Brian Pettifer

Brian Pettifer

Nascimento : 1953-01-01, Durban, Natal, South Africa


Brian Pettifer


The Last Bus
John O'Groats é um velho homem cuja esposa acabou de falecer, e com seu passe de ônibus local gratuito viaja para o outro lado do Reino Unido, onde ele e sua esposa originalmente moravam. Em uma viagem nostálgica, mas também levando as cinzas de sua esposa em uma pequena mala, ele a leva de volta, e ao fazer isso encontra pessoas locais e, no final de sua viagem vira uma celebridade. Mas ele não está bem, então pode ser sua última viagem de ônibus.
Memories of Lindsay Anderson
Chris Wade's documentary film is a personal, intimate and affectionate look at the life and work of Lindsay Anderson, the legendary film and theatre director behind if. - and O Lucky Man. With new recollections from director Stephen Frears, if - star David Wood, plus actor and friend Brian Pettifer, Memories of Lindsay Anderson paints a portrait of a stubborn, self assured artist, an anti establishment non conformist who refused to play the game, and a private man who, though on the surface seemed confident, held his emotional cards close to his chest. This is an in depth study of one of our most brilliant yet undervalued filmmakers.
Get Duked!
PC Dougie
Quatro estudantes acostumados com a vida da cidade embarcam em uma tradicional viagem para acampar no meio das florestas escocesas, levando-os a serem perseguidos por um casal mascarado.
A Gripe que Matou 50 Milhões
Victor Vaughan
É 1918 e chega ao fim a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Milhões morreram e o mundo está exausto pela guerra. Mas logo um novo horror estará varrendo o mundo, um vírus aterrorizante que matará mais de cinquenta milhões de pessoas - a gripe espanhola. Usando reconstrução dramática e testemunho ocular de médicos, soldados, civis e políticos, este especial traz à vida o ataque da doença, os horrores daqueles que a viveram e os esforços dos cientistas pioneiros que procuraram desesperadamente a cura. Narrado por Christopher Eccleston, o filme também pergunta se, um século depois, as lições aprendidas em 1918 podem nos ajudar a combater uma futura pandemia global de gripe.
O Destino de uma Nação
Lord Kingsley Wood
Winston Churchill está prestes a encarar um de seus maiores desafios: tomar posse do cargo de Primeiro Mnistro da Grã-Bretanha. Paralelamente, ele começa a costurar um tratado de paz com a alemanhã Nazista que pode significar o fim de anos de conflito.
Whisky Galore
The story of the inhabitants of the isolated Scottish island of Todday, in the Outer Hebrides, where gloom sets in as their wartime rationing of whisky runs out. When cargo ship the SS Cabinet Minister runs aground the shrewd islanders run rings around the buffoonish English Home Guard commander Captain Waggett and conspire to hide away cases of the precious amber nectar.
A Lenda de Barney Thomson
Vivendo uma vida medíocre e desinteressante, o tímido e desajeitado Barney (Robert Carlyle) leva o dia a dia como barbeiro na cidade escocesa de Glascow. Porém, o rumo das coisas está prestes a mudar quando ele passa a se envolver no mundo grotesco e comicamente absurdo de um serial killer, tentando cobrir seus rastros à medida que foge do detetive local.
Reveals how the home life of the larger-than-life Carry On actress Hattie Jacque was blown apart by a secret sexual liaison with her handsome young driver while she was married to Dad's Army star John Le Mesurier.
Brian Colburn
Alfred is 64. He's lost touch with his family and a threat to his health makes him realise he wants to make amends. The more he tries to do right, the more he does wrong, and as his past comes back to haunt him, he is forced to face up to what his life means to him. Rounding Up Donkeys is the second film in Sigma and Zentropa's three feature film concept 'Advance Party'.
Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution
In 1794, French revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre produced the world's first defense of "state terror" - claiming that the road to virtue lay through political violence. This film combines drama, archive and documentary interviews to examine Robespierre's year in charge of the Committee Of Public Safety - the powerful state machine at the heart of Revolutionary France. Contesting Robespierre's legacy is Slavoj Zizek, who argues that terror in the cause of virtue is justifiable, and Simon Schama, who believes the road from Robespierre ran straight to the gulag and the 20th-century concentration camp. The drama, based on original sources, follows the life-and-death politics of the Committee during "Year Two" of the new Republic.
A Risk Worth Taking
Maxwell Borthwick
A wife nursing her terminally ill husband finds herself falling for his friend.
Primorosamente escrito e dirigido com um elenco de primeira, Lassie é uma aventura emocionante e cativante sobre um cão fiel determinado a reencontrar sua família a qualquer custo. Esta mágica adaptação sobre uma collie que enfrenta obstáculos incríveis em sua jornada de volta para casa vai agradar adultos e crianças. Um conto clássico sobre amizade e coragem que vai derreter até o mais gelado dos corações.
The Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes & Arthur Conan Doyle
Harry How
What led Arthur Conan Doyle to create, and then destroy the world famous detective, Sherlock Holmes? This compelling drama explores the dark secrets that surround the author and his creation.
One Last Chance
A group of slackers think they have found gold in the Highlands.
Lindsay Anderson: Lucky Man?
A documentary about film director Lindsay Anderson, made for BBC Scotland television series "Artworks Scotland."
The Key
