Conde de Oviedo
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
Tío Román
In order to solve economic problems, "Leguineche" family decide to move to France with their limited belongings.
Comedia sobre el célebre descubridor de América que mezcla referencias a la situación política española de la época en que se rodó la película con referencias históricas al Renacimiento. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mosén Ramón
Young Stefano falls in love with a Spanish girl, Habibi. The two become engaged, but after a happy period, Stefano will discover the girl's betrayals. This will lead the protagonists to drift apart and seek new paths; this will be an opportunity for them to reflect on themselves and the loss of values in life.
A version of "Zorro" (fox in Spanish) but this time is a wolf... and black, located in California in mid-nineteenth century
El padre
María, a young and attractive woman, loses her job, meets Luis, a young man with no stable job neither, his wife supports him. Luis wants to start a relationship with María, but she doesn't. She prefers to be with Luis' friends instead.
El viejo
María, a young and attractive woman, loses her job, meets Luis, a young man with no stable job neither, his wife supports him. Luis wants to start a relationship with María, but she doesn't. She prefers to be with Luis' friends instead.
Padre de Maribel
Sheriff Noonan
A murder mystery set in the old west.
Rare Ramón Larraz thriller in which Teresa Gimpera and her husband get terrorized by a gang of hippies.
Lluis de Serracant leads a double life. By day he's a young lawyer, scion of a Catalan bourgeois family. At night he's a transvestite performer known to his fans as "Flower of Autumn".
Tío Licurgo
Doctor Pereda
Cabo Mariano
Don Protasio
In the Middle Age, a farmer named Mauro is heading to Madrid following the last will of his father.
A Young Woman is married to a much older man , she is not happy as there's something missing in her life. Meanwhile a Masked Rapist is attacking women in the area , One day she is attacked in the woods , the rapist takes her to his log cabin and rapes her... and she enjoys it!
Managing Editor
An old witch seeks vengence through the daughter of the politician who had her thrown in jail. Soon the little girl's head is spinning around, and an old priest is called in to perform an exorcism.
Feature film.
Crime film.
Shosena, a clever bank robber, is associated with "Jaguar" to take a big hit. They think the town where the bank owned dock Koven, a man who has against all the farmers of the place. His only son, George, is in love with the daughter of Rush, his most angry enemy. And ... coincidentally, Shosena and "Jaguar" to justify their stay in the village, get to work for him.
Dr. Mabuse and his accomplices steal all kinds of attributes from a National Research Institute (including female staff members) in order to complete his own evil mind-control ray. Dr. Mabuse has this impressive and horribly scarred man-monster that kills for him while the entire police force desperately tries to catch him.
Gen. Manuel Ramirez
Para contar com a ajuda das tribos nativas em sua rebelião, o General Ramirez (Roberto Carmadiel) o líder da revolução, precisa recuperar um importante ídolo asteca que está desaparecido. Para isso, ele contrata Alleluja (George Hilton) um pistoleiro rápido no gatilho e impiedoso com seus inimigos. Porém, o poderoso símbolo também exerce atração em outros indivíduos principalmente num poderoso capitalista que vê na antiguidade, uma grande oportunidade para conseguir exclusividade na exportação de ouro. Mas, para isso ele precisa primeiro impedir que Alleluja cumpra sua missão e depois vender o ídolo para o comandante inimigo. Segundo filme da série "Alleluja", estrelada por George Hilton, erroneamente lançado no Brasil como episódio da série "Sartana" (nas legendas em português, o nome original do pistoleiro também é "traduzido" para Sartana).
A bounty hunter named Arizona helps a group of beleaguered farmers in their fight against a large landowner named Austin Styles and his gang of outlaws.
Monsieur Dupont
Um menino e um cafetão-atirador salvam de um enforcamento a vida de um andarilho (Bud Spencer). O tio do menino morre deixando uma casa e algumas terras secas inúteis para o menino. O andarilho promete ao tio do garoto cuidar dele e ajudar o garoto a ter o que é dele por direito. Entretanto, o cafetão-atirador havia decidido que esse andarilho deveria casar com sua filha. Os dois entram em uma série de brigas e tiros até chegarem na cidade e encontrarem a herança do pequeno garoto.
Don José
General Emiliano Ramirez
Caça ao tesouro no western spaghetti, do qual Stelvio Cipriani assina a maravilhosa trilha sonora. México. O pistoleiro Aleluia é encarregado pelo general revolucionário Ramirez de apreender uma bolsa cheia de joias. O saque é tentador para muitos e Aleluja terá que lutar contra um salteador cossaco e uma freira para garantir os preciosos bens roubados.
Don Bernardo
Don Teófilo
A superhero becomes invisible after he swallows an Indian potion.
