After the controversial disappearance of their Chief Medical Officer, a shadowy bio genetics company is under siege by the FBI for secretly cloning humans. Amidst the chaos, Molgen’s head mercenary Holt is sneaking out the last living clone, a young woman named Lily to a mysterious buyer. Holt has hired The Driver, accompanied by a heavily armed squadron of fellow Molgen mercenaries, to evade the authorities and deliver Lily and himself to the buyer. The journey takes an unexpected turn and Holt is forced to take matters into his own hands, as the driver once again demonstrates his mettle and extraordinary driving skills.
Jack precisa entregar uma misteriosa sacola a Dragna e recebeu recomendações para não olhar, de maneira alguma, o que estava dentro dela. Disposto a cumprir a tarefa, ele vai encotrá-lo em um motel de beira de estrada.
A successful businessman attempting to resurrect his life buys and boards a dilapidated sailboat.
In post-Katrina New Orleans, a disgraced detective encounters the ghost of a murdered woman who wants to help him identify her killer.
Second Assistant Director
A tragic-comic tale with surrealistic tendencies about a lost 23-year-old who is haunted by her disappointed 13-year-old self.