Pascale Ogier

Pascale Ogier

Nascimento : 1958-10-26, Paris,France

Morte : 1984-10-25


Pascale Marguerite Cécile Claude Colette Nicolas, mais conhecida como Pascale Ogier, foi uma atriz francesa. Ela ganhou a Copa Volpi, e postumamente recebeu uma indicação ao Prêmio César por seu papel no filme Lua Cheia de 1984 em Paris . Ela era filha da atriz Bulle Ogier e do músico Gilles Nicolas. Em 1982, ela e sua mãe co-escreveram o roteiro e estrelaram o filme do diretor Jacques Rivette, Le Pont du Nord . Por sua atuação no filme Lua Cheia em Paris, do diretor Éric Rohmer, Ogier foi indicada ao Prêmio César de Melhor Atriz no 10º Prêmio César e ganhou a Copa Volpi de Melhor Atriz no 41º Festival Internacional de Cinema de Veneza. Pouco depois, na véspera de comemorar seu aniversário de 26 anos, Ogier morreu de ataque cardíaco, provavelmente causado por um sopro cardíaco que ela tinha desde os 12 anos, combinado ao uso de drogas. O filme Down by Law (1986) é dedicado a ela.


Pascale Ogier
Pascale Ogier
Pascale Ogier
Pascale Ogier
Pascale Ogier
Pascale Ogier
Pascale Ogier
Pascale Ogier
Pascale Ogier


Ave Maria
Naive villagers find themselves duped by a pair of con artists who sweep into town proclaiming themselves "Holy Father" and "Holy Mother." Soon the pair of cons are making out like the bandits that they are, as the villagers hand over their money and their lands.
Noites de Lua Cheia
Costume Design
Cansada dos subúrbios e do namorado bonzinho, a jovem decoradora de interiores Louise decide alugar um apartamento de forma independente em Paris, onde fica livre para explorar a vida de solteira. Mas isso também inclui lidar com os avanços do incansável amigo Octave.
Noites de Lua Cheia
Production Design
Cansada dos subúrbios e do namorado bonzinho, a jovem decoradora de interiores Louise decide alugar um apartamento de forma independente em Paris, onde fica livre para explorar a vida de solteira. Mas isso também inclui lidar com os avanços do incansável amigo Octave.
Noites de Lua Cheia
Cansada dos subúrbios e do namorado bonzinho, a jovem decoradora de interiores Louise decide alugar um apartamento de forma independente em Paris, onde fica livre para explorar a vida de solteira. Mas isso também inclui lidar com os avanços do incansável amigo Octave.
Ghost Dance
Through the experiences of two women in Paris and London, Ghost Dance offers an analysis of the complexity of our conceptions of ghosts, memory and the past. The film focuses on the French philosopher Jacques Derrida, who observes, 'I think cinema, when it's not boring, is the art of letting ghosts come back.' He also says that 'memory is the past that has never had the form of the present.'
Signes extérieurs de richesse
The medical assistant
Jean-Jacques Lestrade is the owner of a renowned veterinary clinic in Paris who lives in a luxurious apartment. He is part of Parisian high society and lives a wealthy lifestyle surrounded by young women and money. He relies on his trusty accountant, Jérôme Bouvier, to manage his finances. All goes well until the day that Béatrice Flamand, a tax inspector, shows up at his clinic, at which point Lestrade is now in trouble.
The Adventures of Rosette
A series of stories told by Rosette about her vacation. Filmed in super 8 by Eric Rohmer.
Le Pont du Nord
Marie is just out from prison when she runs into Baptiste, a young paranoid needing companionship. In their pursuit of a mysterious briefcase carried by Marie's former lover, they roam the street of Paris, transformed into a giant board game, a maze spotted with mysterious traps, puzzling clues, and chance encounters. Maybe they are bricks in some sinister scheme, maybe they are playing a board game, maybe it's a fairy tale, maybe it's yet something else...
Le Pont du Nord
Scenario Writer
Marie is just out from prison when she runs into Baptiste, a young paranoid needing companionship. In their pursuit of a mysterious briefcase carried by Marie's former lover, they roam the street of Paris, transformed into a giant board game, a maze spotted with mysterious traps, puzzling clues, and chance encounters. Maybe they are bricks in some sinister scheme, maybe they are playing a board game, maybe it's a fairy tale, maybe it's yet something else...
Le Pont du Nord
Marie is just out from prison when she runs into Baptiste, a young paranoid needing companionship. In their pursuit of a mysterious briefcase carried by Marie's former lover, they roam the street of Paris, transformed into a giant board game, a maze spotted with mysterious traps, puzzling clues, and chance encounters. Maybe they are bricks in some sinister scheme, maybe they are playing a board game, maybe it's a fairy tale, maybe it's yet something else...
In this work, Geneviève Hervé realizes her first video-painting with the first electronic portraits of her muse Pascale Ogier, and was included in a Houba Houba section of 'Les Enfants du rock' (January 1982)
A Dama das Camélias
A young girl from the provinces, comes to Paris with one goal: to become a part of the rich bourgeoisie. To achieve this she will use her unique beauty and charm.
Paris s'en va
A short film that can act as a companion piece to Le Pont du Nord.
Essay on the history of Los Angeles
In the apartment of Benjamin Baltimore, cinema poster designer, we discover the universe of the early 80's in Paris.
Catherine de Heilbronn
Catherine de Heilbronn
In the Middle Ages, the earl Wetter von Stahl is accused of having bewitched Catherine, the daughter of the blacksmith of Heilbronn. The earl tries to be exonerated by proceeding himself to the interrogation of the young woman, who apparently shows an "unnatural possession".
chant, pucelle, dame
The film chronicles Perceval's knighthood, maturation and eventual peerage amongst the Knights of the Round Table, and also contains brief episodes from the story of Gawain and the crucifixion of Christ.
Life the Way It Is
Muriel Pucheu
Agnes leaves school and moves into a council house in Bagnolet with her friend Florence. She take a job as an office clerk, and becomes a staff representative after a colleague is dismissed for resisting the advances of her lecherous superior...
Paulina Is Leaving
Paulina leaves the apartment where she lives with her two brothers, Nicolas and Olivier. Her departure is mark by chaotic and sometimes violent confrontations.