Double Whiskey / 2 Bottle Willy
Anthony Steffen interpreta Arizona Colt nessa nova aventura. Ele e seu compadre Double Whiskey (Roberto Camardiel), reprisando seu papel do primeiro filme, estão juntos ainda, e Arizona continua um caçador de recompensas. Logo ele descobre que existe um prêmio por sua cabeça. Ele está sendo acusado pelo assalto a uma diligência com o qual ele não tem nenhuma ligação.
don Liborio, il parroco
To satisfy his wife, an elderly man has to have a penis transplant and is willing to pay a lot to do so. Three men are selected who for different reasons are forced to accept but giving up manhood can be more complicated than expected.
Inspector de policía
A Spanish singer, known as "El Ángel", owner of a nightclub, lives a double life as an expert in alarms for gangs of thieves. In his last robbery, he betrays his partners, and his lover is kidnapped and he is blackmailed. Thinking that she has betrayed him, he abandons her to her fate. Finally, she committed suicide. El Ángel reconsiders his life and decides to become a monk. But his former life will meet him within the walls of the monastery.
Don Laureano
En una iglesia de Madrid se celebran simultáneamente tres matrimonios, o mejor dicho, cuatro, porque veinte años atrás se casó aquí otra pareja, Miguel y Marta, que no tuvieron su viaje de novios y ahora, tras haber tenido varios hijos, deciden cumplir con la tradición.
Susana is a girl that is sent to work to a small coast village in the south of Spain. The women in the villages receive her with a cold shoulder. Susana finds out that they are resentful towards their husbands: before, they used to fish close to home and now they fish far away for months and months. Susana will give the women some lessons about living together, so the men would consider going back to old ways. This will make her fall in love again.
El tio de Catalina
Musical. Thaddeus (Juanjo Menéndez) is a taxi driver who is about to experience a busy work day. Throughout the day you climb into his cab heteogéneos the more characters, which give rise to the most varied situations. When one of them left in the taxi leaves a baby, Thaddeus will have to find out who's not forget that at the end of the day has a date with a mysterious woman (Concha Velasco), apparently, have to tell you something very important.
Dr. Alan Curtis
This dramatization of the origin of Dr. Gatling's self-named invention stands tall in the annals of the Old West. As cavalry transported the high-tech gun across the dangerous frontier, it blasted its way into history to become the predecessor to the modern-day machine gun.
Tito Porro
Pedro Montero, left Spain when he was young, he become famouse in Brazil and Italy as a boxer. When he comes back to Spain , he enters the body of Marines and continues with his career. On the eve of winning the European Championship, the guardians of his rival send him a dangerous woman, an old friend who he had in Rome, to hinder his physical preparation.
Uncle Pink
Um forasteiro chamado Bob Ford chega à Pousada do Sol após ter fugido de uma prisão. Ele está tentando encontrar o esconderijo de um enorme tesouro do qual possui o mapa. Contudo, Bob precisa da ajuda de um garoto, sobrinho do dono da pousada, que conhece toda a região de Sierra Blanca, para ser seu guia, caso contrário, nem com a ajuda do mapa o forasteiro conseguirá por as mãos no valioso tesouro. Mas sua determinação atrairá a cobiça de homens traiçoeiros, que farão de tudo para chegar primeiro ao lugar secreto!
Uma grande fortuna em ouro é roubada de um trem no México. Um agente do Governo americano é enviado para prender os bandidos e recuperar o ouro roubado.
Truck drivers hauling supplies are caught in the battle between the French and Arabs in this routine adventure drama. Jonathon is held prisoner by revolting Arabs and falls for the pretty blonde widow Lucia. The two are part of a group that is held captive and faces death when the fighting begins.
Um bandido mexicano conhecido como "O Estranho" faz parte de um bando de ladrões que roubam uma carga de ouro de uma diligência. No entanto, os americanos do bando o traem e matam todos os mexicanos. O Estranho não está completamente morto, porém, e se arrasta para fora de sua cova rasa, continuando sua busca pelo ouro e exigindo uma vingança sangrenta.
A man is arrested, tried and convicted for a robbery that was actually committed by someone else. After he gets out of prison, he goes in search of the real robbers.
Pa Donovan
Seven brothers team up to rescue their gold and their women from a ruthless bandit.
Sheriff Jellicol
Jonathan Corbett (Lee Van Cleef), um famoso caçador de recompensas com aspirações políticas, topa perseguir o exímio atirador de facas mexicano Cuchillo Sanchez (Tomas Milian). Apesar de Cuchillo não demonstrar preocupação com esconderijos, ele sempre arma um plano inusitado para fugir.
