Peter Stewart


The Buskers + Lou
Determined to build a new life for himself, a young man returns home to find work and a place to live and struggles to not fall back in with his old crowd.
Thirteen Erotic Ghosts
When a Reality-Based TV crew arrives at the creepy old "Waufle House School for Wayward Girls" to prove once and for all if the place is really haunted by the restless Ghosts of Young Lovelies, they get quite an eye-full. Armed with special GHOST-GOGGLES that allow them to see the spirits up close and personal, the crew slowly succumbs to the charms of the Lusting Dead. You will too as you don y
A Fantástica Fábrica de Chocolate
Um garoto pobre ganha o direito de visitar a fábrica de chocolates do excêntrico Willy Wonka. Acompanhado por seu avô e quatro crianças mimadas, ele vive aventuras inesquecíveis e aprende uma importante lição.