Brendan Behan


Borstal Boy
Baseado numa história real... Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Brendan Behan, um rapaz republicano de 16 anos, viaja da Irlanda para Liverpool. Ele tem como missão plantar uma bomba, mas antes de conseguir cumprir sua missão é revistado, preso e levado para Borstal, um reformatório situado na cidade de East Anglia, Inglaterra. Lá, o jovem é forçado a viver com aqueles que via como inimigos. Tal confrontação faz surgir nele um forte conflito interior e provoca uma reavaliação traumática e reveladora que mudará sua vida para sempre.
Swedish TV-Movie
A Hungry Feeling: The Life and Death of Brendan Behan
Colleagues and relatives reflect on the dynamic life of Irish writer Brendan Behan, beginning with his adolescent years as an activist and his affiliation with the IRA youth group, Fianna Éireann. Behan rises to fame as a poet and playwright and achieves international success in the wake of his successful autobiography, "Borstal Boy." But in his later years, Behan's prominence wanes as alcoholism, egotistical tendencies and a growing obsession with celebrity begin to overtake him.
The Quare Fellow
Thomas Crimmins is a new warder, or guard, in an Irish prison. He is young, naive, and idealistic, determined to serve his country by his part in meting out justice to criminals. His superior, Regan, however, realizes that even prisoners are human beings, and Regan is sick of the eye-for-an-eye attitude that leads the state to execute condemned men, or "quare fellows." Crimmins begins to see that not all is black and white in his new world, and when he becomes involved with Kathleen, the wife of one of the condemned men, his attitude begins to change. When new evidence arises to suggest that Kathleen's husband may not deserve his fate, Crimmins is torn between his duty and his humanity.