Torrez Gordon (Fernando Sancho) necessita de sangue novo para a sua guangue foras-da-lei, para isso liberta um grupo de prisioneiros, para unir-se a ele ou morrer. Arizona Colt (Giuliano Gemma), não aceita nenhuma das opções e ruma para Blackstone City onde Gordon planeja um assalto. Quando um dos homens de Gordon assassina Dolores, uma das garotas do sallon, seu pai oferece um recompensa de 500 dólares pela cabeça do assassino ao único homem capaz de cumprir essa tarefa, Arizona Colt, que além da recompensa pede a bela Jane, irmã de Dolores como um prêmio extra. Porém ele falha em sua missão, é ferido por uma bala e vai se recuperar em uma igreja abandonada. Ironicamente Jane suplia por ajuda pois os homens de Gordon tomaram praticamente toda a cidade como refém. Desta vez vez Arizona é implacável e demonstra toda sua habilidade para matar de formas diferentes todos os criminosos.
Gabriel, padre de Almudena
Don Tarsio
After a long period of absence, living in large and anonymous cities, a poet, Juan, returns to the village of his birth, Moguer, there he finds happiness through; the friendship of a small donkey, Platero, a free spirited girl, Aguedilla, and recalling memories of his childhood.
Gen. Jose Limar
Two penniless Italian buskers want to go to the USA but get on the wrong ship and end up in South America in a concentration camp where they are rescued by American parachutists from. Afterwards they become big shots in the States but their dream comes to an end : they are sent to fight in Vietnam
Dr. Verne Barfield
Um jovem pistoleiro, Brent Landers, é convencido por um homem desonesto a comprar gado roubado. Os problemas têm início quando o verdadeiro dono do gado o enfrenta, tentando forçá-lo a devolver seu rebanho, e Brent mata o homem em legítima defesa. Acusado de assassinato, foge como fora-da-lei e tenta limpar seu nome, caçando os verdadeiros culpados.
Tucumcari Station Clerk
O actor ícone de uma geração" (Roger Ebert), vencedor de quatro Oscares da Academia Clint Eastwood continua no seu papel emblemático como o lendário "Homem Sem Nome" neste segundo filme da famosa trilogia de Sergio Leone. Com argumento de Luciano Vicenzoni e com a assombrosa banda sonora de Ennio Morricone, Por Mais Alguns Dollars é um clássico moderno - um dos melhores westerns alguma vez realizados. Eastwood é um perspicaz e astuto caçador de prémios na perseguição sangrenta de Indio, o mais tenebroso e ameaçador criminoso do território. Mas o seu impiedoso rival, o Coronel Mortimer (Lee Van Cleef, O Comboio Apitou Três Vezes) está determinado em capturar Indio primeiro... morto ou vivo! Falhando em capturar a sua presa - ou em eliminarem-se um ao outro - os dois ficam só com uma opção: juntarem esforços, ou enfrentar a morte certa às mãos de Indio e do seu bando de foras da lei assassinos.
Jeffrey Anders
Terrorized townsfolk turn into a lynch mob and target a lawman.
The FBI sends agents to Jamaica to investigate arms smuggling to revolutionaries in Santo Domingo.
Lone gunman Johnny West and his dog, Gypsy, fall foul of twin bad men who have designs on a gold mine. After having his gun hand crushed Johnny is joined by 2 feuding ex boxers and their explosive expert sidekick as they all take on the villains, restore the mine to it's rightful inheritor and face down the twins, one of whom attempts to outwit them using a clever coffin trick.
Grisha Grisovich
Bill James is still a child when his father, Jesse James, is killed by his cousin Bob. Twenty years later, now with his father's image, his face causes him much trouble, because nobody can forgive him for looking like the man who, for so many years, had been the terror of the whole countryside.
The manager of 'L'Eldorado' (uncredited)
A true story of Peter Kurten, a serial killer who committed nine murders and many other offenses in Dusseldorf during the Great Depression era.
Jack Tres Dedos
The fictionalized story of Joaquin Murrieta, a real life Mexican bandit who terrorized California with his gang of raiders and cutthroats during the first half of the 19th century. Some saw him as a murderous outlaw, others as the Mexican Robin Hood.
A greedy gold smuggler hires a handsome hero to transport a stolen fortune to a new hideout accompanied by the smuggler's sexy girlfriend.
Inspector Paco Jiménez
A woman is found murdered in her house the day after a party. The police begins the search for the killer asking questions to all the people that attended the party.
Secret agent FX-18 goes undercover to break up an espionage ring.
Commissaire Jacomet
Iván de Vargas
Don Leandro
Comisario Serge Dupont
A playwright boasts he can commit a perfect crime in front of his friends, a police chief, a physician and a theater owner. Later, when the playwright's wife disappears, foul play is suspected. Did he murder her?
To avenge his father's death and free the people of Seriphos from the evil King Galinor of Argus, the noble Perseus must defeat a dragon -- and the monster Medusa, whose steely gaze has cast the kingdom's best soldiers into stone.
