Adam Swica


As Apimentadas: Torça ou Morra
Director of Photography
Quando uma equipe de torcida pratica suas rotinas no fim de semana de Halloween em uma escola abandonada, eles são escolhidos um a um por um assassino desconhecido.
A Perfect Match
When Zoe Williams has to prove to a big investor that her company's new dating app works, she tests it on herself and soon ends up on a date with her complete opposite, Oliver Beckett, an easygoing, spontaneous artist. Huh. Not exactly Zoe's type. Even though it's clear the pair have chemistry, Zoe's worried- could something be wrong with DigiLove's algorithm? Or is it true when people say "opposites attract"?
Learning to Love Again
After breaking up with her longtime boyfriend and losing her job, Jane reluctantly heads home to the small town she grew up in. But on her way there, she stops to help a stranger in need who ends up helping her believe in herself— and love— again.After breaking up with her longtime boyfriend and losing her job, Jane reluctantly heads home to the small town she grew up in. But on her way there, she stops to help a stranger in need who ends up helping her believe in herself— and love— again.
Director of Photography
Em 1926, onze adolescentes chegam a Long Point Camp para a aventura de suas vidas. Quando a canoa em que estão passa por uma estranha tempestade de verão o feriado se torna uma luta pela sobrevivência
Another WolfCop
An alcoholic cop experiences blackouts and starts turning into a werewolf when the full moon appears in the sky.
Roubar é uma Arte
Director of Photography
Crunch Calhoun, um motociclista e ocasionalmente ladrão, é preso após ser traído por Nicky Calhoun, seu irmão e parceiro no crime. Algum tempo depois, ele deixa a cadeia e logo se reúne com Nicky para um novo e audacioso golpe: O roubo dos livros mais valiosos do mundo.
O Meu Amigo Imaginário
Director of Photography
Jane é uma mulher segura que está prestes a casar, mas não consegue se decidir quanto aos preparativos do casamento. Até que Michael, seu amigo imaginário de criança, reaparece na sua vida e a ajuda resolver todos os problemas, fazendo-a faz perceber o que realmente ela quer para sua vida.
O Super Lobista
Director of Photography
Jack Abramoff (Kevin Spacey) é um conhecido lobista que atua frequentemente em Washington, capital dos Estados Unidos. Sua função é influenciar a política do país, de forma que ele e seus clientes sejam beneficiados, em especial donos de cassino. Quando é acusado de corrupção e assassinato, Jack usa seus contatos para conseguir escapar dos tribunais.
A Informante
Director of Photography
Adaptação para longa-metragem das experiências de Kathryn Bolkova (Rachel Weisz), uma policial do Nebraska que serviu nas forças de manutenção de paz na Bósnia do pós-guerra, e que expôs a hierarquia militar das Nações Unidas por ter encoberto um escândalo de tráfico sexual.
A Ilha dos Mortos
Director of Photography
Na Ilha Plum, localizada na costa marítima norte-americana, vivem duas famílias que travam uma briga histórica. De um lado está o patriarca Capitão Patrick O'Flynn (Kenneth Welsh), que deseja acabar com os zumbis, e do outro lado está Seamus Muldoon (Richard Fitzpatrick), que faz de tudo para não deixar ninguém exterminar seus parentes mortos-vivos antes deles se curarem.
Evocando Espíritos
Director of Photography
Uma família é forçada a se mudar para perto de uma clínica, na qual o filho adolescente recebe tratamento contra o câncer. Porém, eventos sobrenaturais e violentos começam a aterrorizá-los em sua nova casa.
Diário dos Mortos
Director of Photography
Um grupo de estudantes resolve fazer um filme de terror numa floresta e quando menos esperam, são surpreendidos por vários zumbis. Pensando em criar algo real, os estudantes resolvem usar os mortos vivos no projeto, o que pode fazer com que o filme nem termine e não sobre ninguém vivo para contar a história.
Citizen Duane
Director of Photography
Duane Balfour is a teen-aged Don Quixote born into a family of spectacular failure. But, what starts as a simple schoolyard rivalry snowballs out of control when Duane decides to run for mayor of the tiny town of Ridgeway. If Duane is to succeed, he must not only overcome the powerful incumbents, but also his own inadequacies, public perception, and history itself.doers who dare to cross his path. But little does he know that his own attackers are highly connected to an underworld crime family who has close ties to corrupt police and, unbeknownst to him, are also looking for him!
My Uncle Navy and Other Inherited Disorders
A family cursed with an odd history of misfortune must come to terms with the fact that history is about to repeat itself again with the impending birth of a baby boy.
Masterpiece Monday
Director of Photography
Lives unravel for different reasons...
Enter... Zombie King!
Director of Photography
Ulysses, a professional wrestler, is going to watch another fight in which a wrestler is up against a horde of zombies. One of the zombies kills a waitress and Ulysses and his friends decide to take matters into their own hands and track down the origins of the creatures.
The Stalking of Laurie Show
Director of Photography
A teenage girl becomes entangled in a volatile relationship with a pair of high-school lovers.
Director of Photography
Bruiser is the story of a man who has always tried to fit in. He keeps his mouth shut, follows the rules, and does what he's supposed to do. But one morning, he wakes up to find his face is gone. All the years of acquiescence have cost him the one thing he can't replace: his identity. Now he's a blank, outside as well as in, an anonymous, featureless phantom. Bent on exacting revenge, he explodes. He isn't going to follow the rules anymore.
Killer Deal
Director of Photography
In the distant future, the gap between rich and poor has become immeasurable. Wealthy enclosures like Parkland, home of medical pioneer Dr. Roland Parker, are home to few. With medical technology, Parkland's rich are able to buy their immortality through organs from the poor. When Detective Quinn is assigned to capture an escaped donor from his slum, he unknowingly becomes a donor for Parker. As his days alive diminish, Quinn races to expose a conspiracy fueled by the murder of innocent people.
Breakfast with Gus
Director of Photography
A cat's eye view of Gus' attempt to get attention, and, most importantly, breakfast, from his busy humans. Eventually Gus does what any self respecting cat would do and takes matters into his own paws.
Joe's So Mean to Josephine
Director of Photography
Josephine has her eye on Joe, a hot-headed, petty criminal who taps phones for a living. When she finally worms her way into his heart she realises it's not a nice place to be. But is it too late?
Thick Lips Thin Lips
Director of Photography
A musical experimental film about racist and homophobic violence.
A mystery man brings together a group of dead, gay artists to investigate a police response to the dilema of wash-room sex in Toronto. The artists have seven days in which to report on the ethics of police tactics. The artists infiltrate the police only to discover that they themselves are under surveillance as a political subversive group. The artists explore and report on the evolution of toilets and wash-room behavior.
The Displaced View
Director of Photography
The Displaced View traces a personal search for identity and pride, within the unique and suppressed history of the Japanese in Canada. Through an examination of the emotional and cultural links between the women of one family, the processes of the construction of memory and the re-construction of history, are revealed. Utilizing an innovative combination of experimental, dramatic and documentary forms, the film emerges as a deeply moving and compassionate love letter. Just as the official history of the Japanese Canadians has been thrown into question, so does the film’s fictionalized narrative, question documentary as truth.
A Guerra do Fogo
A reconstituição da pré-história, tendo como eixo a descoberta do fogo. A saga de uma tribo e seu líder, Naoh, que tenta recuperar o precioso fogo recém-descoberto e já roubado. Através dos pântanos e da neve, Naoh, encontra três outras tribos, cada uma em um estágio diferente de evolução, caminhando para a atual civilização em que vivemos.