Martha Issová

Martha Issová

Nascimento : 1981-03-22, Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic)


Martha Issová
Martha Issová
Martha Issová
Martha Issová
Martha Issová


My Sunny Maad
When Herra, a young Czech woman, falls in love with Nazir, an Afghan, she has no idea what kind of life awaits her in post-Taliban Afghanistan, nor of the family she is about to integrate into. A liberal grandfather, an adopted child who is highly intelligent and Freshta, who would do anything to escape her husband's violent grip.
Até os Ratos Merecem o Céu
Um filme sobre dois inimigos mortais - um pequeno Ratinho e uma Raposa, que após um infeliz acidente, se encontram no paraíso animal. Eles perdem seus instintos naturais e se tornam melhores amigos. Seu desejo de ficar juntos depois de retornar à Terra se torna realidade, mas eles renascem em papéis opostos. Graças ao poder da amizade eles podem até superar o que parece ser impossível.
Dana Zátopková
Autumn 1968, the Australian running record holder Ron Clarke is coming to Prague, hoping that his old friend and role model, Emil Zátopek, the most famous Czech athlete of all time, will help him overcome the biggest crisis of his career.
A história de um grupo de escoteiros judeus que trabalharam com a resistência francesa para salvar as vidas de dez mil órfãos durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
O Zoológico de Varsóvia
Regina Kenigswein
Polônia, 1939. O zoológico de Varsóvia é mantido sob o comando de Jan Zabinski e cuidados de Antonina, sua esposa. Quando o país é invadido pelos nazistas, eles são forçados a se reportar para o zoologista, Lutz Heck. Logo, Jan e Antonina começam a trabalhar com a resistência e planejam salvar centenas de vidas ameaçadas pela invasão.
Os Sete Corvos
Baseado em dois contos de fadas dos irmãos Grimm - Os Sete Corvos e Os Seis Cisnes. Uma jovem chamada Bohdanka cresceu acreditando ser filha única, então descobre que tinha sete irmãos que foram transformados em corvos por sua mãe. Ela Tenta salvar os seus irmãos dessa maldição. É uma história de coragem, perseverança e do amor verdadeiro.
The Hussites
What if the events in a key era in our history were actually completely different than what our history textbooks try to tell us? What if Master Jan Hus didn't even get warm in Constance, let alone burn up? What if Jan Zizka had more than one healthy eye? This animated comedy from director Pavel Koutský playfully breaks the myths about the Hussite era as the pedestal of history is occupied not by preachers and military leaders but by two unbelievable scatterbrains, who become the heroes of their time against their will.
Čtyřlístek ve službách krále
pošťačka (voice)
In the Shadow
In the former Czechoslovakia, 1950s, police captain Hakl investigates a jewelery robbery. An opened safe deposit leads to a known burglar. What seems an easy case soon starts to tangle. When he is called off the case, he continues on his own. The investigation leads him onto thin ice. Can he beat a stronger enemy and save his family and his own life?
Líbáš jako ďábel
Černá díra
Černá díra
Kouzelná tetička Valentýna
Mamas & Papas
Operação Danúbio
No mês de agosto de 1968 uma unidade do exército da República Popular da Polônia é enviada em uma "missão de ajuda fraterna" para a Tchecoslováquia. A unidade avança lentamente e seu tanque "Joaninha" desaparece logo após cruzar a fronteira. A suboficial Grążlowa (Eva Halubova), acompanhada por seu marido ciumento, pega uma moto e conduz uma perseguição tentando evitar ser punida pela bagunça de sua unidade. Ao mesmo tempo, ela quer pegar e humilhar seu amante, Romek (Przemyslaw Bluszcz), que havia a humilhado pouco antes da invasão.
You Kiss Like a God
A romantic comedy about love and life of young French teacher Helena.
O bílé paní
Depois do que o seu namorado largou ela inesperadamente por estar paquerando com a sua melhor amiga, Ofka (Martha Issová) se pergunta pelo que realmente importa na vida. Cheia de problemas, não leva em conta que o seu melhor amigo Ubr (Jiří Mádl) está apaixonado por ela. Ofka trabalha na noite em uma loja 24 horas, o que a aproxima com personagens únicas. Mas, inclusive essas experiências estranhas não parecem comovê-la de nenhum jeito, até que uma noite a loja é roubada. Esse assalto sacude Ofka do seu letargo e faz com que ela tenha um novo olhar do mundo. - See more at:
Little Girl Blue
Julie is a woman who seemingly has everything. A handsome husband, teenage daughter and a thriving, undemanding job as a translator and now even a new dream house ... But she also has a secret that is slowly changing her idyllic life...
Psí kus
"I'm feeling like a dog, doctor". Mr. Ota Posta is not feeling very well lately, deprived and humiliated like a dog he turns into one.
A love story which unfolds over three days and nights on the outskirts of the metropolis. Seventeen-year-old Ema (Dorota Nvotová) breaks up with 'dude' Viktor (Lukás Latinák), has a fling with future pilot Karel (Mário Kubas), and meets a real man (Ondrej Vetchý), a taxi driver without a taxi. In the tangle of relationships, the characters sometimes have an opportunity to share their feelings, but sometimes they simply pass each other by. The story is told through Ema's eyes as she observes the world around her while searching for love, fun, and joy. But she's not the only one looking for happiness, nor the only one who finds it hard to avoid hurting others in the process. Ema's abandoned mother (Jana Hubinská) looks for another chance for love, while Karel's parents try to put long-lost meaning back into their marriage.
Waterloo po česku
Otec neznámý aneb cesta do hlubin duše výstrojního náčelníka
Comedy about soldiers.
O princezně, která nesměla na slunce
We Have Never Been Modern
Sympathetically modern for its time - it was 1937 - is the approach of a young factory director in the middle of a growing Bata-style town in the picturesque foothills of the majestic Tatra Mountains. But make no mistake, the protagonist is his wife Helena (Eliška Křenková). However, the determined gaze of the aspiring doctor, who is about to give birth soon, into her dream family future is suddenly overshadowed by the discovery of a dead body of a newborn baby in the courtyard of the pulsating factory. Helen's innate empathy, amplified by another condition, is not satisfied with a conspicuously quick solution to the mystery. A gripping detective drama with a progressive and deeply human take on a controversial subject not only just before the unsuspected war but decades later.
Background Events
Vojtěch Bohdanovský and Soňa Kostková are siblings. Both teach at the Palacký University in Olomouc and both are experiencing a crisis in their marriage: Vojta and his 5-year-old son are left by Vojta's wife, while Soňa faces her husband's infidelity and eternal neglect. Vojta writes detective stories in his spare time. Soňa, inspired by him, publishes a very successful erotic novel Background of Events under a pseudonym. The ambitious Alice Klusová is elected to the position of dean of the Faculty of Philosophy. In an effort to eradicate all manifestations of surviving sexist stereotypes at the school, educators and students who cross the imaginary ethical boundary come into its crosshairs. The situation at the university escalates when a sexually motivated murder of a female student occurs. 35-year-old criminologist Lída Stehlíková, who is in a relationship with a woman with whom she is expecting a child, is tasked with investigating the case.