Ben Frost

Ben Frost

Nascimento : 1980-01-01, Melbourne, Australia


Ben Frost


Making 1899
Confira os bastidores de 1899 e descubra a tecnologia virtual inovadora que os criadores de Dark usaram para gravar sua nova série de mistério.
What Remains
During the 1990s, at a Scandinavian psychiatric hospital, a man known as Mads Lake confessed to multiple murders and was convicted. However, the uneasy triumvirate of Mads, therapist Anna Rudebeck and policeman Soren Rank, all have a vested interest in unearthing the truth, and a deepening co-dependency threatens to consume them all.
The Murder of Halit Yozgat
21-year-old Halit Yozgat was assassinated in broad daylight, in his family’s internet cafe on April 6, 2006 in Kassel Germany. Five witnesses were present in the 77 square metre space when Halit was shot twice in the head. Remarkably, an undercover agent from the German secret service was among those present in the cafe at the time of the murder, yet he claimed not to have heard gunfire nor noticed the body slumped at the front desk. A rigorous counter-investigation by London-based research agency Forensic Architecture inspired the Australian composer and director Ben Frost to write the opera The Murder of Halit Yozgat. With his unconventional combination of sound art, electronic music and dark metal, Frost brings a performance in which a sound nobody heard irrevocably ties all of those present together.
The Murder of Halit Yozgat
21-year-old Halit Yozgat was assassinated in broad daylight, in his family’s internet cafe on April 6, 2006 in Kassel Germany. Five witnesses were present in the 77 square metre space when Halit was shot twice in the head. Remarkably, an undercover agent from the German secret service was among those present in the cafe at the time of the murder, yet he claimed not to have heard gunfire nor noticed the body slumped at the front desk. A rigorous counter-investigation by London-based research agency Forensic Architecture inspired the Australian composer and director Ben Frost to write the opera The Murder of Halit Yozgat. With his unconventional combination of sound art, electronic music and dark metal, Frost brings a performance in which a sound nobody heard irrevocably ties all of those present together.
Dois irmãos antagônicos, Erik e Atli, decidem contrabandear drogas em sua nativa Islândia usando a jovem polonesa Sofia como a sua mula. Mas as coisas dão errado com a chegada da polícia e quando Sofia fica doente.
Tempos Obscuros
Original Music Composer
Zach é um estudante muito esperto e desde pequeno conviveu bastante com seu melhor amigo e vizinho Josh. Eles têm muita coisa em comum, inclusive a atração pela colega de sala de aula Allison. Um dia, em um parque com outros amigos, uma combinação de hormônios adolescentes, drogas e uma espada samurai, termina em consequências sangrentas.
A young couple, physiologist Agla and filmmaker Gunnar, wake up at a glacier drilling camp only to find the camp mysteriously abandoned and their co-workers gone. When searching for the lost team they realize they’re up against an unknown deadly force.
Everything, Everywhere, All the Time
Everything, Everywhere, All the Time opens with the sound of musicians performing an old Icelandic folk song, Grýlukvæði. Only, a couple of years ago, they didn’t know each other - now they're touring Europe together. In 2006, Icelandic producer Valgeir Sigurðsson founded the Bedroom Community record label with Nico Muhly and Ben Frost, soon adding Sam Amidon to the intimate roster. After three years of concerts, collaborations and acclaimed album releases, the then four artists of Bedroom Community headed out together for a trek across Europe: The Whale Watching Tour. More than just a series of concerts, the tour was an extension of the ongoing musical exchange between these diverse artists, having them contributing to each other's music on stage. The film follows the four artists on tour, but also provides insight into the colorful characters and explores the vision behind Bedroom Community as well as introducing the home of the label, the Greenhouse studios.
Beleza Adormecida
Original Music Composer
Lucy é uma jovem universitária que vive precisando de dinheiro. Para isso, divide o apartamento com outras duas pessoas e possui uma série de pequenos empregos. Por meio de um anúncio de jornal, entra em contato com uma inusitada agência, que a contrata para prestar um trabalho estranho chamado beleza adormecida. Ela adormece. Ela acorda. É como se nada tivesse acontecido.
Los Invisibles
Original Music Composer
This short documentary reviews the lives and experiences of mexican and centroamerican migrants as they try to reach the US border.
Everybody Present
Sound Designer
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Everything Goes
A young couple offer to buy the furniture of a middle-aged man whose wife just left him - but they end up with more than they bargained for. Hugo Weaving, Abbie Cornish and Sullivan Stapleton star in an adaptation of a Raymond Carver story.