Marsha Hunt

Marsha Hunt

Nascimento : 1946-04-15, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Marsha Hunt (born April 15, 1946) is an American actress, novelist, singer and former model, who has lived mostly in Britain and Ireland. She achieved national fame when she appeared in London as Dionne in the long-running rock musical Hair. She enjoyed close relationships with Marc Bolan and Mick Jagger, who is the father of her only child Karis. According to Hunt, The Rolling Stones' controversial hit song "Brown Sugar" was based on her. She has written three novels, as well as three volumes of autobiography, which include a frank account of life as a breast cancer sufferer. Hunt's film career included appearances in Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972), Britannia Hospital (1982) directed by Lindsay Anderson, The Sender (1982), Never Say Never Again (1983), Howling II: Your Sister Is a Werewolf (1985), and Tank Malling (1989). In 1990, Hunt played Bianca in the BBC television production of Othello directed by Trevor Nunn


Marsha Hunt


Tank Malling
Tank is an investigative reporter and jailbird, framed on scant evidence supplied by the London mob. Helen is the sensuous call-girl who offers Tank ammunition and retribution. But, retaliation is swift and brutal, in the guise of Sir Robert Knights and his equally lethal lawyer, Dunboyne. A series of hideous murders follow as the devil protects his own. Only Malling and Helen can halt the onslaught. But, for how long, and at what price?
Unreported Incident
Elvi Rogers
Jack Lawrence and Jimmy Dunne were once, briefly, enemies at opposite ends of a gun on the Irish border; now their lives have become inextricably mixed. They are together on a chat show whose host wants a sob story with a happy ending, but gets something entirely different.
Grito de Horror 2
Ben white vai ao funeral de sua irmã e heroína do filme anterior, a jornalista Karen White, e encontra Jenny, uma de suas colegas, junto a um homem misterioso chamado Stefan Crosscoe, o qual convence-os de que Karen é um lobisomem através de uma gravação que mostra uma de suas transformações. Após destruir o corpo de Karen, Crosscoe convence Ben e Jenny a irem com ele e uma colega, Marianna, para a Transilvânia afim de destruir Stirba, a rainha dos lobisomens, numa batalha que misturará diversas criaturas e trará revelações surpreendentes.
007 - Nunca Mais Digas Nunca
SPECTRE Agent (uncredited)
Quando duas ogivas nucleares são roubadas pela maléfica organização Espectro, o Agente 007 envolve-se numa tensa corrida para salvar o mundo dos terroristas nucleares!
The Sender
Nurse Jo
A disturbed telepathic man is able to transmit his dreams and visions into the minds of the people around him.
Hospital dos Malucos
Nurse Amanda Persil
Britannia Hospital, an esteemed English institution, is marking its gala anniversary with a visit by the Queen Mother herself. But when investigative reporter Mick Travis arrives to cover the celebration, he finds the hospital under siege by striking workers, ruthless unions, violent demonstrators, racist aristocrats, an African cannibal dictator, and sinister human experiments.
Ricas e Famosas
Malibu Party Guest
Two literary women compete for 20 years: one writes for the critics; the other one, to get rich.
Drácula no Mundo da Minissaia
Hyde Park, Londres, 1872. Uma luta sem tréguas acontece entre Lawrence Van Helsing e seu arquiinimigo, o Conde Drácula. Van Helsing consegue destruir seu inimigo, que vira pó, mas em razão dos ferimentos sofridos acaba morrendo. Alguém pega o anel de Drácula e recolhe um pouco de suas cinzas em uma ampola. Exatamente 100 anos depois alguns jovens, comandados por Johnny Alucard, fazem uma missa negra, sendo que uma das participantes era Jessica Van Helsing, descendente do caçador de vampiros. Como ela quase todos estavam ali de brincadeira, mas quando a cerimônia toma um rumo inesperado a maioria foge e não vê que Johnny ressuscitou Drácula, que imediatamente suga todo o sangue de Laura Bellows, a única do grupo além de Johnny que não partira. Johnny, com prazer, vê o mestre se saciar com sangue de Laura. Drácula agora quer se vingar dos descendentes de Van Helsing, sendo que o único que pode enfrentá-lo é o professor Van Helsing, o avô de Laura, que é um estudioso do assunto
Includes 'portraits' of Marianne Faithfull, Thelonious Monk and 28 others, some known, some less so.