isolated from the world and each other.
One path one collection | Agueda Lozano
Post Producer
The sculptor and painter Agueda Lozano narrates the first contacts with plastic art that she had in her native Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua; her stay in France and how was her arrival in Europe; her return to Mexico, and her participation in important exhibitions and sculpture projects, among which the definitive insertion sculpture that she inaugurated in the Plaza de México in Paris stands out. Likewise, she talks about her works in the Payment in Kind Collection, about the characters that promoted and inspired her in her career, and about her aesthetic proposals and creation techniques.
A Nave
Miguel é um locutor de uma rádio infantil que está com raiva da vida e de todos ao seu redor. Ele é confrontado quando um telefonema inesperado de uma criança com câncer pede ajuda para realizar seu sonho, o de visitar o mar antes de morrer.
Devil Between the Legs
Mexico City. Every day, Beatriz is insulted and humiliated by her jealous husband, but she does not flee his side because they have created a codependency and, at least for her, she would not conceive of her life any other way: by dint of feeling humiliated, she feels desired and desirable.
Adios Freakin’ Monsters from Venus
Young Cyrus Priello, an ultra-skilled Neapolitan graphic, can not find a job that satisfies and appreciates him. After sending the curriculum practically everywhere, he just have to send a copy in space. He will thus be able to work for an alien society based on competence and meritocracy.
El Amparo
On the border of Venezuela with Colombia, during the late 80's, two men survive an armed assault near the Arauca River, in which fourteen of their companions end up dead. The Army accuses them of being guerrilla fighters and tries via intimidation to seize them from the cell where they are being watched over by the local police officer and by the entire village. They say they are simple fishermen, but pressure to yield to the official version is overwhelming.
Ma tu di che segno 6?
Five searches for love unfold in interconnected stories in which fathers, daughters and male suitors try to perfect love matches based on astrology.
A Ditadura Perfeita
Depois de mais uma das frequentes gafes cometidas pelo presidente da República, o MX TV, maior TV do México, tem que ajudar seu aliado político antes que a polêmica gere uma crise na sua imagem. Para isso, a televisão tenta desviar a atenção do povo exibindo, em horário nobre, um vídeo onde o Governador Carmelo Vargas (Damián Alcázar) pratica corrupção. Desesperado para salvar seu futuro político, Vargas decide fechar um acordo secreto com a própria emissora que o denunciou para mudar sua imagem e torná-lo a nova estrela política do país. Mas para lançar esse possível novo candidato à presidência a qualquer custo, a situação acaba fugindo do controle.
Sugar Kisses
Nacho, a 13 year old boy, crosses the threshold of adolescence trying to find his place in life in all the wrong places: a dysfunctional family and a social setting that is corrupt and violent. Can the purity of first love survive the darkest aspects of our society?
The Precocious and Brief Life of Sabina Rivas
In the Mexican-Guatemalan border, young teenage lovers, Sabina and Jovany, both Hondurans, accidentally meet again after some years without seeing each other. She plans to get to the United States and dreams about being a great singer; he commits all the required atrocities to be accepted by the gang: la Mara Salvatrucha. Sabina and Jovany crashed with the most adverse conditions at the border like white slavery, the Mexican and American migratory agents Burrona and Patrick, the brothel matron Doña Lita, Don Nico the Mexican Consul in Tecún Umán, the drug trafficking networks, the army and la Mara Salvatrucha.
The Prize
Ceci, a seven year old girl, has to keep a huge secret, but she doesn't completely understand what is the secret about. The life of her family depends on her silence. But what exactly must she keep silent about? Ceci and her mom live hidden from military repression in Argentina. Ceci asks herself: what must she say? What should she really believe and do in order to deserve the love of her mother and others?
Benjamin Garcia, Benny é deportado dos Estados Unidos. De volta ao México e diante de um quadro sombrio, Benny se envolve no tráfico de drogas, no qual tem pela primeira vez na vida, uma ascensão espetacular cercado de dinheiro, mulheres, violência e diversão. Mas logo ele descobrirá que a vida criminosa nem sempre cumpre suas promessas.
Modelo siqueiros
Short Black and White
Duck Season
Flama e Moko são dois garotos de 14 anos que se conhecem desde crianças e vivem na Cidade do México. A dupla tem tudo para enfrentar mais um entediante domingo: um apartamento sem nenhum pai, muitos videogames, revistas de pornografia, refrigerantes e pizzas. Porém, a companhia de eletricidade, o vizinho Ulisses, uma pintura horrível de patos, onze segundos, o jogo do Real Madri contra o Manchester e alguns biscoitos de chocolate são suficientes para acabar com a paz dos dois adolescentes. Nessa confusão, vêm à tona assuntos como divórcio, solidão, amizade e outros problemas da vida adulta.
The Summit
A fleeting instant in filial relations shows us the way in which we transmit to our children and others the meaning we attribute to life.
Life in Short, Vol. 2
A doctor can predict the death of their patients (Terminal Case), an old man meets a teenager through an ad in the newspaper (Classifieds), two young people are assaulted in the historic center of Mexico City (We're Everywhere), a mechanic confesses that he did not fix the brakes on one of the cars in his workshop (Intolerant), two children witness how some students get beaten while riding the bus (Juliet), Mariana Rodriguez shows us forms in which murals by David Alfaro Siqueiros are constructed (Siqueiros Model), a desperate woman seeks medicine for her mother who has terminal cancer (Ambulance Music) and finally a voyeuristic man asks for assistance to his upstairs neighbors while someone is making love (Neighbours). Eight Mexican films packaged in a 90-minute feature, because life is SHORT.