Ana Ularu

Ana Ularu

Nascimento : 1985-06-26, Bucharest, Romania


Ana Ularu is a Romanian born actor and director. She began acting at the age of 9 in French productions like "Meurtres par procuration" and "Passion Mortelle". Since graduating with a B.A. and M.F.A. in Acting from the National University of Theatre and Film "I.L.Caragiale" (UNATC) in Bucharest, she has appeared in more than 50 short films, TV films, TV series and feature films. She is also an award winning theatre actress, appearing at the moment in 4 productions in her native Bucharest.. She acted in local films by Romanian New Wave directors like Cãlin Peter Netzer, Cristian Mungiu and Radu Muntean, but also in international productions by Academy Award winners Francis Ford Coppola, Susanne Bier and Ron Howard. In 2010, Ana received the 'Boccalino d'Oro' in Locarno and the 'Best Actress' award at the Thessaloniki Film Festival , as well as the "Best Actress Award" at the "Cinema City" Festival In Novi Sad for her portrayal of Matilda in Outbound (2010). She plays the Wicked Witch of the West in the NBC TV series Emerald City (2016). She starred in Siberia alongside Keanu Reeves. She now plays Eva Stellenbosch in the Amazon series Alex Rider and will be seen next in the Netflix production Tribes of Europa.