The story of three generations told against the backdrop of the 20th century. The drama focuses on the life of Mary Corrigan, from her days as a rebellious mill worker in 1915 and her doomed love affair for a man who must fight for his country, through to her final days in the run up to the British General Election of 1997.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde is Robert Louis Stevenson's classic tale of horror, the duality of mankind and the darker side of late Victorian society. Dr Henry Jekyll (John Hannah), a great scientist, handsome, and renowned throughout the scientific community, is developing a formula that will revolutionise human nature by isolating criminal elements. He experiments on himself and intoxicated by the drug he undergoes a monstrous transformation. He is released from conventions of the social order and his own moral code into euphoric, remorseless wickedness - the villainous Mr Hyde. What follows is the gripping and terrifying stuggle of two opposing personalities battling for the soul of one man...
Dr. Alfred Meyer
A recriação da histórica Conferência de Wannsee de 1942, em que líderes nazistas e oficiais da SS se reuniram em um subúrbio de Berlim para discutir a "Solução Final para a Questão Judaica". Liderada pelo general da SS Reinhard Heydrich, este grupo de líderes e oficiais alemães de alto escalão chegou à decisão histórica e de grande alcance que os judeus da Europa deveriam ser exterminados no que viria a ser conhecido como o Holocausto.
A Essência da Paixão
Mr. Bry
A woman risks losing her chance of happiness with the only man she has ever loved.
Based on the life of a classic french cineast Jean Vigo, the story follows his daily struggle with sanity, normal life and uncompromising filmmaking. Story also focuses on his relationship with his supporting wife whom he met in sanatorium.
The James Gang
After an audacious jewellery robbery the whole James family heads for home on the run with the obsessive detective Julia Armstrong in hot pursuit.
O Mistério do Lago
Enviado à Escócia para provar que o monstro de Loch Ness não passa, definitivamente, de uma lenda, o Dr. Jonathan Dempsey acaba sendo guiado por uma singela garotinha numa aventura de descobertas, incluindo a simplicidade e simpatia dos habitantes locais.
Sonhos de uma noite de inverno
Diretor teatral desempregado seleciona atores e ensaia uma montagem de Hamlet na igreja abandonada de pequena cidade inglesa. Cabe a ele administrar grandes problemas: egos inflados, falta de recursos, desinteresse do público e crise existencial.
Eleven Men Against Eleven
Cliff Tutley
A curtain raiser for the 1995-6 football season and a state of the Premiership comedy drama about the corrupt world of football. Sir Bob is a football club chairman and megalomaniac. As the season draws to a climax his club are staring into the abyss of relegation. Can new manager Ted save City from the drop?
Is That All There Is?
Award winning director Lindsay Anderson subverts the mockumentary genre and presents to the audience a detailed and humored account of what truly means to be Lindsay Anderson.
Lucky Sunil
Young, handsome and alone in London at the start of a great career. But will Sunil's luck hold out against the seductions of pretty girls, the wiles of con-men and a hundred temptations of the great city?
Little Dorrit
Clarence Barnacle
A drama based on the novel by Charles Dickens which tells the story of Arthur Clennam who is thrown into a debtor's prison. There he meets a young seamstress whose father has been imprisoned for twenty-five years. A film in originally released in two parts.
Heavenly Pursuits
Father Cobb
Vic Mathews teaches a remedial class at the Blessed Edith Semple School in Scotland. Some at the school are trying to discover the two more miracles that would promote the late Edith Semple to sainthood; Mathews, a non-believer, wishes the school would concentrate on teaching the children. He becomes confused, however, when he is involved in possibly miraculous events himself! Written by George S. Davis
Mickey Almon is a sports star turned reporter covering the athletics in Moscow. Framed by the KGB and forced to confess that he was spying for America, he is sentenced to detention in a Gulag, a barbaric prison camp in the wilds of Siberia. Unable to prove his innocence, Mickey must either put up with the inhuman conditions or engineer an escape.
Um Conto de Natal
Um senhor amargo e miserável revive momentos de sua vida para avaliar seus erros.
Hospital Attendant (uncredited)
Após tentar se suicidar, Salieri confessa a um padre que foi o responsável pela morte de Mozart e relata como conheceu, conviveu e passou a odiar Mozart, que era um jovem irreverente mas compunha como se sua música tivesse sido abençoada por Deus.
Hospital dos Malucos
Britannia Hospital, an esteemed English institution, is marking its gala anniversary with a visit by the Queen Mother herself. But when investigative reporter Mick Travis arrives to cover the celebration, he finds the hospital under siege by striking workers, ruthless unions, violent demonstrators, racist aristocrats, an African cannibal dictator, and sinister human experiments.
Just Your Luck
Youth at Wedding
When Alison unexpectedly falls pregnant after a brief encounter with Alex (David Hayman's first TV role) they decide to marry. The joining of two seemingly different families opens into a witty and audacious tale, which caused uproar after its first broadcast in 1972. An early triumph for Peter McDougall, when it was proclaimed the most exciting writing debut since John Osborne's Look Back in Anger.
The Right Prospectus
Boy in Grounds
A school story with a noticeable difference - the adults regress to children.
Em uma escola pública inglesa estuda o jovem Mick Travis (Malcolm McDowell). Ele lidera um grupo de alunos rebeldes, os Crusaders. Insatisfeitos com o opressor sistema educacional, eles planejam uma grande vingança.