Elizabeth Sanchez


Unveiled: The Kohistan Video Scandal
In a remote region of Northern Pakistan, young villagers learn that the line between public and private can become fatally blurred when digital media enters the room.
Unveiled: The Kohistan Video Scandal
In a remote region of Northern Pakistan, young villagers learn that the line between public and private can become fatally blurred when digital media enters the room.
Every Second Counts
Every Second Counts follows 17-year-old Brooke Preston, a gifted equestrian on the verge of becoming a world class champion. Brooke faces the biggest decision of her life - whether to pursue her father's (Stephen Collins - 7th Heaven) dream of becoming a professional or her aspirations to go to college and lead a normal life.
Snakehead Terror
A small town, desperate to recover from hard economic times, is under threat when voracious Snakehead fish mutate and survive previous lake chemical poisonings. The fish transform from pests to predators when human growth hormones are dumped into the local lake in the hopes of reviving the local fishing industry. Thriving on the hormones, the Snakehead fish grow to monstrous proportions, devouring everything within reach. Capable of moving and eating on land, they are forced to leave the now barren lake in a desperate search for food - animal, vegetable or human.
Fireman Steve and helicopter pilot George rob an armored truck. To hide the evidence and get away, the duo starts a fire that grows into an inferno engulfing a forest. Further complicating matters is the psychopathic Wolf and his gang.
Fireman Steve and helicopter pilot George rob an armored truck. To hide the evidence and get away, the duo starts a fire that grows into an inferno engulfing a forest. Further complicating matters is the psychopathic Wolf and his gang.
A Fúria da Avalanche
Uma competição de esqui na neve está prestes a começar numa estação de inverno canadense. No hotel onde os competidores estão alojados a adrenalina está a mil. Jovens atletas se refugiam do frio enquanto outros, mais atrevidos, sobem as encostas durante a noite para uma aventura radical: Descer por um dos lados de uma perigosa montanha. Bêbados e sem conhecer a região, eles provocam uma tragédia sem precedentes. Uma avalanche desce o morro deixando um rastro de morte. Mas o pior ainda está por vir! Detonadores fincados no topo da montanha devem explodir em pouco tempo.