Ana Ularu
Ana Ularu
Ana Ularu
Ana Ularu
Ana Ularu
Ana Ularu


Doctor Marcu
Uma jovem noviça sai sorrateiramente de seu convento para tratar de um assunto que não pode ser adiado.
Death & The Knight
Secluded for ages inside his tower, a Knight is awoken from his slumber by a mysterious whisper.
Um comerciante de diamantes viaja da Rússia para a América para vender raras pedras azuis de origem questionável. À medida que seu negócio começa a entrar em colapso, ele passa a se envolver com uma russa, dona de um pequeno café na Sibéria. A paixão cresce e ele não consegue se livrar do negócio de diamantes, deixando brechas para que ambos entrem em colisão num ambiente sem saída.
Zoe finally met someone (Duncan) that she really cares about enough to introduce to her friends. Everybody seems to be excited for her and they’re trying their best to make Duncan feel at home, but Zoe has a secret. Her mood transforms the evening into the perfect opportunity for scandal and all the characters will get the chance to express how they really feel
Algumas semanas depois que sua esposa Ioana morre em um acidente de carro, bêbado e sozinho na noite em que ele completar 42 anos, Alexandru recebe uma visita. Sebastian, um homem tímido e mais jovem, é amante de Ioana nos últimos cinco meses. Sebastian tem um pedido ultrajante: ele quer Alexandru para ajudá-lo a superar o desespero causado pela morte de Ioana.
Lift Share
In Lift Share, two strangers, one desperate to find her child, the other reluctant to attend the funeral of his estranged violent father, imagine what might await them as they journey towards the haunting beauty of the Outer Hebrides and just maybe, a better future.
Samuel Salomon, a literature professor, has been off work for almost a year after the tragic death of his girlfriend. Samuel has been suffering from a recurring nightmare in which a woman is brutally murdered in a strange ritual. Suddenly, the same woman who appears every night in his dreams is found dead in exactly the same circumstances. Samuel sneaks into the crime scene and there he meets Rachel who has also dreamed about the murder. Together, they will do whatever they can to discover the identity of the mystery woman, entering a terrifying world controlled by the figures who have inspired artists throughout time: the Muses.
Após anos trabalhando como cobrador pessoal da máfia de sua cidade, Marley (Frederick Schmidt) comete um grande deslize ao, acidentalmente, matar uma mulher em uma de suas visitas. Tornando-se foragido tanto pela polícia quanto por outros mafiosos, ele deve aprender a lidar com o sentimento de culpa enquanto planeja uma maneira de fugir das ameaças.
O famoso simbologista Robert Langdon encontra um trilho de pistas que conduzem ao próprio Dante. Quando Langdon acorda, com amnésia, num hospital italiano alia-se a Sienna Brooks, uma médica que o ajudará a recuperar as suas memórias. Juntos eles correm pela Europa e contra o tempo para desvendar uma conspiração mortal à escala mundial.
Dias de Resistência
Um jovem advogado despretensioso conduz uma luta contra os nazistas perto do final da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
That Trip We Took with Dad
Dr. Sanda Berceanu
Romania, 1968. Two very different brothers. Mihai is a secret police informant, Emil is a dedicated dissident. When they have the opportunity to have their ailing father’s eyes operated on in East Germany, the three set out on a moving odyssey.
The Man Who Was Thursday
THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY is inspired by the existentialist novel of the same name by G.K. Chesterton (1908). The novel is considered a metaphysical thriller, and our film could be considered the same, though it also can be thought of in more classical cinematic terms a psychological and supernatural thriller.
A pioneering mind transfer procedure offers a quadriplegic soldier the chance of a new life... but at a terrible cost. The corporal finds himself in another part of the science facility with no idea how he got there. These time jumps escalate out of control climaxing with a horrific realization...
Chinese Lanterns
A beautiful garden. Three people. Complicated choices.
Camera Trap
A wildlife film crew pursue local sightings of a rare wildcat in Central Asia using high-tech camera equipment.
One girl. One car. One night. No coincidence.
Index Zero
2035, United States of Europe. Some humans are not sustainable anymore.
A história se passa em 1929 e é sobre os recém-casados George e Serena Pemberton. George, dono de um negócio madeireiro, já tinha vivido no campo, onde teve um filho com outra mulher. Serena, por sua vez, é nova na vida campestre e se prova tão competente quanto qualquer homem, inclusive salvando a vida de um dos homens que trabalhavam para seu marido. No entanto, ao se descobrir estéril, Serena decide que deve matar o filho que George teve com outra mulher.
A Very Unsettled Summer
A man becomes lured into a fictional game his ex-girlfriend has initiated. Sexually ensnared by her, and now realizing the fragility of the border between the real and the imagined, he begins to unravel. He convinces himself that if he can only write an ending to his life story, he can regain control of his life. But playing with fiction is not an innocent game…
I'm an Old Communist Hag
The film tells the story of a generation that cannot adapt to the reality post-revolution. Nostalgic Emilia tries to keep alive the golden age.
Lobisomem: A Besta Entre Nós
Quando uma monstruosa criatura apavora um vilarejo nas noites de luar, o jovem Daniel convence um grupo de treinados caçadores de lobisomens a deixá-lo participar de sua captura. À medida que os moradores são atacados um a um e transformados em monstros vorazes, Daniel começa a recear que o monstro seja alguém mais próximo do que podia imaginar.
Diaz: Política e Violência
Diaz - Política e Violência reconstrói com brutal e chocante realismo os eventos acontecidos durante o último dia do encontro do G8 de 2001, em Gênova, quando mais de 300 policiais atacaram a escola Diaz, buscando ativistas em protesto. O resultado foi uma explosão de cruel e descontrolada violência.
Matilda takes a one-day release from jail to attend her mother’s funeral, with no intention of returning. The clock is ticking as Matilda tries one last time to get help from her family and is forced to confront her troubled past.
Anaconda 4
Um cientista testa um soro regenerativo em um filhote de anaconda que sofre uma mutação e acaba matando pessoas. Com isso, Amanda e sua equipe tentam destruir a poção para impedir que a espécie faça novas vítimas.
The Paper Will Be Blue
Out of enthusiasm, a Militia soldier abandons his platoon and decides to fight for the cause of the Revolution. His Lieutenant and the rest of the crew look for him during the confused night of 22-23 December 1989.
Lost and Found
Tatiana (segment "Turkey Girl")
Six young filmmakers from Central and East Europe developed shorts about the theme of "generation".
Family Album
Mircea Moraru, the owner of a Romanian media giant, gets involved into politics, in order to lower the financial deficit of his company. As the elections draw closer, attention is focused on the suspicions which arose shortly after Moraru stepped into the life of politics, regarding some financial misconducts. Moraru has to resist the siege, lead by two of his former friends and associates, who are trying to take advantage of the situation and remove him from his leading position in the company. This is yet another battle for Moraru, who sticks to his principles, even though they had cost him his family.
Two reasonably young girls want to leave their home town and go to work abroad. However, their dreams are quickly shattered by the cold truth of reality and they find out that every dream must have its cost.
Damen tango
Nothing seems to threaten the quiet and happy life of Alexandra and Mircea, a couple who's both admired and envied: love, successful careers, and wealth. And nothing seems to ever threaten the very special relation between a renowned university teacher and one her most gifted student, Alexandra and Corina: two women, two friends who, against the age gap, share the same goals, the same interests. Even the same love interests. Until one day, when the sensibility is stronger than the reason. And all of a sudden, everything that seemed certain, such as friendship, loyalty, love and devotion, turns into a terrible hate.
Quando uma criança rouba velas do cemitério a fim de arranjar algum meio de iluminação à sua família abrigada numa cave húmida de um bloco de apartamentos, esta circunstância pode dizer muito sobre o sofrimento imposto pelo período de transição de tempo na Roménia. Esta criança é um dos sete que Maria tem. Ela é uma mulher comum de 33 anos de idade, cujo marido (Ion) está desempregado e se tornou um bêbado e age violentamente, talvez por causa do seu desespero e falta de perspetivas.
Meurtres par procuration
Lionel suffers from severe memory loss as a result of an accident. Inspector Corona accuses him of the brutal murder of a law student with whom he had a relationship.