A murderous villain takes over a family's ranch, killing everyone but the youngest son, still a toddler, who is rescued by a faithful servant. The son grows up and becomes The Jaguar, a bandit who along with his gang robs the corrupt rulers of the town and gives to the church. Trouble brews when he falls in love with the daughter of the villainous magistrate.
Mario starts working as a pianist in a party hall in Palma de Mallorca, where he finds two girls, an old pupil, and Clara, who will get to conquer him.
Oliver Orguelthorpe
The son of a notorious pirate is placed on the path of righteousness by his love for a beautiful young woman.
Gordo (uncredited)
Marisol is a young girl with a vivid imagination and a heart of gold who witnesses a picture robbery in a museum...
Back from vacation, Lucy, a school's music teacher, misses a boy. People say he will not return because he recently lost his father. She is very affected by his favorite student, so she decides to go to see him, finding the house in utter ruin. But chance makes Lucy forced to take the child and immediately found in him the son that was kidnapped years ago in America when she was a famous artist.
No ano de 280 a.C., Darios, um herói militar grego, está visitando seu tio em Rodes. A cidade acabou de construir um enorme Colosso em homenagem a Apolo, para guardar o seu porto, e está planejando uma aliança com a Fenícia para atacar a Grécia. Por acidente, Darios se envolve com rebeldes que querem tirar o tirânico rei Xerxes do poder.
Carmen, Merche and Paula are three young singers living in the same pension. Every night are forced to dodge men arriving from Madrid in search of adventure. They are assisted by Don Narciso, a fellow board that has solutions for everything. What I really want is to get married and all three have found a boyfriend, but every couple has their problems.
The life and tribulations of Carmelist nun Teresa de Jesús, who had transcendental experiences. She would write several works and would reform the Carmelist order.
Life events around a city street and its residents are told along the years while time goes by, wars break out and end and life evolves.
Cascales Orencio is a humble farmer who one day, unexpectedly, is surprised by two Air Force parachutists. After the event, and with the help of two military decides to join the volunteer corps paratrooper Sewer.Just imagine Orencio tribulations that await on the base!
L'avvocato Gigliozzi
Loreley looks back to the happy times when she became a silent movie star with the huge success of "La Contessa Azzurra", directed by Don Salvatore and produced by Don Peppino, the owner of a Café Chantant.
Berta is a German who comes to a small fishing village to marry Lorenzo, owner of an island and that only known her through his letters. The early days of their marriage are a constant disappointment, especially when it finds that her husband has no resemblance to the author of the letters. He lives embittered by an old story and is hated by all.
Mrs. Sagrario Rivero is facing Rafael Montoro by the noise made at his forge. Rafael has a daughter who sings very well and Mrs. Sagrario takes this occasion to get rid of her annoying neighbor. She launches Maria Dolores artistically,and then, Rafael will be rich thanks to his daughter and will leave the business.
A group of people are trapped in a theatre and one of them is a killer.
Don Eustaquio Viñas
Claudio is a kind mand who works as cashier in a company for several years. Whe he finds closed the bank where he has to deposit a millon of pesetas, he decides to go to a friends party. Due to alcohol effects, he share out the money to the people who need it more.
Reino do Havaí, 1866. Temendo que a lepra se espalhasse pelo arquipélago, o rei expulsa os doentes para a ilha de Molokai. Em 1873, o missionário católico belga Damião de Veuster chega à ilha para ajudar a melhorar a vida de seus infelizes habitantes.
A luta entre dois amigos: um, simboliza a mais profunda incredulidade quanto à religião; outro, o padre Manuel, suporta os insultos com estóica resignação, mas não desiste de lhe incutir palavras de fé, na esperança de recuperar a sua alma para Deus. Numa atmosfera patética, em que cada um defende o primado das suas crenças, sentem-se envolvidos por um feixe de circunstâncias ligadas a um segredo de amor, com desfecho inesperado e desconcertante.
Joselito is a shepherd who lives happily taking care of his sheep in the mountains. From time to time he goes down to the village where his parents live. His mother always expects him but his father is never there. When Joselito discovers the real reason for this absence (his father spends all the money the boy carries home in drinking) he decides to quit everything. Then he associates with Pepino a sympathetic rogue who believes that the voice of the shepherd is going to provide them a lot of money
Político de la oposición
Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.
Conserje del hotel
Try the descent to Earth, specifically to Spain, of the Three Wise Men.
A group of taxi drivers try to reanimate a young woman who has been close to being run over by one of them. To improve her mood all of them tell her curious anecdotes featured by peculiar customers
A tank regiment soldier needs a permit to go to his village to meet his newborn son. It will not be easy, leading to absurd situations featuring the legendary humorist Miguel Gila.