Miroslav Krobot

Miroslav Krobot

Nascimento : 1951-11-12, Sumperk, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]


Miroslav Krobot


Zimní pohádka
Antigonus / Starý pastýř
Big Opening
An actor called Šnajdr is given an opportunity to make his debut as a director. He doesn’t think twice about leaving Prague and dashing off to Olomouc, where he is met by the grumpy director of the town’s cultural centre and his eccentric grandma, who is to be the star of his production and who's perfectly attuned to his sense of humour and mystification… A bittersweet comedy directed by Miroslav Krobot and starring Pavel Šimčík and Iva Janžurová.
Big Opening
An actor called Šnajdr is given an opportunity to make his debut as a director. He doesn’t think twice about leaving Prague and dashing off to Olomouc, where he is met by the grumpy director of the town’s cultural centre and his eccentric grandma, who is to be the star of his production and who's perfectly attuned to his sense of humour and mystification… A bittersweet comedy directed by Miroslav Krobot and starring Pavel Šimčík and Iva Janžurová.
Big Opening
An actor called Šnajdr is given an opportunity to make his debut as a director. He doesn’t think twice about leaving Prague and dashing off to Olomouc, where he is met by the grumpy director of the town’s cultural centre and his eccentric grandma, who is to be the star of his production and who's perfectly attuned to his sense of humour and mystification… A bittersweet comedy directed by Miroslav Krobot and starring Pavel Šimčík and Iva Janžurová.
Somewhere Over the Chemtrails
When a villager is injured by a car at a party, firefighter Brona is immediately convinced that it is an attack perpetrated by an “Arab”. His colleague Standa sees things differently. A laconic film that explores the causes of racism.
My Sunny Maad
When Herra, a young Czech woman, falls in love with Nazir, an Afghan, she has no idea what kind of life awaits her in post-Taliban Afghanistan, nor of the family she is about to integrate into. A liberal grandfather, an adopted child who is highly intelligent and Freshta, who would do anything to escape her husband's violent grip.
The Man with Hare Ears
Josef is a writer aged sixty, who thinks that nothing can surprise him any more. One evening, though, his phone rings and he finds himself caught up in a series of events that turn his world upside-down. His best friend – also a writer – tries to commit suicide; his young girlfriend Katka tells him she’s pregnant; and the man with hare ears – his alter ego from one of his stories – appears to him in everyday situations.
Once Upon a Time in Poland
Um Conto Sobre o Tempo
Urban, um órfão, serve como aprendiz a um ganancioso mestre relojoeiro. Quando Urban cresce, apaixona-se pela filha do relojoeiro Laura e quer casar com ela. Antes que isso aconteça, o mestre envia seu aprendiz ao mundo com a tarefa de procurar um relógio mítico que possa alertar sobre a morte. Ninguém sabe se o relógio existe, mas se Urban não o trouxer de volta, Laura nunca será sua esposa. Assim, o aprendiz de relojoeiro inicia uma longa jornada cheia de dificuldades, que deve superar com bravura, habilidade e bom coração.
TvMiniUni: The Question Thief
The cast of a popular kid's show based on offering answers must figure out why young viewers mysteriously no longer have anything to ask them.
No Fio da Navalha
vyšetrovateľ Pavúr
Ludovít perdeu seu filho em um cruel ataque neonazista, mas, devido a uma falha na legislação eslovaca, é obrigado a lidar com a extrema injustiça de ver os agressores do seu filho serem rapidamente libertados. Revoltado, ele luta contra uma polícia ineficiente, um juiz oportunista, e, principalmente, contra o fato de nunca ter sido realmente próximo do próprio filho.
O Quarteto
Em uma pequena cidade tcheca, um quarteto de cordas é formado por Robert, Simona, Tomas e Funes, todos insatisfeitos com suas vidas. Enquanto ensaiam para o próximo concerto, eles vão passar por situações estranhas e mal-entendidos, o que fará emergir os melhores e os piores sentimentos uns dos outros, prejudicando seu futuro como banda e como amigos.
O Quarteto
Em uma pequena cidade tcheca, um quarteto de cordas é formado por Robert, Simona, Tomas e Funes, todos insatisfeitos com suas vidas. Enquanto ensaiam para o próximo concerto, eles vão passar por situações estranhas e mal-entendidos, o que fará emergir os melhores e os piores sentimentos uns dos outros, prejudicando seu futuro como banda e como amigos.
Janina Duszejko, uma ex-engenheira, astróloga e vegetariana, vive numa pequena aldeia pitoresca nas Montanhas dos Sudetos. Uma noite, ela tropeça no cadáver de um vizinho. O caçador morreu de forma misteriosa. Há vestígios de cascos de cervos na sua casa... Com o tempo, cadáveres dos VIPs locais são descobertos. Todos eles eram caçadores. Duszejko tenta convencer a polícia local de que eles foram assassinados por animais selvagens. À medida que outros VIPs são encontrados mortos, Duszejko se torna a principal suspeita. Quando a casa paroquial local queima e o padre, que também é o capelão da associação de caça local, morre entre as chamas, a polícia está quase certa do culpado. Uma história sutilmente humorística de amizade, amor à natureza e vingança, com personagens únicos e ambíguos. Uma mistura que vai do do drama psicológico à história de detetive de tipo pastiche.
