Sen Yano

Sen Yano

Nascimento : 1928-02-11, Kotake, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan

Morte : 2010-09-17


Sen Yano


Destination Station Series - Homicide Assignment
911 receives a call from a young woman reporting the death of an acquaintance at a hotel, and Detectives Ushio and Ogami of Shinjuku West Police Station rush to the scene!! The caller is eventually identified as Megumi, a woman whom Detective Ushio's wife Sumie had met by chance, but Megumi too has been killed...
Supermarket Woman
Failing supermarket manager Goro hires the energetic Hanako, his old classmate, to help him compete with a new, rival business in town. Soon, Hanako's ideas and energy completely revitalize the store – but not without ruffling some feathers and sparking some romance along the way.
A Taxing Woman's Return
Ryōko Itakura returns as the tough-as-nails government taxing agent. This time she must figure out a way to expose a fanatical religious cult lead by a corrupt sociopath.
Family without a Dinner Table
This gripping docudrama is a fictionalized account of what could happen to a Japanese family when one of their sons shames them in front of the entire nation.
Tonga Adventure Family
This adventure family drama is based on the story of Kazuhiko Inoue, who quit his job as a salesman at a trading company and moved his family to Tonga, known as "The Last Paradise".
Willful Murder
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and shutdowns. The government says that the president was murdered; the police claim it was a suicide. A quizzical reporter follows the case for years, but the basic question remains unanswered: was the victim killed by members of the burgeoning Communist movement in Japan, or was the death stage-managed by the authorities in hopes of discrediting the Communists?
Writhing Tongue
Private Hospital Doctor
Masako, a five-year-old girl living in the suburbs of Chiba, gets a tiny scratch on her finger while playing with mud in a marsh. After that, she suffered all kinds of horrible spasms including biting her tongue. The doctor checks on her for hours on end and arrive at the conclusion that she has tetanus. It seems like the devil has come to dwell in the little girl's body. Her parents have to to bear the sufferings of their child and face the fear that they might also be the victims of tetanus. The once peaceful family has changed completely and the three have been cast into a bottomless hell.
Shogun's Samurai
Following the death of the second Tokugawa shogun, it is revealed that he was poisoned by retainers of his son Iemitsu in hopes of gaining him the shogunate despite the stammer and birthmark which undermine his respect. Iemitsu and his brother Tadanaga become bitter rivals for the shogunate, and the land is split into factions, eventually erupting into warfare. Iemitsu's mentor, his fencing instructor Yagyu, is fixated upon securing Iemitsu the shogunate and ends up betraying everyone, even his own family, in pursuit of the goal.
Home from the Sea
On a beautiful island in Seto Inner Sea, Seichi and Minko make their living by transporting rocks to construction sites by boat. They cherish the deepest affection for this piece of land they call home, and the simple life they lead. But rapid industrial growth makes it all but impossible to continue their chosen living style, and they are forced to leave their beloved hometown in search of a brighter future. But their hometown lingers on their hearts, and they dream of a time when they may once again return.
Inn of Evil
The story takes place in feudal Japan, when any commerce with the rest of the world was strictly prohibited. An idealist suddenly appears in an isolated inn (the one that the title refers to), the head-quarters of a group of smugglers, with stolen money intended to ransom his loved one who is forced to work in a brothel.
Young People
"Young People" is a story about the lives of four brothers and a sister, Sato. After the death of his parents, the older brother, Taro, who works in construction, decides to replace them. The second brother, Jiro, is a truck driver. The third, Saburo, is a student, dreams of a better future for the whole family are connected with him, with his career. Brothers and sisters are fighting to give him a higher education. And, finally, the youngest of the brothers, Suekichi, is also going to enter the university after graduation. The life of the Sato family is complicated. Taro is kind, but limited, not always able to find a common language with his brothers and sister Orie. The girl cannot stand the despotism of her brother, leaves her home and goes to work at the factory. With her departure, everything in the house goes upside down. Suekichi fails her university entrance exams, Orie is forced to return to her family.
The Face of Another
Mentally Ill Man A
A businessman with a disfigured face obtains a lifelike mask from his doctor, but the mask starts altering his personality.
Violence at Noon
Two young women must come to terms with the fact that a man they're deeply linked to is a murdering rapist.
Cash Calls Hell
Before leaving prison, Oida uncomfortably enters into an agreement with his cell mate: in exchange for a half-share of 30,000,000 yen, he is to assassinate three strangers given to him on a list. However, upon meeting his first potential victim, Oida has second thoughts. Yet, even as he tries to back out, the body count starts climbing. Oida must now try to alert the people on his list of their impending danger, and find out why they are being targeted in the first place.
A Espada do Mal
Gennosuke, guerreiro de um clã, mata um dos ministros do clã como parte de um plano revolucionário. Ele é perseguido por seus companheiros que buscam desesperadamente por vingança, porém Gennosuke recebe a ajuda de um mestre espadachim que poderá dar a ele uma chance de sobreviver.
Beast Alley
"When human beings venture too far along a trail made by wild beasts, it is said, they quite often discover themselves on a road of no return." Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
Illusion of Blood
Kobotoke Kohei
The ghost of a samurai's wife takes revenge on her husband.
Three Yakuza
A tale of three Yakuza gamblers who traveled Japan during the samurai era living by their wits and sword skills. Told in 3 separate vignettes, each part tells the story of a different drifter’s life. Part 1: A man is on the run after killing two Hasshu Officials to avenge his Boss. He must make a life or death decision as he is asked to protect a gang from attack. Part 2: A pair of gamblers chased out of a crooked game must fight not only their pursuers, but the ghosts of their pasts as well. Part 3: A wanderer who wants to live according to the Yakuza Code, but is not sure that he can do so when asked to save a town from an evil official.
A Mulher da Areia
Um entomologista amador resolve sair da cidade e passar o fim de semana numa área desértica do Japão, a fim de coletar insetos raros. Ele pernoita numa casa onde habita uma estranha mulher. Logo ele vai perceber que caiu em uma armadilha sem saída.
A man wanders into a seemingly deserted town with his young son in search of work. But after a bit of bad luck, he joins the town's population of lost souls.
Guerra e Humanidade II: Estrada Para a Eternidade
Yamazaki Jôtôhei
A trilogia humanista de Kobayashi continua tendo, neste segundo filme, o idealista Kaji sendo mandado à longínqua Manchúria e com as mais selvagens atrocidades ocorrendo durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ao descobrir que os soldados são cruelmente maltratados pelo seu sargento e oficiais, Kaji resolve fazer um protesto.
Jose Torres
A documentary about the eponymous Puerto Rican boxer
His Scarlet Cloak
The humorous tale of Jimbei, a miller, and his wife Osen who live in complete happiness. But Osen's beauty attracts numerous would-be lovers among whom is the local governor, a timid creature, who is dominated by his high-born and beautiful wife, who dresses in a scarlet battle-tunic, a sign of his family's military merit around which he fabricates fantastic tales of his prowess in war. During the traditional festival when the villagers are released from observance of all social customs and restrictions, it is permissible for any man to attempt win the favors of the one he loves. However, the timid but romantic governor goes to the length of having the miller arrested to clear the way for his seduction of Osen. But Osen fights off his advances with an old hunting gun and dashes out of the mill. Jimbei, meanwhile, has escaped from jail and dashes home to finds the governor in his bed. Convinced that his wife has been violated, he decides to take an eye for an eye.
Darkness at Noon
Shokichi Aoki
Police beat a murder confession out of four innocent men who are then sentenced to death. Based on a true story.