Jerami Cruise


American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon
Makeup Artist
A Igreja Católica está tentando salvar uma alma inocente dos estragos da possessão satânica. Onda após onda de homens santos são enviados para enfrentar os possuídos.
Bethany - A Amiga Imaginária
Special Effects
Uma jovem é assombrada por seu amigo imaginário de infância. Muitas surpresas lhe aguardam ao voltar para casa.
Wedding Guest
A happy young couple welcomes their first child shortly after getting married. Their joy quickly turns to fear when the girl starts acting strangely and unexplained phenomena start happening around the house.
Murder Collection V.1
PKC (segment "The Heist") / The Executioner (segment "Execution")
An anonymous web presenter offers up a collection of death themed segments presented in a shockumentary style a la Faces of Death.
Murder Collection V.1
Special Effects Coordinator
An anonymous web presenter offers up a collection of death themed segments presented in a shockumentary style a la Faces of Death.
Murder Collection V.1
An anonymous web presenter offers up a collection of death themed segments presented in a shockumentary style a la Faces of Death.
Murder Collection V.1
An anonymous web presenter offers up a collection of death themed segments presented in a shockumentary style a la Faces of Death.
August Underground's Penance
Special Effects Makeup Artist
August Underground's Penance is the personal home video of two sociopathic killers on a murder spree. Again two killers videotape their bloodthirsty madness, but Penance also shows their slow decline.
August Underground's Penance
Associate Producer
August Underground's Penance is the personal home video of two sociopathic killers on a murder spree. Again two killers videotape their bloodthirsty madness, but Penance also shows their slow decline.
August Underground's Penance
Partier with Baseball Cap
August Underground's Penance is the personal home video of two sociopathic killers on a murder spree. Again two killers videotape their bloodthirsty madness, but Penance also shows their slow decline.
The Redsin Tower
Mateo Redsin
A teen girl's psychotic ex-boyfriend follows her friends to Redsin Tower, where a night of partying quickly becomes a fight for their very lives.
S&Man (also known as Sandman) is a 2006 pseudo-documentary film that examines the underground subculture of horror films. It combines real interviews with indie horror film makers and a scripted plot that does not immediately come into focus until the second half of the film.
Estripador de Las Vegas
Special Effects
Quando criança um jovem fotógrafo de moda de Las Vegas sofreu traumas irreparáveis, e se transformou em um serial killer. Suas vítimas são prostitutas, atrizes pornô e strippers do submundo da cidade, acumulando mais de 30 vítimas sem que a polícia ou a imprensa se dê conta. A única pessoa que desconfia de algo é Jade (Jade Risser), a irmã de 11 anos de Charlotte (Valerie Baber), namorada do assassino, e que também não suspeita de nada. No entanto, ela logo vai descobrir a verdade da pior maneira possível.
Estripador de Las Vegas
Makeup Artist
Quando criança um jovem fotógrafo de moda de Las Vegas sofreu traumas irreparáveis, e se transformou em um serial killer. Suas vítimas são prostitutas, atrizes pornô e strippers do submundo da cidade, acumulando mais de 30 vítimas sem que a polícia ou a imprensa se dê conta. A única pessoa que desconfia de algo é Jade (Jade Risser), a irmã de 11 anos de Charlotte (Valerie Baber), namorada do assassino, e que também não suspeita de nada. No entanto, ela logo vai descobrir a verdade da pior maneira possível.
Estripador de Las Vegas
Video Victim
Quando criança um jovem fotógrafo de moda de Las Vegas sofreu traumas irreparáveis, e se transformou em um serial killer. Suas vítimas são prostitutas, atrizes pornô e strippers do submundo da cidade, acumulando mais de 30 vítimas sem que a polícia ou a imprensa se dê conta. A única pessoa que desconfia de algo é Jade (Jade Risser), a irmã de 11 anos de Charlotte (Valerie Baber), namorada do assassino, e que também não suspeita de nada. No entanto, ela logo vai descobrir a verdade da pior maneira possível.
August Underground's Mordum
Executive Producer
Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.
August Underground's Mordum
Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.
August Underground's Mordum
Production Design
Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.
August Underground's Mordum
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.
August Underground's Mordum
Special Effects
Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.
August Underground's Mordum
Man Shown Having Sex in Window
Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.
August Underground's Mordum
Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.
August Underground's Mordum
Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.