The Little Man
Mechanický datel
The Little Man lives happily in his little house in the Hollow Mountain. His peaceful life ends once he begins to have dreams about a mysterious house where he is to find what he desires. Even though he does not feel like having any desires, he crack the mystery himself.
An ordinary man with an ordinary job, ordinary family and ordinary affair has an unordinary day after he signes the Charta 77.
Nenhures na Moravia
A professora de alemão Maruna dirige o tasco lá do sítio. Não parece que algum dia se vá casar, já que não há muitos homens adequados na sua pequena aldeia. Mas um dia, algo inesperado acontece aqui, em lugar nenhum na Morávia.
Nenhures na Moravia
A professora de alemão Maruna dirige o tasco lá do sítio. Não parece que algum dia se vá casar, já que não há muitos homens adequados na sua pequena aldeia. Mas um dia, algo inesperado acontece aqui, em lugar nenhum na Morávia.
In the Shadow
In the former Czechoslovakia, 1950s, police captain Hakl investigates a jewelery robbery. An opened safe deposit leads to a known burglar. What seems an easy case soon starts to tangle. When he is called off the case, he continues on his own. The investigation leads him onto thin ice. Can he beat a stronger enemy and save his family and his own life?
Okresní přebor – Poslední zápas Pepika Hnátka
Pepik Hnatek
The House
Stone by stone, Imrich is building a small house for his daughter Eva almost entirely on his own. But for Eva, who is about to graduate from school, the prospect of moving into the house is about as appealing as being imprisoned in a jail she herself has helped to build. She has very different plans for her future...
Alois Nebel
Alois Nebel (voice)
A train dispatcher encounters a mute stranger who appears out of nowhere, and finds himself mysteriously involved with a murder in Poland. The end of the eighties in the twentieth century. Alois Nebel works as a dis­patcher at the small railway station in Bílý Potok, a remote village on the Czech–Polish border. He's a loner, who prefers old timetables to people, and he finds the loneliness of the station tranquil – except when the fog rolls in. Then he hallucinates, sees trains from the last hundred years pass through the station. They bring ghosts and shadows from the dark past of Central Eu­rope. Alois can’t get rid of these nightmares and eventually ends up in sanatorium. In the sanatorium, he gets to know The Mute, a man carrying an old photograph who was arrested by the police after crossing the border. No one knows why he came to Bílý Potok or who he’s looking for, but it is his past that propels Alois on his journey…
Fimfarum - To the good of all
The film contains three Jan Werich's fairy tales, each directed by one artist. The first story sets out to the Sumava mountains in Southern Bohemia to find out whether Ogres ever lived there. The middle tale The Hat and the Little Jay Feather concerns a king who sends his three sons to bring back a hat he left at a tavern when he was young. The third and longest fairy tale Reason and Luck is about the two virtues of the title try to prove their importance by changing the life of a pig herder named Louis. Written by
Příběhy obyčejného šílenství
Professor de Província
Petr, jovem, tranquilo e sensível, vem de Praga para ensinar ciências naturais numa cidade rural. O diretor, brusco, pergunta de que está ele a fugir e prevê que em seis meses já se tenha ido embora....
Na vlastní nebezpečí
O Homem de Londres
Numa noite fria, de neblina, trabalhador das docas presencia um assassinato por afogamento. Mais tarde vai até a água para retirar uma valise cheia de dinheiro. Passa a ser seguido. Um famoso inspetor inglês chega para solucionar o caso. Mais que do enredo, os filmes de Béla Tarr se utilizam do tempo, da fotografia em preto e branco, da trilha e dos 'closes' para mostrar o que é um filme de arte. Baseado na obra do escritor belga Georges Simenon, criador do Inspetor Maigret.
Holiday Makers
starší Karel
A motley of vacationers on a bus headed for a week long vacation at a seaside resort. Among them: a single, moderately famous singer; a nerdy, onanistic man; a couple of old ladies reaching senility; a couple of young gals looking for an amorous adventure; a family with a boy unsure about where he fits sexually; a beautiful woman that, besides working as a trip guide, has pretensions of being a music composer; a couple of gay men; and another family where the parents are stuck in a sexual ice age while their twentyish daughter is looking to connect with a man.
Wrong Side Up
A man who deals with parcels at an airport cargo company finds that he likes planes more than people.
P.F. 77
Rok na vsi
16-years-old orphan Nab lives since birth on a huge ship, which is at the same time a factory and permanent home to several thousand people. For violating the rules, he is banished and put ashore in the Duluong Islands, a harsh place where winter is hard to survive. But thanks to the discovery of gold deposits, Eskimos live there with adventurers, criminals, and local hunters. The only law that rules here is the law of the strongest. The town is called Rosentaal and the plains beyond are full of packs of wolves. Nab leaves the ship with a box of locksmith tools and sarcophagus containing a mysterious living mummy of an Eskimo whose future and destiny will become a mission of duty for Nab.